DJVageli Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 I would like to see a list of the countries that send aid to the Katrina victims.Since some countries said the USA did not send enough to the Tsunami victims of Indonesia.I'm betting the same countries send nothing to aid Katrina's victims.So if anyone sees aid from a foreign country post it. Off the soap box .My thoughts & prayers are with the victims of Katrina. Here you go,probably more countries than you thought,and alot of them very poor,but still helping.,0,2209962.story?coll=nyc-topheadlines-queens&track=rss Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyperspace Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 Here you go,probably more countries than you thought,and alot of them very poor,but still helping.,0,2209962.story?coll=nyc-topheadlines-queens&track=rss "By Friday, offers also had been received from Russia, Japan, Canada, Honduras, Germany, Jamaica, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Mexico, China, South Korea, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, New Zealand, Guatemala, Paraguay, Belgium, Singapore, Italy, Guyana, Indonesia, Austria, Lithuania, Spain, Norway and Bahamas." Wow! That Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hyperspace Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 But now you're guilty of it too. I Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
euskir Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 You must add Venezuela to the list. I think they were the first ones. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RTB Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 <snip>the Netherlands,<snip> Not that surprising. We have a lot of experience with disasters like this one, unfortunately. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cak46 Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 Well read a little more and you might find it. Maybe you missed my second post ? It just upset me to take a post like this and turn it in to a chance to flame our president. If they were to put blame in the right direction it should have been towards the governors of those states that did nothing for the first 24 Hours. And I am not a mod, does that mean I can't voice my opinion ? Are you a MOD ?.......NO.......So why are you jumping my ass.....brownie points, just don't like me, nothing better to do? Sorry I may have pissed anybody off, but too bad. Your sarcastic attitude really helps doesn't it. I have only been on this site for about 3 months, but have not got in to it with anybody, and all I have tried to do is help others the best I can. So I make one comment that you and probably others didn't like, and you are going to try and start up with me, I have seen so many people say so much crap out here and nothing is said because they are in the "in crowd" It all boils down to the fact that I never had anything bad to say about you or anybodt else out here, so get off my ass....... Not getting on your ass, Myriagon. I just did not see anything that was flaming the president and wanted clarification. The second part was a joke.... see the laughing face there........ Don't be so sensitive. BTW: Me, in........... I don't think so.......... Cholla: I've heard they're trucking alot of bottled water to Louisana from here. Is that a critical need, since you're in the area thought you might have a better idea as to what is critical. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 cak46 :I sure water is needed because in this situation there really is no clean water.The military may have gotten some water purification units but the really don't have a good way to wash containers so the bottled water will definately help.What do they say if your healthy & not to thin you can go 40days without food but 4 or 5 without water & not that in the heat. I guess I am in the surrounding area and there are victims closer than New Orleans some are supposed to come here to Amarillo's civic center.Amarillo is about 900 miles from New Orleans. DJVangelis: I am suprised to see the foreign country list but I only saw 2 that had a dollar amount.I understand Bush turned down 2 planes full of supplies from Russia.I guess he didn't need them. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
resopalrabotnick Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 well, this is a flame, but against whom, i don't know. it's just that someone messed up BIG in the evac of new orleans. if they can get one bus in to the stadiums, then they can get any number in. it took me 30 seconds to come up with the following plan, why in the hell didn't someone else have the same idea? take EVERY school bus from the neighboring states, enough around to make sure you use only ones from not affected areas, send it to new orleans. load it up with people, drive it back to where it came from. by having buses make one trip achieves the following: 1. they move about 60 people each. (stripping out the seats to move litters, easily loaded thgrough the emerg door at rear, 30 minutes with a ratchet. to move the sick/injured) 2. they go to the schools they are normally assigned to. the schools have rooms/gyms for the number of students the buses carry, so enough to provide shelter. also the schools have showers, plumbing, cafeteria etc. 3. medical facilities in the towns they are taken to are enough to take care of the students, so basic medical care should be available for the refugees. easy to spread even the 80k people that were stranded among enough schools, people have at least basic needs, are out of disaster area. just my $0.02 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 resopalrabotnick : I did post & suggest the schools I didn't go into as much detail but think it is a good idea for the same