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  1. or the person with an actual degree in maybe IT over a person with a cert
  2. ive found hard drive partitioning to be useful....its an inexpensive way to have lets say a complete windows xp image backup in case something goes wrong - that way im up and running in under half an hour with the same settings before the incident.....of course, having another hard drive is better, but sometimes we just don't feel like coughing up a dime or even a more common use of a multiple partition setup....keep coppies of all programs you install on a 2nd partition, so when ( it will LOL) windows goes crazy you can restore quickly ...thats my take on it...i find it useful
  3. same here.....in my experience i found a+ to be useless....
  4. http://google.com
  5. dude....vista is not xp + 50 dollars worth of eye candy
  6. cox power boost
  7. either way, its cheap
  8. ....just sharing this very cheap cheap ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820211066 ...damn, thats cheap..seems to be pretty decent too - i remember 2-3 or 4 !? months ago that you could not find something this for under 180
  9. there are 2-3 at least....same exact topic and use
  10. .....id upgrade the ram too :0)
  11. its consistent for me too when doing the 12mb test....with a larger test, the 47mb test, the real speed comes out
  12. but really....o/s's security is only as strong as its weakest link....usually the end user
  13. its not really bragging rights....facts are out there.....there are tons of head to head processor battles between the 'already out for a while' new c2d and leading amd processors....im an AMD guy, but hands down to intel - if you dont believe me just do a little research on cpu comparissons..... after all...its bang for buck what matters....you can have a 20000 dollar processor called magnum XL (LOL) that outperforms the fastest intel processo by 4x, but what good is it for us ? price per performance ratio should always be a good deciding factor
  14. intel usually does price cuts on july 22nd - hence the date...amd does same on april 23rd....
  15. all you need to do is create a partition for vista, pop in the cd/dvd and you're off....vista will take over the rest of the process
  16. I think thats important to point out that there are different sources from which you can gather information and support your argument....if they make a legit/plausible argument with good amount of proof, thats another story... Linux vs. Windows Viruses By Scott Granneman, SecurityFocus Posted: 06/10/2003 at 09:55 GMT Opinion To mess up a Linux box, you need to work at it; to mess up your Windows box, you just need to work on it, writes SecurityFocus columnist Scott Granneman. We
  17. thats very tight ! ....didnt know u could do that......does that pull from ur installation of windows and sets it up as a 2ndary desktop or do you somehow install windows from within mac os ?
  18. i agree with dlewis.......given that osx is built upon bsd it would have all or most of its security features built in.... to state an example....take a virus for example...we all know how easy it is to get it to execute on a windows machine, even with an anti virus program running - on a linux/unix machine its so to say almost impossible. In order for a virus to execute in a linux/unix environment the user, which 99% of time does not have root access, needs to have access to write/read to those executable programs. Thats because most programs are owned by root for security purposes and regular users do not have access to it... its just a simple example of why its so much harder to do so in a linux/unix environment....i dont think it has anything to do with the fact that not a lot of people use unix/linux to begin with
  19. http://crunchgear.com/2007/02/07/apple-vs-the-world-os-x-or-vista/ ......some comparisson i found
  20. nice...but id still go with xp until vista works out its bugs
  21. hhahhah lol......nice find, simple but funny
  22. i was triple booting for a while with suse, xp and vista...threw vista out lol
  23. Yeah, I agree......on top of that there are some things, such as gaming, that people still stick to doing on windows - although the support for gaming on linux is slowly getting there
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