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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. leave it to cholla to go all out on us
  2. are u experixing lag when u change screens/windows????? or when opening programs if not then your ram is fine and dont worry about it most of those raw tweekers are nothing but scams al they do is make more virtual ram
  3. Fredom more hardcore lol The freedom to express yourself without being look down on or judge the freedom to be weird or as hardcore as u want to be to go to all the shows u want to c all the bands u want to c without a stupid curfew thats hardcore freedom remember i live in austin whose to mottos are the live music capital of the world and keep austin weird so u got to have hardcore freedom
  4. should had done a soccer one during the world cup
  5. Im more addicted to this site than myspace!!!!!!!!!!!!! i give it 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999%%%%%%%%%%%% the 20.111111111111111111111111111111111111111111%%%%%%%%%%%% i reverve for the awasome ppl in here
  6. I party hard this last week I went to vegas so just give me a few days to sleep in and get off of my 24/7 rutunie i aquired in vegas and i will b ok summer was good ROCKING OUT AND PARTYING ALL DAY but i still want some hardcore freedom ANYWAY IM GOOD TO GO
  7. have u tried a virus scan and adware scan because of the big unstable speed i would infer u got some of malicious code draining your bandwith
  8. put linux on that k6 or run a server k6 rock on that
  9. yeh linux rcks not myb fav distro but its a good choice
  10. i bet if it would had been a better looking dude like a model or something he would have had 100% of them sing it even if they knew what they were signing
  11. http://www.break.com/top_rated/suffrage.html A Recognzed school and these girls are giving away there right to vote Some say "Its Really Bad" Its Funny how the blond girl say "NO!" The Last Part is really funny Teach your kids the meaning Suffrage Luckuly i know the meaning so no stupid dude with a fancy mic and camara would get me2 sing it
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5ul6iz_lCU&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fevdo%2Dcoverage%2Eblogspot%2Ecom%2F2005%2F06%2Fevdo%2Dlightning%2Drod%2Djolts%2Dv620%2Dv650%2Dand%2Ehtml This is how i act without internet So how long have u gone without internet and how did u manage
  13. I finnlly c some1 showing some pride in here for linux Go LINUX!!!!!!!
  14. Yeah it Keeps Fowarding me on up
  15. Or you can look for a music video code of the song post band and song name and i will c if i can get u a code
  16. Yeah The Fray Rock There Fom Austin so they are always around here i ran into the lead singer once at a store i justwave at him i did not want to b rude
  17. The Psp is a great Networking tool it allows me to asily walk around and let me knw how far my WiFi Signal is going out but i cant run a speed test here because it only has a limit of 2048 kb so can any1 make a test maybe of 500k ??? also can there b a forum here for the psp and the things u an do with it online>>>>>???? Plz
  18. god damn Verizon Plz Come To austin!!!!!!!!!!! Come on we rival Silicon valley on Technology savy user and we r the most wired place in Nation We Neeed YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sbc Is a Rip Off Compare to u Guys Come to Austin and San antonio And Kill Sbc at Its Source Since Sbc Or att As they are call now hometown is austin and San antonio
  19. Yeah Dos was copy from ibm i think
  20. Yeah Networking is a psain in the @$$ Y do u think they charge so much oset up netwok?
  21. Dark06


    Thats trhe notebook right???? If it is i dont knw maybe $500 Eh $550 if your pushing it Just keep it Laptops are woth nothing 2 secounds after they leave the box they came in y? Because they are more vulnable than desktops Ppl move em around u drop em the screen gets scrath Things that normally dont happen to desktops ECT ECT
  22. it was sarcassam guys i had never seen him ask a question before
  23. damn Try Running a few server on that at lest use the upload im begging for 1 mb up here
  24. Jusr leave it at that man u running at Over your planas it is u would not want to mess it up
  25. yeah thats as good as u gona get
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