reasons.The school buses are a good idea.Might have to have some fuel trucks along the route with the ability to refuel the school busses.I think the ability to refuel was one of the problems .I'm sure more debri has been cleared from roads by now too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DJVageli Posted September 3, 2005 CID Share Posted September 3, 2005 cak46 :I sure water is needed because in this situation there really is no clean water.The military may have gotten some water purification units but the really don't have a good way to wash containers so the bottled water will definately help.What do they say if your healthy & not to thin you can go 40days without food but 4 or 5 without water & not that in the heat. I guess I am in the surrounding area and there are victims closer than New Orleans some are supposed to come here to Amarillo's civic center.Amarillo is about 900 miles from New Orleans. DJVangelis: I am suprised to see the foreign country list but I only saw 2 that had a dollar amount.I understand Bush turned down 2 planes full of supplies from Russia.I guess he didn't need them. Yea dont worry about it,I just wanted to post something,so you had given me something to talk about Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 I was in hurricane andrew outside of miami it took ous 5 days to get help to us while miami 10 mins away was almost fully operational and we were not in water up to our necks So is the help slow NO!!!!!!!!!!! Things like this just take sometime they for one needed to pick up every fucking tree limb in the road in order to get and trust me thats the best way to get stuff from point A to point B in an emergency cars and trucks. Helicopters cant carry shit and their to slow Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 tdawnaz & cak46: The need for the blood is not so much for the victims they haven't been getting medical supplies or medical help ( at least yesterday it may have improved by today).The blood shortage will be caused by the blood collection centers in the hurricane area not being able to collect blood as they usually do(for the obvious reasons).When no blood from an area this large is being collected it creates a shortage nationwide. cholla: ...blood is needed... please get the facts straight...the stores in that area are destroyed (can't be used)...besides the fact that none can be collected...and the stores have to come from elsewhere for those that come from the effected area that use blood products on a regular basis...all blood products aren't used for trauma...but there are those too...this is too important of an issue to argue...BLOOD KEEPS US ALL GOING...and it's in critically short supply...what i said is roll up ur sleeve and donate...don't rationalize it...just do it...some say "there's not much i can do...but give money or food..." and what i said was roll up ur sleeves and donate...we've even had to use the products that are intended for the united now u see it effects them to...blood donation is my business...i'm just trying to let people know about this very simple, life saving, easy, rewarding thing that they can do... and yes blood is being used in the effected areas. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
euskir Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 Get real... The situation is hell. No enough food, water or medical supplies. It's not time to ask why? Maybe later, not now.... You can find links to help everywhere... Or start here Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bones_McGhee Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 The mother in law is alright and has finally been able to call us and tell us that she and the pets are all ok. Her house isn't there anymore, but atleast she is ok, so no one can be too sad. She lived uptown, really no where near the 9th ward or Canal Street/The French Quartet. She got to Texas and is staying with friends until she moves in with her sister, since there will be no going home, ever, for her. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
euskir Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 Well Bones, nice to hear some good news...I'm praying to see a CSS of good news. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cak46 Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 The mother in law is alright and has finally been able to call us and tell us that she and the pets are all ok. Her house isn't there anymore, but atleast she is ok, so no one can be too sad. She lived uptown, really no where near the 9th ward or Canal Street/The French Quartet. She got to Texas and is staying with friends until she moves in with her sister, since there will be no going home, ever, for her. Thats good news that she was able to get out! A nephew of my boss lived in the devastated area and he got out ok too. Let's hope all who wanted to get out but could not survived.Mother nature has been having her way with us for the past couple of years. The Tsunami's, and now this........... Hopefully these things don't come in three's and it will abate for 30 years or so. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 tdawnaz : I am not in the blood business so I won't claim to have expertise in the supply & demand of the Blood collection & distribution industry.I think my post said that Katrina created a nationwide shortage.To me that means more donations are needed from the rest of the country. At the time I posted I was hearing that prescription medicine like heart medicine wasn't available to people there .This made me doubt that blood or blood products were available either especially with no electricty for refrigeration to store them.Or hospitals in operation .This has probably changed by now.& there are probably blood products that don't need refridgeration I really don't know. To me "shortage nationwide" is equal to saying there is a need for increased donation across the country I did point out that the majority of the increasd donation would not be going to the Katrina victims. But to make up for the shortage caused by the stores being destroyed in the Katrina area & donations not coming from the Katrina area.So I think my facts were pretty strait at the time of my post especially for someone not in the blood collection business. If anyone thought that meant not to donate then they misread what I posted.I would like to end with this so there is no misunderstanding. THERE IS A BLOOD SHORTAGE SO DONATE Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
