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  1. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from RRS1947 in No graph on results page but data appears OK   
    Showing up fine on my end...

    Can you view the source and paste it using the code button --- I just need the first 20-30 lines and that will tell me what I need to know.

    Thanks for the support.
  2. Like
    CA3LE reacted to Roco in your test passing through too many other hands from here   
    I would like a "what cable said" reply also . being around 3500 miles away and taking 20 +hops.
    my normal 37.8 Mbps tested localy falls to 27-32 Mbps , about in line with what I expect ,
    BTW just done a test to Brisbane OZ (10,300 miles) got 7.68 Mbps down using flash , just tested to East coast TMN USA and
    got 27.4 Mbps , about in line with what I expect . never seem an optomistic test from TMN before ,
    just rock solid as is results ,
  3. Like
    CA3LE reacted to tdawnaz in Scheduled Downtime   
    not some of the important fun things...but when it does it's a nice surprise
  4. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from dn0 in Saguaro Cactus Cell Tower / Camouflage Cell Towers   
    I've noticed a few different types of camouflage cell towers out there but I think this one takes the cake.

    As some of you know, I live in Phoenix Arizona... in the Sonoran Desert. Now, I've see palm tree and pine tree cell towers but a 50'+ saguaro cactus is a first... or maybe I've seen a hundred of them and just didn't notice. I just know it's pretty cool. They're building this around the corner from me and the scaffolding is still up and they have it open, although they did have it closed the first time I saw it and I thought they were doing something to a real cactus. But then I thought, wait a minute... it looks a little too perfect. A saguaro that large should have a bunch of holes in it from birds and critters. I realized it was fake then a few days later they opened it up so now you can really tell what it is.

    I'll update this thread once they take down the scaffolding and close it back up. This is much more stealthy than the pine trees and palm trees I've seen but obviously this is the only place where they work.

    Fun fact, the Sonoran Desert is the only place in the world where you'll see the saguaro cactus. I think it's funny when you watch old westerns and they obviously have Monument Valley as a backdrop... but then you see saguaro cacti everywhere. ...uuuuhh, 1950's hollywood, you need to check your facts.

  5. Like
    CA3LE reacted to fmrusmcrntx in Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?   
    Very good discussion here, thanks to all. Further, thanks CA3LE for fixing the "Details" button so that the copy to clipboard works correctly once again; kudos to you for all your hard work! I've been missing for a while, had a HD drive crash on Saturday during Memorial Day weekend. Finally back up & running as of this past Friday afternoon. Glad I'd done a recent full drive backup just 2 days prior to the crash! Replaced the dead drive w/a solid state, what a difference in boot & application load times. OK, my 2 cents for a while, thanks again for providing us this great (and most accurate on the net to my knowledge) speed test website. Very best regards, jerry aka "The Old Marine in Texas".
  6. Like
    CA3LE reacted to fmrusmcrntx in New member in Llano County, TX using WildBlue.   
    Thanks so very much CA3LE, it's back and working fine!!! Great job, I love this website & the fine job that you & the other folks do; indeed I will tell my friends...though most of them already know thanks to our ctesc.net support folks & installers (We're hosted by WildBlue's new "Exede" package). Further, the test I just ran showed a remarkable improvement (2.1mbps up; 17.1mbps down) over tests I'd run earlier today!!! Yippee!!
    Again, my sincere thanks & very best regards, keep up the great work! The old Marine in Llano County, TX, USA
  7. Like
    CA3LE reacted to TriRan in Looking to auto post results to the web   
    try this one

    https://testmy.net/quickstats/DLeach4512 its completely static based off your username
  8. Like
    CA3LE reacted to mudmanc4 in hi from Creta Hellas   
    Great to hear from Crete , Έχω οικογένεια στην Ελλάδα, Hasapaes, ότι υπάρχουν πολλά από εμάς, αλλά όχι ότι πολλοί lol You live in one place I plan to end up before my time is up.
    Yes I know this is an American speaking forum, sorry mods
  9. Thanks
    CA3LE got a reaction from Morrigan333 in New Members, Please Read!   
    First, if you don't plan on adding value to conversation... leave.  Simple posts saying "hi" that contain no true value to the forum may be seen as spam and removed.  Tell us something worth typing... share your speed, share your experience or tell me what you think of what I've built.  As long as you're a real person posting real content you have nothing to worry about.  Bots on the other hand don't last long here.

