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  1. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to ticktock58 in Hi All, I start to get the picture.   
    Thanks for your reply CA3LE plenty there for me to chew on.
    Nice useful site thanks.
  2. Haha
    CA3LE reacted to GavinA in Is it possible to get a separate download/upload export?   
    No no, don't worry about a video  I got it, thanks! Turns out I'm blind haha

  3. Like
    CA3LE reacted to Gabe1972 in No place to copy TID code to combine it (other than URL)...   
    It does.  I completely forgot about being able to copy it from the first box.  Thanks for the help.   ?
    Have a great 4th!    
  4. Thanks
    CA3LE got a reaction from spudler_t in CA3LE your advice worked :)   
    Right on - looks awesome! 
  5. Like
    CA3LE reacted to spudler_t in CA3LE your advice worked :)   
    I recently ran the A Class Race ( Monster Energy Cup Cars) and the B class ( Xfinity Series Cars) and saved the replays but have not had chance to convert them to .MP4 but will post link as soon as I get them converted and uploaded.
  6. Like
    CA3LE reacted to spudler_t in CA3LE your advice worked :)   
    So here is a short few laps I ran at Chicagoland with most updated graphics.
    BJ Sheldon ( My Teammate) did the amazing graphics for me and did a great job.
    BTW my speed is better using WIFI ( ASUS  USB AC68 Adapter 1.3 Gbps ) then using the onboard Realtek Lan 1.0 Gbps wired into Gateway.
    Plus so sad seen using the (Xfinity Test) they say I get 998 Mbps/45Mbps but I know that is a farce plus watching speeds jump all over the place.
    I sure am thankful you have a site we can get realistic speed results , I doubt I ever use any servers in portland where you know I use iRacing ( Boston MA) servers almost daily and is nice to get realistic results from that distance .
    Here is link to my short youtube clip of truck, will get some more soon with entire races just wanted to get you something as it has been awhile 
    I Have the Testmy.net on my B class Xfinity  Toyota  and my A class Monster Energy Toyota also will get those posted soon . If Dodge ever comes back to Nascar I will then be running MOPAR Vehicles  
    If you think I need to change anything let me know 
  7. Like
    CA3LE reacted to rrr10 in MyResults graph x-axis issue   
    Thanks for the great support. Love this site!
  8. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from rrr10 in MyResults graph x-axis issue   
    Sorry it's taken so long.  I responded in my head when your post came in and then never actually responded. 
    Yes, that makes total sense.  What's happening is that it's pulling your query and then splitting the download and upload results into two x-axis.
    Thinking of the programming, there are a few different ways that it can be achieved.  I think the most simple would be to alter the rendering JS for the graph and leave the structure of the query alone.
    So it would enter blank values to match the dates so that both x-axis match up.  Right now, if there are less upload than download or less download than upload results it's only graphing the values that exist.
    So, in short... I'll take care of that for you very soon.  Shouldn't be hard to do at all and I agree it would make it easier to understand.
    ... if you understand the roots of the database structure here, basically if you've visited since the start... it started as the flat (details) below the graph.  The graph wasn't added until later... at first it even displayed backwards  (that's the default direction for the results from a mysql query).
  9. Like
    CA3LE reacted to AuntLuella in testmynet exponentially slower than Telstra test?   
    Hi Thanks for your reply. I just about gave up for a while and didn't see your reply. We have just moved to NBN - fibre to curb. Using the sydney servers TMN is giving 21, telstra 46.9 and singapore just tested 32 and 40.6. So I guess I have nothing to complain about now. Cheers Laura
  10. Like
    CA3LE reacted to spudler_t in CA3LE your advice worked :)   
    Wow did not know that, I tried using the capture supplied by iRacing but  are GPU dependent while I Found OBS will use CPU to encode it so it seems to work better.
    Ill get some for you today and post them to Youtube and send links.
  11. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Sean in CA3LE your advice worked :)   
    Right on!  Turned out awesome!  I want to see your truck in motion.
    Here's a nice video on how to screen capture video in Windows 10.  Happy to see this is part of Windows... just tricky to find it.
  12. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Sean in CA3LE your advice worked :)   
    That's why I use all svg now on TMN... but @spudler_t said jpeg originally.
    Here' some vector graphics.
    :: Main Logo ::

    :: Testing Logos ::

    If you're putting it on a dark or black background this version will look better.

