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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. I'm not 100% on this one, but it wont hurt to just try it... On the cable nut settings, look for MaxHashTableSize, and try setting that to 65535(max size), or try 32768.
  2. I believe you have to increase the buffer size, but not sure exactly which one.....Someone will know...
  3. Sounds like you have the same problems I had with my cable here... The node is oversold, and when too many people get on, there is not much you can do, but call and complain. Take screen shots of speed tests, and see if you can call the company themselves(not tech support...explain tech support has been no help), and get in touch with a person a little higher up on the chain. I went through 6 months of fighting with OOL, when my speeds with them would drop from 8,000kbps to around 1,000kbps at night...(they seemed to think for some reason my pc only acted up at night lol). Long story short, finally after getting my complaints up the ladder a bit, they finally fixed the issue(6 months later), and I got my speeds back. But they pissed me off so much, as soon as Fios said they were available, I took my cable modem and sacrificed it to the internet gods... As far as gaming goes my fiber kicks cables butt...But then again my cable was only 10/1, and Fios is 30/5...So hard to really compare the two...Except to say my ping is always the same, but with cable it tended to jump around a bit depending on the time... If you truely are not getting what you pay for, I would complain, complain, complain, and complain some more to them.... If they still don't fix it, tell them you would like a refund on your bill until they fix the problem or you will cancel your service(you'd be surprised how fast they fix it when they find out your money might go somewhere else). I did get a refund from OOL(but even that I had to call several times to remind them...they kept conveniently forgetting)..... And if they are the only high speed option in the area(No other similiar alternatives), and you truely are not getting close to what you are paying for, tell them you plan to make a complaint with the Better Business Bureau...OOL sure got moving when I said that..
  4. For those with XP(not sure about 98 and other o/s's) Nice shortcuts for Shutdown/Reboot/Log Off- --Right click on desktop --Select new/shortcut- --In the location box put one of the "shutdown...." commands from below (you have to make 3 shortcuts) -For shutdown- shutdown -s -t 00 -For Reboot- shutdown -r -t 00 -For Log Off- shutdown -l -t 00 --After you enter that, hit next, and label it accordingly.... Now you can right click on the icon, and go to properties/change icon and choose the appropriate icon.....Your done... Its convenient for those in an office who may need to quickly logoff or restart to keep from getting caught slacking off...
  5. Have you tried to clear the router to its factory defaults? Usually there is a reset button on the back. Depending on model, remove power, press and hold the reset button for 10-30 seconds. Then power up router. If that does not clear it, try holding down reset button while router is powered. If it does clear to factory defaults, your name/pass for router should be admin/admin or admin/password. Good luck..
  6. You could also put your pc in the routers DMZ and test it(basically you will lose security functions of the router), but you will not have the ports blocked anymore... Just make sure you have a good firewall/anti-virus up and running, stick it in the DMZ, and see if you notice a difference.. If its much better in the DMZ, you just have to forward the correct ports, and you'll be good to go... Here is a really good site for Port forwarding, and other routing info: http://www.portforward.com/
  7. Eastern Long Island (Suffolk County) Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600] © Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert sea.speakeasy.net Tracing route to sea.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 29 ms 25 ms 25 ms so-3-0-0.cr1.ord2.us.above.net [] 8 82 ms 82 ms 82 ms so-4-0-0.mpr3.sjc2.us.above.net [] 9 99 ms 99 ms 99 ms ge-6/1/0.cr1.sea1.us.above.net [] 10 83 ms 83 ms 83 ms [ 89] 11 83 ms 83 ms 83 ms dns.sea1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert sfo.speakeasy.net Tracing route to sfo.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms so-3-0-0.cr1.ord2.us.above.net [] 8 82 ms 82 ms 82 ms so-3-0-0.mpr3.sjc2.us.above.net [] 9 82 ms 137 ms 82 ms so-5-0-0.mpr3.pao1.us.above.net [] 10 74 ms 73 ms 73 ms t444-abovenet-speakeasy.net [] 11 74 ms 74 ms 74 ms dns.sfo1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert lax.speakeasy.net Tracing route to lax.