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Everything posted by Roco

  1. as Ca3le said , I tried it back in Win M.E days , I read out the standard " the cat sat on the mat " it produced "Harvey looked at the smooth black road " and carried on writting a book , maybe I shoulden't have stopped it , maybe it could have been a best seller ? ,
  2. well,as a old M/s fanboy , and having tried Ubantu way back ( was it version Crystal meths ? ) I have a box running Ubantu 12 .01 , against all the odds I am likeing it, might be my O/S of choice soon . and forced on my suported tribe , still on XP pro , ( so tunable ) missed Vista due to lack of funds ( maybe being poor has it's hidden advantages ? ) having worked on a few win 7 boxes , ( not impressed ) Win 8 touch screen LOL = forever removing fingerprints don't apeal . .leaves me looking to Linux , failing that I got Win M.E ,
  3. Thanks Bro , XP pro is my windows system by choice ,and being a dmb ass , and getting in many throw away Xp puters , where all is forgotten ,and the case key sticker long gone , sure if I can get it to boot up into the O/S , key recovrey is simple ; and no not for pirating , just to get the old box running again, my thoughts on a old box upgrade to win 7 ...why ? win Xp runs on low memrory usage, my 4 core rums with loads of it's 2 Gb of ram . spare . vista rippled it to shreds , just glad I never paid for Vista , My bigest upgrade was from Win 3.1 to 95 , nice program but took time for making a cup of tea and toast to boot maybe the 8mb of ram didn't help, ?
  4. Henry O Ford, I could give up a arm for that name , and why, I only hit the keyboard with one finger. ( my parents nearly called me Pascal , ) but settled on Roy (Rogers ? ),I guess my middle name could have been Trigger ?, jolking aside from Roco the annoying Brit and wellcome to the forum from me ,
  5. Ooops Smith6612 sorry I missed your post and links , my bad on that , especialy thats got me thinking Picard is a French name ( from Picardy ) now I am wondering, as I thought ,are all French guys gay that vid don't help , LOL BTW that a in joke between the English and French , indeed the insults still flow both ways ,
  6. Mac help? , is this the first signs that Mac's also have problems ? only kidding guys Macs are almost unknown in the UK , way over priced over here . ist $1750 USD reasonable ? New Apple MacBook Pro, MD101B/A, Intel Core i5, 2.5GHz, 500GB, 4GB RAM with 13.3 Inch Display at $1750 USD , maybe the fact UK wages are around 25% lower than in the USA is the reason ? , ,
  7. nice one google ,and thanks Mudmanc , I would have missed it as I use Bing , Startrek, ? what can I say , I named my International Lazer sail boat "Klingon " and yes the name was on the starboard bow , why that name ,I loved Startrek and klingon was very apt while racing , I spent many a happy hour saying FFS just kling on, long enough to become local club champion , back in the days when steam was top dog my tribute to startrek and Lazer racing as I remember it , great to see it hasn't changed apart from my old sail number 1376 . now they are in the 200K range , heck it's making me feel old
  8. Hi Graeme , so hows Spain these days ? , I am still stuck in the UK , I have not seen Skylogic España mentiond before ,but take into account distance, it's a killer My B.T. rock steady 40X 8 Mbps , loose's about 25 -30 % across the pond to the USA , it just goes through too many hops enroute, sadly the TMN mirror in Holland seems to have gone off the radar , or is it me not looking in the right place, ?
  9. Ooop's Late again , ( it's the distance ,................ honest ) anyway belated Birthday wishes from Roco , unfortunatly Biggles cant be with us today , as the new meds. seem to be working but he requested I send on his birthday greetings , :'> :'> with best regards UK P.s. what low life mentioned 59 ? Just a spring chick IMHO, 59 for me is so far back in memory , but then I am just a pup still being house trained , (wink ) so far I have learnt "Birthdays = Lots of cake , hope you got your share Tdawnaz .
