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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. my case on my desktop has 2 120mm fans in it and a side air vent and it only maxes the cpu temp (with stock cooling) at 26 celcius, so 52celcius would be pretty hot, especially for a laptop, it wouldnt boot would it? being that hot....
  2. so does mine actually. i'm just very careful with my laptop. it should hold thought if its taken care of and not thrown around or anything.
  3. just make sure that when you have it plugged in, the cord isn't anywhere that the cord can get tripped over or something, and it will be fine. my cord has always been a little loose along with the screen...and mine has worked fine for as long as i've had it. edit/ also dont' worry about being paranoid, when i build a new computer i always triple check everything and stuff because its new. but after a while you'll just get used to the stuff and you wont be as paranoid. trust me.
  4. i have a pc that still uses 98SE. those were the good days, no extra eye candy that hogs resources but runs on low end systems fine.....
  5. Sorry bout that. but, cocknuck, romdos, and i think microwave....maybe others that i cant think of...sorry, i havent kept up with much news....
  6. lol he's gone now, but i emailed him so i'll probly get a reply soon.
  7. hey man, thats not nice, i mean come on doesnt he look exactly like you JK. i'm just kidding man, if i sent you a PM like that i'd get banned for showing what happens on a normal saturday night.....you should come next week
  8. exactly what i did, i googled it so yeah, i was like... well forget that, i dont wanna pay!! lol
  9. ouch dude, glad your ok. and good to have you back.
  10. how about a PM with shugs pic instead
  11. [quote author=TheHalf
  12. i think he uses Corel Draw, i think it costs money tho
  13. maybe there is already an answer to this, but what about other members like cholla and people....havent seen alot of regulars in a while...
  14. 131 celcius!!! thats like almost 270 degrees Fahrenheit. thats pretty hot lol
  15. lol he is the one who showed me to this site. he got a new job and is working alot thats why he doesnt surf the forum that much. but i go to his house alot so i'll tell him that there was a request for him to go back to tmn forums.
  16. i used my uncles....i beleive it was jdshields he doesnt get on the forum at all anymore, speed tests alot tho http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=4531
  17. not bad, annoying, but not bad i still hate this commercial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOvFIxUz2XY oh another quiznos sub commercial...this one is so annoying i cracked up at the end "THEY GOT A PEPPER BAR!!!"
  18. frank was awesome. i dont remember laura....please refresh my memory... also wasnt there a different bot also besides those 2?
  19. sweet lord just- that is a load of smileys
  20. ...good luck with that tdawn
  21. there is a guy in my algebra 2 class that reminds me of that starburst guy..... btw how did this thread go from porn to starburst?
  22. :haha: this is how most threads end up
  23. as long as i dont get swatted with a news paper
  24. oh yeah, i cant remember if i posted age before or not, but since this is the thread i'm 17
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