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 19 ms 3 ms 9 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.mpr1.iad1.us.above.net [] 8 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net [] 9 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms so-4-1-0.mpr2.atl6.us.above.net [] 10 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms so-0-0-0.mpr1.atl6.us.above.net [] 11 45 ms 44 ms 44 ms so-4-3-0.mpr2.iah1.us.above.net [] 12 45 ms 44 ms 44 ms so-0-0-0.mpr1.iah1.us.above.net [] 13 92 ms 79 ms 79 ms so-5-0-0.mpr2.lax9.us.above.net [] 14 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms so-0-0-0.mpr1.lax9.us.above.net [] 15 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms so-0-0-0.mpr2.lax2.us.above.net [] 16 73 ms 72 ms 72 ms 444.ge-5-2-0.mpr1.lax9.us.above.net [209.249.11. 210] 17 74 ms 72 ms 71 ms dns.lax1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert dfw.speakeasy.net Tracing route to dfw.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 32 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-5-0-0.cr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.mpr2.iad1.us.above.net [] 8 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-6-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net [] 9 44 ms 73 ms 52 ms so-2-2-0.cr2.dfw2.us.above.net [] 10 42 ms 42 ms 42 ms [ 97] 11 42 ms 42 ms 42 ms dns.dfw1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert den.speakeasy.net Tracing route to den.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 27 ms 46 ms 23 ms so-1-0-0.mpr1.iad1.us.above.net [] 8 15 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net [] 9 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms so-4-1-0.mpr2.atl6.us.above.net [] 10 20 ms 21 ms 21 ms so-0-0-0.mpr1.atl6.us.above.net [] 11 45 ms 44 ms 44 ms so-4-3-0.mpr2.iah1.us.above.net [] 12 78 ms 44 ms 44 ms so-0-0-0.mpr1.iah1.us.above.net [] 13 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms so-5-0-0.mpr2.lax9.us.above.net [] 14 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms so-0-0-0.mpr1.lax9.us.above.net [] 15 79 ms 79 ms 79 ms so-0-0-0.mpr2.lax2.us.above.net [] 16 72 ms 72 ms 73 ms 444.ge-5-2-0.mpr1.lax9.us.above.net [209.249.11. 210] 17 76 ms 76 ms 72 ms den.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert chi.speakeasy.net Tracing route to chi.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms so-3-0-0.cr1.ord2.us.above.net [] 8 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms so-3-0-0.mpr2.ord7.us.above.net [] 9 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms [] 10 23 ms 23 ms 23 ms dns.chi1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert atl.speakeasy.net Tracing route to atl.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 2 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-5-0-0.cr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.mpr2.iad1.us.above.net [] 8 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net [] 9 10 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-0-0-0.cr1.dca2.us.above.net [] 10 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms so-4-1-0.mpr2.atl6.us.above.net [] 11 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms [ 05] 12 21 ms 21 ms 21 ms dns.atl1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert nyc.speakeasy.net Tracing route to nyc.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 2 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 3 ms 27 ms 3 ms so-1-0-0.mpr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 8 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-0-0-0.mpr2.lga3.us.above.net [] 9 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms [] 10 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms dns.nyc1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert wdc.speakeasy.net Tracing route to wdc.speakeasy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.pr2.lga1.us.above.net [] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0.cr1.lga1.us.above.net [] 7 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-1-0-0.mpr1.iad1.us.above.net [] 8 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-3-0-0.mpr2.iad2.us.above.net [] 9 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms so-3-0-0.mpr2.iad10.us.above.net [] 10 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms [ 21] 11 8 ms 8 ms 8 ms dns.wdc1.speakeasy.net [] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-1-0-0-0.gar2.NewYork1.Level3.net [ ] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms ae-1-53.bbr1.NewYork1.Level3.net [] 7 48 ms 47 ms 46 ms as-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 8 177 ms 86 ms 216 ms ae-23-54.