bicycles in the post your ride section, ok. but 2CVs i think push the definition of "ride".
2k3 ford explorer 2wd 4.0 V6
i would definitely purchase one again. who else would buy their current ride vehicle (to incluse a certain brit) again?
but do the rights the song has (they can vary) allow you to burn it to cd?
plus you would be doubling the loss. it's already compressed. then it gets burnt and recompressed.
the only explanation i can come up with is that you have a dual bios that keeps a safe copy in the second one which is flashed to the prime when power is pulled. or it might be something completely different.
nothing wrong with using 98 se. it runs, it's resource friendly and especially on a notebook it's a good solution if all the progs you want to run run on 98.
don't know how well equipped best buys service departments are. grab the yellow pages, call around. the small shops that do their own repairs and upgrading might have one lying around. (if you have a working comp you can look for plans on the web and build one yourself if you have average electronics skills. they aren't too complex and radio shack should have the parts)
essentially what you are looking at is a dead board.
someting went wrong while you were flashing the bios and now the computer does not have its basic i/o system to help it get booted. you will need to find a buddy that has a rom flasher to fix the rom chip you have or purchase a replacement from the board mfr.
looks to me to be the sub of a x.1 rig. so you need to run the speaker wire from the x.1 amp to it. the spinning thing is probably some kind of clamping mechanism (like a drill chuck?) to hold the wire in more securey than those plastic clamps. just turn it leftwise. that will prolly open it. insert wire and turn right. if i'm right you should feel some resistance starting as it clamps down.
well, solve it this way. as the message for your voicemail put something that sounds from the network, like
"we are sorry, we are experiencing technical difficulties and all cirtcuits are busy at the moment. please try to contact the number you have dialed at a later time."