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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. yeah, i think that too....its much easier to use for an average user - and i think its also the fact that 90% of us have been using windows as our first o/s....we are used to it
  2. i wonder how come people arent interested in this....peeps seem more intrigued by skinning xp into vista then by this .... lol
  3. Yeah, suse is great.....I always used red hat and fedora core then I tried this one out and I love it.....its great and practical
  4. 40 bux a month - 7mb down package....i guess when this new powerboost thing works, it really works....they said it was gonna be up to 25% faster - lol....this is almost 300% faster .... oh well, nothing to complain about :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 18574 Kbps about 18.6 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 2267 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2007/05/19 - 2:07am Bottom Line:: 324X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.45 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 5.363 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 229.09 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-92WIERYBT User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686 (x86_64); en-US; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/20061023 SUSE/2.0-30 Firefox/2.0 [!]
  5. well...its hard not being judgmental, but there is a still number of people out there who think using linux still implies text-only environment, so I just wanted to show off few interesting screenshots of my desktop Screenshot1 - just desktop Screenshot2 - larger icon space on top Screenshot3 - 3d desktop split between 2 sides Screenshot4 - 3d desktop split between 3 sides Screenshot5 - browser window across 2 sides Screenshot6 - opensuse Screenshot7 - desktop selection Screenshot8 - 3d desktop (browser + really cool 3d like matrix screensaver) hope this tickles your curiosity
  6. Can I get an invite as well, why !?...I wanna see what the fuss is all about - I see this thread getting pretty big Meh E-mail is sasasale1 at cox.net
  7. if you had win xp installed and then installed vista, you really shouldnt have come across any problems.....vista pretty much takes over the entire boot process and sets everything up automatically....wierd
  8. thank god my prob will be finally resolved.....i got an update on my 2 month long speed issue ive been having and they decided to do a node split since they had too many people on one node.....about time cox !
  9. mods to make xp more like vista or linux or mac have been out for a long time - long before vista even came out......... just brushing off on some basic things - vista has improved its firewall - much safer ie7 browsing experience - this new thing called ReadyBoost - simply adding a flash drive or a similar device to expand your RAM - improved power management for notebooks - improved wireless networking - file system / drive encryption im sure there are many reasons why not to go vista right now, but then again why not? After service packs are introduced and after bugs are fixed, people will eventually start moving towards it - maybe not now, but windows xp is not here for good....just like 95 merged into 98, into 2000, into ME (eh...), into xp - xp will slowly or eventually be phased out and for those of you whod want to transform xp into vista - check this out: http://www.windowsxlive.net/index.php?page_id=15
  10. i wish i could access a largertest, 20mb or so..perhaps a higher one...often when I test from school early in the morning i pull 45mb+ - i believe test size is what limits it
  11. i think you misunderstood the term central office a little......there are usually many central offices - each neighborhood can have its own CO - so chances that you are near one are quite high, how close ? ....I have no idea, I think you would have to call and ask
  12. vista is not all about looks.........while there are for sure cons about it, there are many improvements made to the core of the OS itself
  13. I like testmy.net for consistency - it has never failed me, and always reviewed my speed correctly and I like speedtest.net for its attractive graphical interface
  14. higher fsb does not necessarily equal higher speeds....you can go lower fsb higher multiplier or higher fsb lower multiplier and achieve the same speed....... but thats not the point here....the question was whether it increases performance or not ?............it might, it might not.....not enough to justify buying a new process or upgrading thats for sure - nothing to be worried about really
  15. the difference is only in fsb, which theoretically is not relevant...what matters is really the speed your processor is running at.....
  16. .........sorry no idea.....don't have an option of staying with a cousin or something similar ? aunt ? uncle ? talking to your mom ?
  17. excel works too, but yeah, mysql
  18. you technically cannot activate the same key on 2 different machines at the same time..........the only difference between oem and retail in this case is fancy packing, booklets and the fact that you have no support from microsoft
  19. When you right click on desktop and go to properties, then go to settings, and now to vid card tab - all the way on the bottom, when the menu pops up, make sure you are not in the New nvidia control panel - for me only the classic nvidia control panel has those options.... also, if you installed new drivers, you have to re-do coolbits
  20. no prob for me either, i have dozens of purchases as newegg.com - they do have in my opinion good security features..... you might be having problems if: - you are trying to purchase on a credit/debit card which has address A listed on there and you are trying to ship to some other address B - they don't allow that - your checking/debit card company has extra security features implemented which require you to identify yourself with a password every time you try and make an online purchase.... ...many others as well......otherwise, there should not be any issues - i love newegg
  21. ......linux - there are plenty of guides online for dual, tri and even quad boots...more then enough...... a good guide in my opinion can be found here: http://geocities.com/epark/linux/
  22. I ran vista ultimate for about 2 weeks and then uninstalled it......was not happy with the bugs it had - ill wait a while until installing it again..... so far im happy running win xp and open suse 10.2
  23. i think it is because films are recorded on a different media to begin with - hd has its highs and its lows - its not the fact that film makers don't have money to invest into expensive cameras, but its many different things, such as lighting, size/portability of equipment and even a personal preference
  24. no one has had similar situation ? heh
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