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What i use really depends on the kind of file i'm trying to see/watch.

Usually it's MMJ 6.10 for mp3 files, and ms mediaplayer 10 for other things, sometimes quicktime after stripping out itunes, i don't want that on my pc anymore, especially with that pesky ipodhelper that seems to be always on and a memory hog.

Strange that apple is allowed to ship qtime and itunes in one file, so you can't get one without the other...

I use Musicmatch 10 (memory hog but oh well) for music

Nero Showtime for dvd's wmp 9 (10 sucks) for all other video formats

1500 +++ songs about 50 vids

favarite place to get music Allofmp3.com

Russian lop-hole there is no jurisdiction on it's legality (but they have not arrested or charge anyone for downloading music of there) :?: There going to trial in 07 i think in the mean time i will be downloading cheap albums off of there.

They have great service u can download in any of the popular format and in several bitrates ;) (something i wish one of those legal music programs did :icon_pale: )

no limits to burns

Cheap prices(most songs are a nickel with most albums at a $1.50 :)

(beat that Itunes)

And it is honest (no id theft)

So anyway there u go.

<a href="http://www.winamp.com">winamp 5</a> (classic skin-mode) for music . . . have like over 4,500 high quality music files

<a href="http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Real_Alternative.htm">real alternative</a> for real player files . . .

<a href="http://www.free-codecs.com/download/QuickTime_Alternative.htm">quicktime alternative</a> for quicktime movie files . . .

wmp10 for avi, wmv files . . .

<a href="http://www.itunes.com">itunes 6</a> for mac formats . . .

dvds . . . wmp or windvd

use divx some but not a lot :) don't know the amount of movies I have . . . too tired to count . . . lol

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