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That's it... just happy Halloween -- what are you guys dressing up as this year?

hehe, right now one of my friends who is a sales person for quest communications is having me dress up in Qwests mascott suit (I guess it's a big dog suit  :whaa:) and I'm going to dance around where he works for fun... haha, shut up I'm bored... it's gunna be fun  :D

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if any of you are driving around make sure you be careful with kids' they come out of nowhere and give you a good scare' a group of trick or treaters just crossed the street in front of me without warning and scared the hell out of me' good thing i was driving at 25 mph and was able to stop scarring them too'

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WOW i cant beleve they postponed halloween........HOW did they get the word out?

It was all over the news.

The mayor came on and said "I know I can't officially postpone Halloween, but wait for a couple of days so your kids don't freeze", or something of that nature.

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at least those kids got to have fun!! when i was a kid it used to be a fun to me'  now its not the same but i like to see the kids playing and having a good time with their costumes and of course i love  stealing my favorite candies from them with the excuse that I'm getting rid of bad and suspicious candy' lol'h

Here is a pic of my nephew as Batman

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