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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Right now I've got linspire 5.059 running on my laptop and like it so far. It also seems to run much faster than windows did.
  2. That upload is better than most rr cable subscribers, you should be very pleased.
  3. You should buy a pci ethernet card. They should be pretty cheap.
  4. Anybody use linspire? From what I've heard its debian based.
  5. This is a long read but should be a good reference http://math.univ-lille1.fr/~hafidi/terminal-services/.
  6. Heres are few you can get without ebay http://froogle.google.com/froogle?hl=en&q=pcmcia%20to%20ethernet&spell=1&sa=N&tab=wf.
  7. Whens the real 802.11n coming out?
  8. Ya, I think you can post as a guest.
  9. I was really close to getting the opteron 165 but just didnt have the money at the time so I went with the 148 which I am happy with. 2.9ghz is better than an fx57 and I got it for 230 at newegg right before they jacked up the prices.
  10. So if I had all 240 cards would it show up as 240 in the network connection, or is the 240 just a theoretical speed?
  11. Yea, im not replacing this system until I make the jump to dual, or quad core and maybe another opteron. A ram upgrade or two, along with a new hardrive(a big one, think tb) should last me awhile.
  12. If I had 2 regular 802.11 g clients and one with the 240 super g card, would the super g be able to get the full 240 with the other regular g's on the network at the same time, or would it revert back to 54?
  13. I just wish the netgear had gigabit lan ports, seems a bit pricey.
  14. I was looking at newegg at wireless routers as I want to get one that supports ddwrt firmware and noticed two new ones a hadn't seen before. One is an asus and the other netgear, both with 3 antennas, and both claiming 240Mbps. Is this a new standard, or just another super g attempt? Has anybody had experience with these routers? Heres the link http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?Submit=ENE&N=2050410145+1132820429&Subcategory=145&description=&srchInDesc=&minPrice=&maxPrice=
  15. Nice work. Right now im at 2.9(Opteron 148) stable 24/7.
  16. Doesn't make sense, will they be delivering content through a phone line and cable line at the same time?
  17. I'm pissed, I was hoping I could get it by the holidays. Oh well this just solidifies my decision to switch to linspire.
  18. Heres my wonderful pet:
  19. I wonder if that whole video would fit on one floppy?
  20. I'm not exactly sure, but I think I remember openmg having to do with like sony music cds or something idk. Someone else should know more.
  21. http://www.karenware.com/powertools/ptalarm.asp#Download http://www.neowin.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=248905 http://search.dmoz.org/cgi-bin/search?search=alarm+clock&all=no&cs=UTF-8&cat=Computers%2FSoftware%2FFreeware I've found these programs in the last like 5 minutes using none other than gooooooooooooooogggggllllllle.
  22. Congrats on the 600th . Prison Break is a great show but I can't help thinking, how long will it last. Not to spoil anything, but when and if they do get out, what next? They get thrown back in jail and break out again? Guess we'll see how long they can drag this on..
  23. I think he got it working allready...
  24. Maybe something was blocking the fan from turning so the computer refused to start up?
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