    Or if you'd rather use the orange version (that you see on the upload test)

    and orange logo for use with a dark or black background

    I'm looking for the svg for the logo text and will post that for you when I find it.  
  13. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to mvbmac in My Average Tool   
    I agree this is really cool.  Interesting to see my speeds outperforming the Dow Jones over the years.     Right now my pet project is figuring out what router to get when my Apple Airport Extreme starts approaching obsolescence, since Apple has exited the wireless market.  I understand there are some really exotic new products from mainstream manufacturers but am overwhelmed with reviews and data at the moment, and hope the classic Apple simplicity and reliability is part of other router manufacturers' culture and tech.
    Best regards, CA3LE.  We haven't conversed in a while but I'm so grateful you have stayed at this.  
  14. Like
    CA3LE reacted to pcwenzel in testing wifi reliability for TV streaming   
    I've had intermittent issues with my roku, where TV streaming will drop or freeze.  I'd like to use testmy.net over a long duration to test the bandwidth reliability.
    I'm planning on leaving a computer near the TV to test over time.  What settings should I use in testmy.net to be similar to streaming TV service?
  15. Like
    CA3LE reacted to lbb in Date Format Problem in downloaded CSV file   
    Sean,  Your solution worked!  Thank you so much for sorting this mystery.  I am in the UK so the date format is the same as for Ireland.   Another slice of Excel knowledge gained by me .
    CA3LE - Yes please - if you can add the site option for the date format that will make it a whole lot easier for those of us on this side of the pond.
  16. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Sean in Date Format Problem in downloaded CSV file   
    Thank you for clearing that up Sean, you rock. 
    I'll add an option to change the date format sitewide.
  17. Thanks
    CA3LE reacted to Sean in Date Format Problem in downloaded CSV file   
    From a quick check on my end, the issue is that Excel expects dates to be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY (how we write dates in Ireland), but the CSV file has them written as MM/DD/YYYY, the way the USA writes dates.
    When Excel reads in the CSV file, it read the lines like 06/01/2019 as the 6th January 2019, 8/02/2019 as the 8th February 2019 and so on until it reaches a 13 or higher digit in the middle, such as 05/13/2019.  As there is no 13th month, it will treat this as a text field and in turn left-align them.  This continues until it reaches a line that contains a digit of 12 or less in the middle of the date, which again it reads as a valid month.
    Microsoft recently changed the CSV importing process in Office 365 (which I use), so these steps below may not correspond with your Excel version.
    Go into the Data column (1), click 'Get Data' (2), 'From File' (3) and then 'From Text/CSV' (4):

    Choose the downloaded CSV file, then click 'Transform Data':

    Right-click the Column1 heading (1), then go into 'Change Type' (2) => 'Use Locale...' (3):

    Choose 'Date/Time' for the Date Type field (1), then 'English (United States)' for the Locale field (2), then click 'OK':

    Finally click the "Close & Load" icon (4 in above screenshot) and it should import and present them in your locale date format, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy for my region: ?