    We'd love to have you introduce yourself as a new member, so please click here to make a post to the New Members board that you're currently in.  That way we can all give you a warm welcome and answer any questions you may have.  But please, if you have a question about your system, connection or any computer related question please make those posts in the board that suits the topic best.  If you don't know where your topic should go just post it to General Discussion and one of us will point the topic in the right direction for ya.

    To see a list of the boards you should make your posts to all you need to do is go to the Forum Default Page.  Make sure you take note of the sub-forums that are with-in some of the forums.  These sub-forums can sometimes give you more specific help.

    Most importantly... enjoy yourself here, this community is full of not only helpful self proclaimed (and proud of it) computer nerds it's also full of people having a great time!  Many people become addicted to our forums so I'd just like to warn you... you may be with us till the day you die, but at least you'll make a ton of really kick ass friends along the way.

    - Damon
  10. Like
    CA3LE reacted to dlewis23 in DSL Reports getting a stake in the heart   
    Its really not that strange. It happens.

    Remember raid is not a backup. This is why you do daily backups of the database and all site data. At any moment this can happen.
  11. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Testmy Illusion: Satellite   
    Trust me, that's the speed during that period... if there's a large pause in the transfer then of course it will be a lower result. Over a larger transfer that delay has less and less of an effect on the speed. Plus, sizes over 6MB start for about 1/4 second before the timer to smooth that delay out. You should always trust the result from the larger size over smaller sizes. But the scores off smaller sizes can tell allot about the health of a connection as well.
  12. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Woodlane in Results Chart Labeling - "Next 25" - "Previous 25"   
    I actually keep rolling that one over in my head... I know what you're saying. It makes sense but it doesn't.

    ... maybe it's time to change that.

    What about this...

    ... 'previous' was meaning previous in the search query, not necessarily in time. I think the new wording clears the confusion. What do you think?
  13. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from mudmanc4 in What to do next, after the test?   
    Well, you're seeing first hand that the tests that they send you to are in their favor... not yours.

    ... how to get them to fix it, show them your evidence. You can give them one of the many share links I offer...

    Go to your results and click "share and export"

    You can use any of these options to share your scores for your entire account. Or share individual scores with the link next to the score in your results...

    Besides presenting the evidence and threatening to switch providers I don't know what to do. Usually that's enough to get them to fix the issue. But if it isn't, stick to your guns and get a new provider.

    ... The test that they're sending you to eliminates the Internet route by using one of their local servers. So of course you're going to get great speed. That's a good test for them but it doesn't tell you much about how your actual Internet is running. You're paying for Internet not local area network, right? Sometimes I hear them blaming my website... trust me, my servers definitely have more than enough bandwidth and are hosted were a large majority of the worlds websites are hosted. If you can't pull good speeds to any or all of those servers... your provider is most likely to blame. Have you tried testing on the east or west coast servers?

    Good luck, thanks for your support. --- Isn't it funny how the results here "mirror" how your Internet is really running. because TestMy is really testing your connection.
  14. Like
    CA3LE reacted to mudmanc4 in Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?   
    Yes i see that. Why don't you start a thread in the making it faster section, so we can get more personalized assistance , and get your connections properly set to achieve the best results we can , with what we have to work with.
    Because honestly , you should be reaching on average , at least 768 up , with a 1Mb connection.