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 9 45 ms 45 ms 44 ms 10 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 11 44 ms 44 ms 44 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 12 56 ms 46 ms 44 ms gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 9] 13 46 ms 44 ms 45 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [ ] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert testmy.net Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-1-0-0-0.gar2.NewYork1.Level3.net [ ] 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms ae-1-53.bbr1.NewYork1.Level3.net [] 7 47 ms 47 ms 109 ms as-0-0.bbr2.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 8 48 ms 47 ms 47 ms ae-23-52.car3.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 9 45 ms 44 ms 44 ms 10 45 ms 45 ms 45 ms vl32.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 11 45 ms 45 ms 45 ms vl41.dsr01.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 12 49 ms 55 ms 65 ms gi1-0-1.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 9] 13 45 ms 45 ms 45 ms 85.67-18-179.reverse.theplanet.com [ ] Trace complete. C:Documents and SettingsJohn>tracert dslreports.com Tracing route to dslreports.com [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 1 ms 1 ms 1 ms 3 2 ms 1 ms 1 ms 4 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms so-6-0-0-0.PEER-RTR1.NY111.verizon-gni.net [130. 81.17.129] 5 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms 6 3 ms 3 ms 3 ms ae-11-55.car1.NewYork1.Level3.net [] 7 9 ms 9 ms 26 ms telia-level3-oc48.NewYork1.Level3.net [209.244.1 60.162] 8 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms nyk-bb2-pos1-1-0.telia.net [] 9 10 ms 9 ms 10 ms nyk-b3-pos1-0-0.telia.net [] 10 9 ms 9 ms 10 ms nac-110814-nyk-b3.c.telia.net [] 11 10 ms 9 ms 9 ms 11.ge-2-3-0.gbr1.tl9.nac.net [] 12 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms 0.so-5-0-0.gbr1.mmu.nac.net [] 13 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms 0.so-2-0-0.gbr2.oct.nac.net [] 14 13 ms 13 ms 12 ms 0.ge-0-0-0.gbr1.oct.nac.net [] 15 13 ms 13 ms 13 ms www.dslreports.com [] Trace complete. Blunted 2...You must be in Queens or Brooklyn....Takes me like 4-5 hops just to get to nyc.
  8. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 28331 Kbps about 28.3 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 3458 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Dec 23 12:09:08 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 506X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.3 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 532.39 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QMJSAO8PH :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4508 Kbps about 4.5 Mbps (tested with 12159 kB) Upload Speed is:: 550 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Fri Dec 23 12:26:38 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 81X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 1.86 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 620.13 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Q1THBN50M TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.4e click START to begin Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  9. Basically there is no true number on how much ram you need.. Its a matter of how much you do with your pc... I like having more memory, because I am very impatient, and I like running as many applications at one time as I can. You can't have too much memory(unless you put more than your motherboard can handle), but you can have too little... As stated above, 1gig is more than enough normally.
  10. I have the Fios 30/5, and after trying several different routers, we finally broke down and got the verizon suppled d-link 624(w/ the verizon firmware). So far its the only router we have tried that gets full speed, and does not crash if more than one person gets on the network... So far I haven't had to touch the router in a month...The Netgear we tried would get full speeds, but would crash constantly(and since their tech support said they would call me back and never did, we returned it) And if I remember correctly, the d-link 604 should have been free with your install...The 624 they charge for...But so far its been worth it.. Also, check your router for the SPI(stateful packet inspection), should be under firewall settings...Try to disable it, and re-run the speed tests...The Netgear would only get around 18,000kbps with it on, yet would get 29,900kbps with it off....
