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What you addicted to ??

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Guest helloimtim

I believe most humans have something they hate to live without. It does not have to be drugs, beer, or anything bad. It can be anything. Exercise,Tv,Church,Food,Sex,TV So on and son on.What is your Number One addicition. The one thing that living without would drive you nuts.

Mine would Pepsi.

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Anything computer related really. I always find myself tweaking, decompiling/recompiling, downloading, or evaluating a program. I can't go into a store without hitting the electronics section before I leave (always looking for that next piece of new hardware to test out).

I'm addicted to technology! :D When I'm at the house, most of my time is usually consumed from being on the computer.

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I believe most humans have something they hate to live without. It does not have to be drugs, beer, or anything bad. It can be anything. Exercise,Tv,Church,Food,Sex,TV So on and son on.What is your Number One addicition. The one thing that living without would drive you nuts.

Mine would Pepsi.

Are you sure you're not addicted to TV? You put it twice,  :haha:


I'd say I'm addicted to the internet. E-mail, testmy.net  :D and such.

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Anything computer related really. I always find myself tweaking, decompiling/recompiling, downloading, or evaluating a program. I can't go into a store without hitting the electronics section before I leave (always looking for that next piece of new hardware to test out).

I'm addicted to technology! :D When I'm at the house, most of my time is usually consumed from being on the computer.

My thoughts EXACTLY i am always on my pc or using my digital camera or something new with technology

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From mountaindew.com

"Yellow Dye #5 is an additve that has been used since 1916 in a many popular products like skim milk, yogurt, and macaroni and cheese. It's fullyapproved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food and soft drinks and, as such, is completely safe for consumers. If you want more information on the FDA's website at http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/colorfac.html. As for any other rumors you may hear regarding Yellow Dye #5, you can rest assured that they are completely false. From time to time these misleadig rumors circulate throughout the country and it is difficult to say why or how they began. I can assure you that we would never allow harmful ingredients to be included in our soft drinks."

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From mountaindew.com

"Yellow Dye #5 is an additve that has been used since 1916 in a many popular products like skim milk, yogurt, and macaroni and cheese. It's fullyapproved by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food and soft drinks and, as such, is completely safe for consumers. If you want more information on the FDA's website at http://www.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/colorfac.html. As for any other rumors you may hear regarding Yellow Dye #5, you can rest assured that they are completely false. From time to time these misleadig rumors circulate throughout the country and it is difficult to say why or how they began. I can assure you that we would never allow harmful ingredients to be included in our soft drinks."

Thats what they said about red dye #2 back in the late 60's early 70's................  Oh well, gotta dye from somethin' 

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LoL did you know it reduces sperm count?

Me would be Internet and Computers, without them I'm nothing :D

Yeah, so did Surge and Jolt and blah and blah and so on...Besides, if it actually did, even if it were by a couple billion each emission, I'd be safe, real good.  :haha:

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