  10. used Roco since the mid 90's , came as a shock to find it on Urban legend a week or so back , Has my identity been stolen ? also the big name in Spanish urinals apparently I must be going down the pan I guess , http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=roco at my age I will settle for roco Compound and shortened version "Romantic Comedy." sort of sums up my life , lol
  11. Indeed , but most are stopable , either by a soft firewall or hacking out the updater , or using Services. msc not sure about Phones though , fortunatly I don't own one since I retired , the last one took a hike into the garbage bin that day , LOL
  12. who can see Milli seconds ? I use Firefox v14.01, I like the way it handles fav tabs , as a back up I have I.E.8 , I have an aversion to google full stop , just don't like the phone home stuff , for me doing UK speed tests on a 40Gbt line , maybe I.E 8 is a few Kbits faster , but I ain't loosing sleep over that .
  13. I would like a "what cable said" reply also . being around 3500 miles away and taking 20 +hops. my normal 37.8 Mbps tested localy falls to 27-32 Mbps , about in line with what I expect , BTW just done a test to Brisbane OZ (10,300 miles) got 7.68 Mbps down using flash , just tested to East coast TMN USA and got 27.4 Mbps , about in line with what I expect . never seem an optomistic test from TMN before , just rock solid as is results ,
  14. Vaniety speed tests . ? and Tdawnaz's does my bum look big in these jeans ( never IMHO ) I test here for the reasons stated , maybe the results don't flater my ego , but over 3000 miles are correct indeed ,
  15. $2.88 per hour , no free lunches over here , that 0845 is the lo-cal comercial rate , I pay the extra £4.90 a month for unlimited plan , but it clearly states 0845 # are chargeable ,(they are I tried it ,) my 40 x8Mbps FTTC + line rental and no charge phone call premium (within the UK ) works out at $48 USD a month , BTW, about $1.6 USD to the £1 , and don't forget it costs $18.66 a month to watch TV in the UK , I guess we don't make many phone calls over here, and in my case "no TV ", we don't drive that far either with gas at $10.29 for a UK gallon , ( about $8 for 1 US gallon ) need to talk to a neighbour ?, I go ring their door bell , if I time it just right could get a free lunch , although nothings truly free , I end up working on their computer / car etc , as cash is at a premium we use the neighbourhood Barter system , BT price changes Type Current price New price (from 3 December) Line rental saver, calls to mobiles, weekend calls and BT Infinity Bundle, Broadband and Anytime Calls Bundle, and entry level TV package prices remain unchanged. Source: BT Unlimited Anytime Plan ( UK only ) £4.70 a month £4.90 a month Line rental £13.90 a month £14.60 a month Daytime UK calls 7.6p a minute 7.95p a minute Evening UK calls 1p a minute 1.05p a minute Call set up fee 12.5p per call 13.1p per call
  16. I dosn't work like that in the UK , no # is free . apart from emergency , somebody has to pay our national provider for the line use , sure sales companies have a "Free # " they pay for the call , I can't see any internet provider making a living paying for your online time their profit comes from renting the line at trade price , and charging you at retail , as it said "All you pay is the cost of a normal local rate phone call for the duration you are online. This means you can easily control the amount you spend and don't have to worry about subscription fees or contracts" indeed thats so , that works out at $2.88 per hour , and the Subs fees and contracts is total balls there never was for dial up , I could pick and choose from a hundred or so dial up providers , I use Virgin , have used care4free , Firetrust ,and others , all registered charities , although Dial up is a thing of the past , 90% of the UK will have 20x5 by 2015, only making the point in case any UK member decides to use the service , and dosn't read the small print , (it's happened in the past , ) getting a $600 bill at the end of the month ain't funny,
  17. Hold on guy's it ain't free , it's a lo-cal number , the only free bit is in like no contract , 0845 numbers , works out at around $2.88 per hour , for sub 56K , dial up still used in the UK , cheaper than posting a letter , I got several friends that only go online every other day or so just to check emails , and yes I got a no contract dial up in reserve on my box , just in case the fibre goes down ,
  18. about 40Mb X 8Mb with BTinfinity UK , @ $ 32 USD a month ,that includes free phone 24/7 within the UK to land lines only , been waiting 5 years for the FTTC roll out , last year I was on 4Mb X 250kb @ $43 USD ,with phone calls extra , our national phone provider (British Telecommunications ) is rolling out Fibre as fast as it can ,now recruiting ex Military guys . my BT installer was a ex Royal Marine , not the guy to argue with IMHO ,LOL , did a fast neat job, was relived I didn't have any ongoing computer Probs , and left by the front door , I was 1/2 expecting him to leap out of the window , LOL , BTW, we now got 120 X 25 avaible but at a price ,I don't have a need for it ,
