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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. sorry to digress from the subject, the tv tuner thing makes me think thats why my monitor was recognized as a tv and wouldnt work correctly.
  2. here is what i read about it, from PC advisor http://www.pcadvisor.co.uk/reviews/index.cfm?reviewid=111283
  3. wow and i just read that it was nice, but only kind of slow....i guess im glad i wasnt considering putting it on the mac my buddy has....that sucks, i've always thought safari was awesome....
  4. i just got the other version....sweet lord too many updates to handle.... guess im still used to IE where you only get a crappy update every few months thats worth installing....which i guess i'll live with the firefox updates as it is my main browser
  5. how long have you had the router hooked up?
  6. http://www.free-codecs.com/download/Avi2Dvd.htm that what you are looking for?
  7. i thought i heard someone standing outside my bathroom window laughing....
  8. if that test is upload why not do a download test? curious to see it
  9. to post a screenshot just hit the PrtScrn button on your keyboard. its up above the insert, home, page up keys. up by the F12 key. then go into mspaint or something and hit paste. then save as a jpeg or whatever other file you are using
  10. hey hey hey. dont make fun of lumpy.....who knows karma may strike back and i'll be the one riding your bike away from the house going "thats for calling shug lumpy!!!!" :haha:
  11. no problem. thats what im here for...and to also derail threads...
  12. if you are upgrading the motherboard and cpu it is probably best to reinstall because windows may not like the new hardware since it was installed with the drivers for the old ones. and you might be lucky and just have to reactivate your windows copy. but i'd personally back up everything and reinstall
  13. true. it is a waste of money but hey it looks cool
  14. i dont have one, but i would probably get a western digital My book. Seagate is also a good brand.
  15. Roco, do you mean Tdawnaz's quote in her sig? "You must not change one thing, one pebble, one grain of sand, until you know what good or evil will follow on that act. The World is in balance, in equilibrium. It is most Perilous. It must follow Knowledge and serve need. To Light a Candle is to cast a Shadow."
  16. very nice. wish i had 5mbps
  17. cool man, my broadband connection (cableone only place in town EWWWW) is only 3mbps. very nice speeds. post up a speed test and show off a little
  18. why? lol more information please. if it is for personal gain im not sure we can help, but if its legal then more information please.
  19. the new beverly hills (clumsy) ninja....he could act like a ninja but...tommy boy at the same time....BRILLIANT
  20. thanks shug lol i made that line up as i was typing.
  21. hey i got ways. im like a ninja...a clumsy ninja...but a ninja nonetheless
  22. thanks, it seems interesting and hopefully it helps solve some of the problems with energy consumption.
  23. thats what we do... and tagged is on there because i have a few friends who are very far away who dont use anything else..and facebook...well im addicted to the poker application and have alot of friends who use it.
  24. Thought this was very interesting.
  25. you think thats bad? on my firefox bookmark toolbar i have myspace, tagged, and facebook... and yeah its cool lol i dont care if you use that saying...
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