    Post your modem / router model , and the information you just did here , ( for posterity ) , what operating system your running , and any other information you think will help , I'm sure there will be quite a few people here , in there own specialties that are more then willing to get things tweaked with you. In fact most people here are waiting to dig in and help to get the most of your connection.
  15. Like
    CA3LE reacted to TriRan in Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?   
    i to do not see much difference when my connection is working correctly the problem occurs when my connection is sucking, speedtest.net will say everything is fine and this site will validate that my connection is indeed sucking

  16. Like
    CA3LE reacted to TriRan in Data as excel spreadsheet?   
    Welcome to testmy.net sgbotsford

    this feature already exists in the current version

  17. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from rschatz in ! Read Before Posting... Forum Rules... !   
    Don't get hung up on the rules. As long as you act normal and don't post obvious spam most of rules won't apply to you.

    TestMy.net forums can be a fun place to talk, but there are a few things we would like you to know. Having a few key pointers in mind when posting will make everyone's experience here at TestMy.net a much more pleasant one. Note that some of these rules date back to 2004 and may no longer apply to TestMy.net's updated format but may still apply to old.testmy.net

    [r.1.01] Before you post... [r.1.02] First, if you have a question it's usually a good idea to search our forum before you ask the question. Many questions can be answered simply with a quick search of our forum. (just a heads up) [r.1.03] Warning. Your postings on this public forum will become public. Your text will be available to anyone with an internet connection. [r.1.04] The basic ground rules for discussions on TestMy.net are simple: be polite, use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any message that even hints at advertising.
    [r.1.05] We don't intend to censor messages based on the opinions expressed within posts, but we will enforce the policies outlined both here and on the Forum. We reserve the right to remove, modify or move posts at our discretion and without explanation. Please contact a mod or admin if you do not understand any of the rules, guidelines or policies outlined below.
    [r.1.06] Suspension of your account is a definite consequence of not adhering to these guidelines.
    [r.1.07] In addition to the rules posted here, you are required to read any individual forum rules which may be posted at the top of specific forums as Important threads or Announcements. By using this forum, you further agree to abide by TestMy.net's Terms of Use. TestMy.net staff assumes that members have read them, and will not take ignorance of any rules as an excuse for not following the rules, policies, and guidelines outlined here, and in the forum specific rules. These rules may be changed without notice and all members are expected to check our rules and policies every so often to make sure they are up-to-date with the current policies.
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  18. Like
    CA3LE reacted to AlucardHS in And the Father of the Year Award goes to....   
    This Guy !!!!

    need more Parents like this
  19. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from SourlandCandy in conflicting results from cisco router and smartest   
    Welcome samanthar!

    First, that test in your router is flash based. Please read >> https://testmy.net/ip...m-speedtestnet/ -- the same should be true for any test that uses flash protocol.

    If your results vary between mirrors you may have an isolated routing issue that you may want to bring up with your provider.

    Keep visiting!
  20. Like
    CA3LE reacted to patiently in help with reformatting!   
    Pretty nice post. I just stumbled upon testmy.net and wanted to say that I have truly enjoyed browsing your phorum posts. After all I'll be subscribing to your rss feed and I hope you write again soon!
  21. Like
    CA3LE reacted to mudmanc4 in TestMy v Ookla   
    Welcome to testmy.net jayartibee, you can start out by reading this , which is a legitimacy statement from the site owner. I'm sure he'd come in and have something to say to help you understand a bit more.,

    In the mean time , have you tested from the three available test sites that testmy.net offers ? As at times of heavy network traffic in different parts of the US, you can and will see slow downs. The selection of servers can be found in testing area of the download and upload sections.

  22. Like
    CA3LE reacted to dlewis23 in Could this be a failing storage drive ?   
    Is this on like a VPS or a dedicated box? If you want to look into see if the drive is having any issues run FSCK on it. But I would look into chucking plesk out the window and replace it with cPanel if you need a control panel.
  23. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from mudmanc4 in Auto Speed Test file size   
    Yes... I know. I'm kinda crazy... but I worked that up for you already.

    You can now select the maximum sizes and granted that there are no bugs it should stay within the parameters your set.

    Check it out at >> https://testmy.net/auto

    I think you'll find it does exactly what you were looking for. Please let me know if you spot anything buggy or weird.