  19. indeed a merry and peaceful Christmas to all , "may you live long and prosper " shucks , I got the first bit right, still waiting for the prosper Best Regards Roco UK
  20. Thanks mudmanc4 for asking , the Ibook g3 is doing ok , I use it most days as I am cycling the new battery , runs about 4.20 hours at the moment ,using it for on line radio ,BBC world news etc , the Mac system ? , apart from right click looks good to me , but not a Mac problem it applies to all lap/note books but the track pad works well , better than dell windows laptops , the problem is solely mine ,(bit of a knuckle dragger ) spent most of my windows time using a track ball mouse . only recently got used to using a mouse , would I buy a Mac computer ? , yes, but the UK price is against it , the Apple 11 inch mac book air is $1,358.+ http://store.apple.com/uk/browse/home/shop_mac/family/macbook_air BTW waiting for the airport card , expected delivery 19 Dec, by Royal Mail , well it is the silly season , and the Postie is under paid and over worked at the moment , under paid ? try riding a delivery bicycle in London city, evil knieval had a better life expectancy ,
  21. Just an update on the Mac g3 tiger iBook , got a new replacement battery , now working great , ( I had been looking for the cmos battery LOL ) next move is a s/h airport to replace the usb1 dongle , how fast is it , ?, my only interest is internet , it's about 10% slower than my 4 core windows desktop in speed tests, total cost so far $25 , another $25 for the airport, $50 for a new learning curve ,kinda hard to beat I guess,
  22. Time machine ? ,I still got one foot in the 60's, the 90's was only yesterday , ( my car is 37 years old ) the iBook ,"white ibook " a G3 dual usb, with dvd r/w, 600Mhz + maxed out with ram , running Tiger 1.4.11, got the 1.4.11 update from Apple , ran that and it seems to have cured the little niggles , but I am still on a steep learning curve ( google is my friend ) , as every thing seems to be working OK , I have decided to buy a new battery ($22 USD ) as the original is totally dead , well it was a freebie and heading for the trash can , ( not sure if this is funny or a personal insult ? , the owner emigrated to Australia in 2008 , last week his mom decided to decorate his old bedroom , , phoned son about his stored stuff ,(the iBook etc) he said dump it all , as she said the first person I thought of was Roco , ,) anyway great chance for me to play with a Mac , it's kinda growing on me , if the battery works out OK , I shall be keeping it , future plans is to install an airport ,($20 s/h ) as it's using a Asus usb dongle at the moment , great learning curve , but no doubt I will be back saying help , BTW I got the admin name and password ,my future use =light web surfing and pop e-mail , just added Bean word proc, as it's a light Win style word . thanks again guys for the help,
  23. Roco's got him self an I book G4 ? , a freebie and low mileage , my first ever chance to play with a mac , result = totally lost , (I spent an hour trying to find the delete key ), unfortunately no book or disks , the only real problem is it's slow on the web 235Kbps as opposed to my pc running at 5Mbps , ( both hard wired into my router ) any suggestions ? , I have been looking for tune up apps . like Ccleaner for mac's , and does it have a defrag application ? does it need one ? , total noob on this , any advice appreciated ,
  24. laptops ain't my scene , but saying that I am picking up a freebie tomorrow ,allegedly high end ? from some rich folk , ( the only clue, it's broken ? ) sounds like an apple , ( hope it is ) it's either bin it or donate to a good cause ,( me ) Graphics cards ? , my last build was with a ATI card , now gone back to Nvidia , just so much shaper, other folk have commented the same, but running a performance suit ,I get a 7% hit on performance using Nvidia , for me not a problem as I only do photo stuff ,
  25. I have been beating the hell out of it , spot on for me , truly a great TMN service for us in Europe , just going to post a link on my (member ) uk forum , "DSL.zone", has it's own members only test, but just download ,) and they have no objections to links to other test sites , the infamous "speed test .net" is pants , along side other UK test sites , I can get 50% above my synch rate on some , the only usable one is Numion , again based in the Netherlands, an odd test but good for real world surfing , just saying, no spam intended , and no link from me , google if you wish , .
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