  11. Here is the Cablenut file I am using... So far it has given me the best results... Try it out.. EDITED- I screwed around with my settings a bit..here is what I got... I don't think the upload is always that accurate..Most sites have my upload at a constant 4,500Kbps, and I have read as high as 4.6mb here...Dunno... Anyway the most recents settings seem to benefit the download..still messing with the upload setting..****edited**** Seems I found a good setting for the upload... This is with the Fios30-5new file... :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 28331 Kbps about 28.3 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 3458 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Dec 23 12:09:08 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 506X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.3 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 532.39 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-QMJSAO8PH :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4508 Kbps about 4.5 Mbps (tested with 12159 kB) Upload Speed is:: 550 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Fri Dec 23 12:26:38 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 81X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 1.86 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 620.13 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Q1THBN50M TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.4e click START to begin Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  12. --------Installing XP Using Sata Raid-------- -For those with Sata HD's, with motherboards cable of running Raid(0, 1, 0+1, Multiple Raid, JBOD) --Must have 2 Hd's of equal size/speed(best to be exact same model..especially while running in Raid 0..Read below about Raid settings) *You can run 2 different sizes, but you will only be able to use the smaller sized drive(ie: the larger drive will basically act as if it is the same size as the smaller)...You many run into problems running like this, so its not recommended, unless you are running JBOD(See Below) ------------------------------------------ **This guide is assuming you have 2 formatted Sata Hard Drives of equal size, set to Master/Slave** This can be somewhat tricky, since 32bit XP disks do not come with Sata Raid Drivers, and must be manually installed during initial OS install. >Before We Start - Read your motherboard manual, you many have more than 1 raid controller, as I do, and it may need to be configured in bios to operate in Raid. --For example I have 2 separate Raid controllers, VIA, and Promise. My promise controller must be configured in Bios to either run in Raid or IDE. For this you must have it set to Raid. -Read your motherboard manual to find which Raid controller you have, and then check your bios and set accordingly. -Hard Drive settings(master/slave/cable select), may differ as per motherboard manufacturer, so please check to be sure. -If there are other hard drives(ide/usb, etc), I prefer to remove them at this point(If system is functional, uninstall in device manager, then shut down and disconnect power/ribbon cable). This way you know all info is being written to your Sata Raid Array, and you will know immediately if you've screwed up on install. This is an optional step, some may say unnecessary, but I don't mind taking a little extra time. 1- Make a Raid Driver Disk.(floppy) -Once again, check your manual, and the CD that came with your motherboard/system. If the motherboard is Raid capable, there should be Raid drivers on the disk, along with a utility to make the floppy you need. -I have a utility that is called makedisk.exe located within my motherboard cd. This will automatically make a raid driver disk for you. -If no such utility exists, you must check with your motherboard manufacturer for your drivers, and make a floppy containing those drivers. -Once you have your Floppy loaded with drivers move to step 2. 2- Enter your Raid Utility...Once again, check your manual as this step may differ in some aspects. -Ex: With my VIA raid controller, I must hit <tab> during the power-on self test, which opens up my Raid Utility. The promise controller has a screen after POST, and you must hit <ctrl> + <f> . This will be differrent depending on your system. Read your manual. Once you have entered the utility you can move on to set 3. 3- Build your Array... -Each utility will differ, but should all have at a minimum settings for Raid 0, Raid 1, and block size. Which array do I want?...Well depends what you want.. Raid 0- Data Striping- This basically makes both disks work as one, will improve write/read speeds and overall system performance. Why not use this? Well since it alternates where the data is written, the whole of your OS is actually on 2 separate drives in pieces. So if one HD fails...Bye Bye OS...If you lose one disk in a Raid 0 Set, you lose all data on both. So if this is a business application or sensitive data, Raid 1 would be better for you.. Raid 1- Data Mirroring- Copies and maintains identical image of data from one drive to the other. Therefore this would be good if your pc was for business, or any other application where constant backups are wanted... If one HD was to fail, you can still operate off the drive that is healthy. But you do not get performance improvements. Once your array has been successfully built, insert your XP Disk, reboot, and enter bios. 4- In Bios, find section for Hard Disks, and Boot Disks...