    Note that the upload test isn't as dynamic as the the download test with the way it draws it's files. So it's not going to give you the exact size, rather the closest match it under the max size you set. (something non-critical that's being addressed by version 13)
  24. Like
    CA3LE reacted to jharbin123 in Excel Export Time Problem   
    Love the site. Don't know if this is a bug or not...When I export to Excel, the time stamp in Excel is one hour behind the actual time stamp of the test, which is displayed correctly on the web page. Any idea how to fix this?
  25. Like
    CA3LE got a reaction from Obeahman in Why Do My Results Differ From Speedtest.net / Ookla Speed Tests?   
    The most common question that people ask us is why their results here differ from speedtest.net. I want to explain something that may help you understand why this is.

    According to the Ookla Wiki [updated link] the following is true about your tests taken at speedtest.net...
    The fastest 10% and slowest 30% of your results are DISCARDED The remaining data is averaged together to determine the final result Throwing away the fastest 10% and slowest 30% of the results in my opinion does not make for an accurate test. Isn't THAT the data that you're here to see?

    Also note this isn't only true for speedtest.net. Ookla is huge, most of the speed tests online run their software.

    Source: wiki.ookla.com

    Multithreading makes your connection look better
    Ookla speed tests are also multithreaded. Meaning that they open more than one connection to the host and combine the speeds. This often can mask congestion issues. For instance, imagine that you have a pipe along your route that's limiting you to 10 Mbps. If you open more than one connection through that pipe you'll be able to achieve a faster speed... but testing that way will not clue you in that there is actually a problem along the route. Remember, you shouldn't have to multithread your connection to pull your full speed.  
    Multithreaded speed tests, like the majority out there, are designed to benefit the Internet provider not the consumer.  They often display your maximum throughput not your throughput over the course of an entire upload or download.  Omitting the worst portion of your test resulting in inflated scores that may make you feel warm and fuzzy but aren't going to help you see and resolve connection issues.
    Multithreading can show that you're able to max out your connection by combining the speed of concurrent connections but a great connection can max out without having to multithread.

    So, if you have to multithread your connection to get your full speed, you should be asking why that is.  With TestMy.net it's instantly apparent if there is a congested route. Your speed here reflects the actual loading time of data within your browser... not the combined efforts of multiple threads being altered (dropping the top 10% and bottom 30% of the results) and added together, all through a plugin that isn't suited for the task.
    :: EDIT ::
    If you'd like to multithread with TMN, I offer that as well.  Try the multithread speed test.  TMN's multithread test gives you the option to select from an array of servers.  Allowing you to test across multiple routes, to more than one server at a time.  TestMy.net is the only Internet speed test with this ability.

    So THAT'S why your results differ.   --  TestMy.net is a harder test to ace and a lot less forgiving than other speed tests.  But isn't that what a benchmark should be?

    :: EDIT ::
    Another thing to consider is if you're running windows, particularly if it's older than Windows 7 you may need to tune your TCP stack to see your full speeds. Windows doesn't always come out of the box optimized for fast connections. Flash based speed tests fail to detect this problem.

    To make this change for free I recommend TCP Optimizer. This makes changing those settings very easy and nearly fool proof. Just open it, slide the bar over to your speed that you're supposed to have, check "modify all adapters" ...apply the settings and reboot. You should have faster speeds after your re-test if that was the problem.

    Here's an outside source talking about exactly this issue, I'll hunt down more examples. >> Download Speed Test - Something fishy?

    A few related topics ::
    Accuracy.. Slow upload, drastically different from other speed tests Resuts Vs. Actual Download speeds? TestMy.net shows different results than other speed tests TestMy v Ookla Difference Between Speed Test Sites? Satellite Service Testing Locking at around 14Mbps Questioning speedtest.net resolved with TestMy.net  
    Outside Sources ::
    Internet providers caught inflating speed test results [myce.com] Use Testmy.net or else!! NO MORE speedtest.net posts will be allowed!!! by the Admin on [xplornetsucks.com] Accurate Speeds Or Speed Test Error? on [wildblueworld.com]
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