  18. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from DESAND in how can I check the data transfer capabilities of my Laptop   
    Me too.  I just thought about it and came to check up.  I don't always see notifications as I can get sucked into programming vortexes sometimes that prevent me from seeing anything other than what's right in front of my eyeballs.
    Being totally honest...
    Topics that I genuinely find interesting, I pop back in like this.  Any notification I got on this topic (subscribed btw) got buried...  sometimes I see them.  Sometimes not.
    First, I have to reread this topic now, but keep in mind, people were pulling much faster speeds on TestMy.net way over 10 years ago.  Right now... nearly anyone's phone  >  nearly any computer from 10 years ago.  Processor speed can be a factor, especially in multithread, but it's not a real factor unless resources are being fully utilized elsewhere.  Like, if another application is eating up all of your available resources.. then it may affect your results.  Otherwise, very minimal CPU resources are actually needed to run TMN.  Your computer may burst resources if available but they aren't necessary to make the test function properly.  It might help with animations but the test itself functions the same regardless of the animations on your screen. This is made to run equally on all devices, the network resource is the limiting factor in the methodology behind TestMy.net.
    The same core behind what I originally built is still what drives this speed test.  The basic principals are exactly the same, over the years it just renders quicker and gets to the final result more efficiently.
    My multithread speed test (other speed tests run this way by default) can often give people a more favorable result, especially with a fast CPU and fast computer in general situation.... but from our user feedback it's obvious those favorable results only hide issues.  --- other speed tests use multithread by default.  My own results... much better with multithread, used to be even.  When my multithread and classic results match... that's always a perfectly running connection.  And a clean computer on top of it.
    If you want me to bore you with the details, just ask me a question.  To be honest... I've told the story too many times and nobody cares.  --- 20 people might read this far, might.   
  19. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from DaniBot in New Version Feedback   
    Fixed!  Thanks for catching that... very odd error actually.  It was a quick and easy find and fix though.  Just not completely sure why that happened in that specific instance.  It's like, even though I found the 15 characters of code that caused it... it's unclear to me why that would have been an issue.  But that's programming for you.
    I agree.  I don't think the majority of people out there will prefer dark mode all the time... but I like that there's an option now.  
  20. Like
    CA3LE reacted to ShakTib in how can I check the data transfer capabilities of my Laptop   
    Hey @DESAND,
    I may be wrong (I like to believe I am not lol), but I don't think you RAM is the main issue... C55D I believe (which quick research) is an AMD E1 CPU which is only 1GHZ & dual-core. You are bottle necking the brain power of that laptop.
    Browser now use more processing power. Not just Firefox (Chrome is worse). I recommend looking into a invest of a processor that is 2GHZ or quad-core.
    Upgrading your ram gives the PC more "hands" to hold things, metaphorically, to hold more applications running at the same time.
    CPU is more about actually processing things, or "thinking" and "doing", what you have told it to do by clicking and typing, (essentially almost everything on the browser), especially videos playbacks.
    I have a feeling you need a better processor, which in turn is a newer laptop,  since you can't upgrade a processor on a laptop. (For the sake on sanity and reasonable investments, don't try either lol).
    @CA3LE why you gotta make this a whole Edison / Tesla war man...
    But when i said Edison killed Tesla, I meant literally, killed him... I don't remember, but I think it was a hired hit...
    I don't have my facts straight.... hmmm
  21. Like
    CA3LE reacted to DESAND in how can I check the data transfer capabilities of my Laptop   
    I'm glad I posted this thread now. I sort of forgot that the whole purpose of the forums is to educate people about the services they are paying for. I run across people all the time who don't even know they can check their data speeds and most of those that do are only aware of Ookla's test via Speedtest.net of their ISP. You guys are great thanks
  22. Like
    CA3LE reacted to Pahoo Katawah in My Average Tool   
    Thanks but I haven’t uploaded anything yet, although I do have a wide variety of playlist content for both the discerning and the  non-discerning viewers ?
  23. Like
    CA3LE reacted to Sean in Documenting when my internet is down with AutoSpeedTest?   
    A while back, I posted a command line batch file (in this post) that would log the time stamp each time the Internet went down and up, which you can use in the meantime. 
    Since the TestMy beta, I see it monitors whether the connection is down or up.  For example, when I turn on Aeroplane mode, the TestMy page displays a "Connection failed" pop-up at the bottom and once I take off Aeroplane mode, it shows "Online" briefly:

    In this case, it would just be a matter of this module recording the timestamp each time the connection goes down (such as in a Cookie).  When the connection goes up, it just needs to send this timestamp along with the restored time to the server. 
  24. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Sean in Documenting when my internet is down with AutoSpeedTest?   
    I'm working on this right now actually.  ?
    Very soon.
  25. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from rrr10 in Documenting when my internet is down with AutoSpeedTest?   
    I'm working on this right now actually.  ?
    Very soon.
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