(again this is going to differ depending on your Bios).. In short you want to set you system so it boots in the following order: 1- CD/DVD Rom Drive 2- Raid Array(this will be labeled differently depending on motherboard..Mine is Array 1) 3- Disabled Once you have this done, save the settings, reboot, and move on to step 5 5- Boot from your XP CD -While it the cd is loading, you will see on the bottom "Press F6 to install 3rd party SCSI or Raid Driver"...Press F6(make sure F-Lock is on). A dialog box will eventually pop up asking you if you want to install third party drivers. Insert your Raid Driver Floppy disk, and press 's'. It should ask you to insert floppy(which is already in there), and press enter. It will search the floppy, and should show a window allowing you to choose the drivers..Select the proper raid drivers for your controller and hit enter. Leave the floppy in for now. If you did not get the dialog box, you may have not hit F6 in time, or your F-Lock key may have been off...Reboot and try again... At this point it acts like a normal windows installation... ***If you get an error saying it did not detect any hds on the system or a similar error, you many have installed the wrong drivers, did not install them at all. ***Remember to remove floppy disk just prior to windows rebooting automatically after it loads all the files for install. I chose to keep it simple and not involve the other Raid Options, but here are some more you may have, and may want to play with once you get comfortable with RAID. Raid 0+1- combines striping and mirroring Multiple Raid- allows co-existence of Raid 0 and Raid 1 JBOD (just a bunch of Disks)- Span data across hard drives, and acts as one large drive(ex: 2-100 gig HD's would look like approx. 1-200 gig) There are more, but there are the most common. Hopefully I didn't leave anything important out...I tried to be as complete as possible, but due to the difference in motherboards and hardware in general, some info may not hold true for you....But I hope in general this will be of some help. Any corrections/additions are would be greatly appreciated. GOOD LUCK!...Practice Makes Perfect! This article was written by testmy.net member Voltageman member profile with private message link
  13. It does sound like a problem on your ISP's end.... Just so I have everything right... Is the following correct? You have NO ethernet port, and you are now connected using a usb from cable modem(as I see you have a toshiba modem). I'm assuming the cable modem is installed ok, and you have a network icon.. What does the nework icon say..Connected/Limited Connection/Network Cable Unplugged? Have you tried to run your network setup wizard?(I didn't see it in the list) Winsock XP Fix -This tool may help(obviously its for XP)....It's fixed mine in the past. If all else fails give it a try..(of course back up the registry first) http://files3.majorgeeks.com/files/9d4ab7e058d08362d5afd12b6d4e146c/spyware/winsockxpfix.exe But if you say even after a reinstall it didn't work, I'm gonna say its probably either- a-- as stated above someone forgot to pay the bill b-- the modem is no good c--
  14. For some reason my processor scored has dropped...Trying to figure out where it went
  15. I use Perfect Disk(does similar job as Diskeeper), and it does make a big difference... Disk fragmentation, if bad enough, could make your pc very sluggish..
  16. Its early
  17. Didn't realize he was from there... And I doubt it...
  18. Satelite will instantly add 200ms to your ping on average... Fiber is the way to go! We have Fios, with the phone service over the Fiber, and its nice and clear..
  19. http://www.memtest86.com/ -- See if the memory passes the tests.. If its a dual channel set, you may need to exchange it..I've had to do so several times with dual channel memory..
  20. If your building a new one, spend the extra few bucks on a 500watt or larger...Newer video cards need ALOT of power....You can't have too much, but you can very easily have too little...Even my card, which is by no means top end, requires at bare minimum a 300watt...
  21. Here's an article that puts the time at around 20 minutes.. http://news.com.com/Study:+Unpatched+PCs+compromised+in+20+minutes/2100-7349_3-5313402.html
  22. LOL...DOH!
  23. What kind of router is it...My friend bought a netgear, and he couldn't get it working...I went over there, and got it working in 5 minutes...I know with the some netgear routers, you have to follow their directions exactly or you won't be able to get into the router(it basically involved using the install cd that came with the router, and following the steps on the screen)... My router, I can just plug in and go...I'm not sure why his netgear was such a problem...But I know if you didn't follow the steps exactly as they were stated in manual, it would not work..
  24. Unfortunately the NY test server does not have a larger file, and the further servers will not give me a very accurate speed...
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