euskir Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba, is offering some help. Including a special medical task force of one hundred speciailist in emergencies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted September 4, 2005 CID Share Posted September 4, 2005 Dumbass people should have left given the DAYS of warning they had. I know theres some kids and old people that cant but most of them could have. Then they start shooting at helicopters there to help them, some of my EMS friends went down and had their boat and supplies stole at gun point, they are raping women shooting people and looting for profit. Thats all I have to say about that. Post edited due to a special request from someone I respect. I still feel deeply about this and my opinion remains unchanged. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted September 5, 2005 CID Share Posted September 5, 2005 Shug7272 : Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted September 5, 2005 CID Share Posted September 5, 2005 Ya your right, but I guarantee you the people we see out looting and acting like fools are healthy enough to go. If your to poor get a job. If you cant get a job sell your TV, do something to get outta town for crying out loud. Like I said I know some were unable to leave but cmon. If your cities on the coast AND below sea level and a big hurricane is comming you do what you have to to leave. And people can flame me I don't care but they better do it in PM and not on the board. And as far as criminals everywhere your right. But I dont remember hearing of this crap in the tsunami. I know I didnt hear of them shooting at people there to help them and raping women. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted September 5, 2005 CID Share Posted September 5, 2005 A good many of the "poor" have a job.Everyone can't get a good job.When I go to a store I'm glad there are clerks to check me out & they don't say sorry we can't sell you anything we don't have any clerks.Multiply that to all the stores then when you couldn't buy anything what good would a job that paid well do. People with low paying jobs work ;a lot of times harder than people with better paying jobs.I am glad they have the jobs they do it would be pretty hard to live in a country if the only job was stock broker.Unfortunatly these people barely get by & a trip out of townfor any reason is beyond their means. If where you are leaving to means you are going to live on the street because you don't have money for a motel at least not for more than a couple of days its hard to leave too. On what we didn't hear about all the things that happenend in the tsinami like the Katrina unless we are there or know someone that was we only hear what the media tells us.The below sea level in the USA is crazy probably necessary for industrial business related to shipping in a port that size but no residental areas allowed below sea level.Anyway Shug I'm taking the other side & playing the devil's advocate . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted September 5, 2005 CID Share Posted September 5, 2005 Yes some are hard workers some aren't. I work 80 hours a week to support my family and before I went to college I worked 3 (FRICKING THREE) jobs just so my wife wouldn't have to work. We believe one parent should stay home with the children, thats just us most people I know don't believe that anymore. There is work out there if you want it. May not be pretty but they are there. If ones not enough get two, if thats not enough get another one. As you can tell, excuses don't make it far in my household. And hell I enjoy a good debate, argument whatever you want to call it so post on brother. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted September 5, 2005 CID Share Posted September 5, 2005 please don't fight over this... ...everyone has an outtake on this situation...this isn't a debate Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cholla Posted September 6, 2005 CID Share Posted September 6, 2005 tdawnaz : Shug & me aren't fighting over this Or anything else that I know of.I'm not mad & i don't think Shug is either.Most point of views have been expressed by now so we are debating a little no harm done. Shug I would say you are in the minority 80 hours a week.Thats probably what it takes to have your wife not work I better add work outside the home to that.Then at least I won't be in the doghouse for saying"wife wouldn't have to work" I don't know if two or three jobs per person were available in New Orleans or not.Might have been for a person willing to do anything. Some things are excuses & some are reasons.Sometimes there the same thing & sometimes not.There is something to be said for not being too judgemental until you have walked a mile in another mans' shoes.Of course that doesn't always hold true because I don't want to walk that mile if the man is a murderer or rapist .So its not always possible.So much for the philosophy Peace brother Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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