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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. Every email has a 20mb file limit, so I would guess that this is the actual upload file limit..
  2. Total Members: 14995 .. 5 more to go.. So noone picked today as the day when the marvelous milestone of 15 000 users is?
  3. I use it to store the programs I make and the 7zip .exe file
  4. I would say search for some company that offers VDSL.. It has same upload and download speeds.. Otherwise cable and dsl providers generally offer low upload speed, as compared to the package's download speeds.
  5. 43 more to go.. Its either today or tomorrow
  6. Try FireFox if you don't have it. Personally for me, FF is the best browser!
  7. I never was aware of that thing.. Thanks for sharing
  8. I think when you go into different mirrors from the download test, some of the mirrors include larger test files.. You have to switch to that mirror first though.. Download Test -> Test Mirrors -> Choose one that has a big test file
  9. They should up it a bit.. At least to 768.. Why did I vote what the hell is that?
  10. Does that mean low price because of the ads or free because of the ads?
  11. I'll guess 2.3 x 10^3 days
  12. What is BellSouth Extreme's current upload limit?
  13. What is your advertised internet speed by the way? Because my internet is advertised as 3 mbit but I get 2.7 always
  14. I hope they do turn into an ISP .. I would love to get that Internet (for a fairly reasonable price of course )
  15. Lets see what the hype is all about!!
  16. And if you make it hidden to guests, I would laugh :haha:
  17. Those speeds are far better now.. Now your upload speed is what your download speed was before.. Cablenut modifies Windows registry to make Windows accept faster connections in simple terms.. It configures your registry with the optimal settings for your connection type.. Someone got the link to VanBuren's cablenut tweak files?
  18. Or http://www.liutilities.com
  19. My Hotmail works fine.. I had that problem once with Gmail when I tried signing in from a school computer.. I'm guessing that its the computer's fault.. Have you tried signing in from another computer?
  20. that internet would be so sweet!!!
  21. Hijackthis is used on all spyware help forums that I know of to simplify the process of determining what is causing the problem.. It has been around for a long time and from my own usage, it works perfect!
  22. Try going into Network Security -> WiFi Detection and then click on Connected Computers.. Lets see if it recognizes any computers as connected to your network
  23. On their website, more search results than basic is included as one of the features that pro has
  24. I got the same thing.. Direct Connection setting with an SMC router.. Works fine for everything, and it was like that by default I think..
  25. Do you have a router installed? Maybe Trend Micro blocks the attempts of the router or hub to connect to your pc and therefore enable that pc to connect to the internet..
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