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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. just one reminder. stick to the basics and what were already tested or proven effective. don't take the risk of doing your own canopy tweaks or you might get disconnected. in other words, don't experiment.
  2. i havent read any provision in the subscription agreement regarding that matter. as long as you don't break the equipment i think tweaking is allowed. otherwise, you're gonna pay 15k for that piece of antenna.
  3. oh yes! i will man i will. good that you had switched to PLDT MyDSL. 3 weeks from now and i'm gonna do the big switch too. smartbro service is getting worse. the network is clogged everyday from 9:00 am up to 12:00 midnight. subscribers only get good signal at dawn and early morning. that sucks big time! i'm just waiting for the modem. eventually, just like you, i will bid goodbye to smartbro.
  4. i hope my reply is relevant. try to scan your system on safe mode with MSNVirusRemover, zip file of which I have attached
  5. if his dns client isn't running that time, it's impossible for him to connect to smartbro. i think he needs to reinstall his lan card driver to resolve that issue. just a suggestion.
  6. If all options (pls search for the pertinent thread) were laid out, the answer would be the Canopy Override (Default) Plug and i have lots of them.
  7. @ falls09, mabuhay and welcome to testmy.net! congratulations! you have a 7Mbps aggregate! that means you can increase the sustained data rates, both uplink and downlink, up to the maximum value of 7000 Kbps. likewise, make all priority CIRs at 7000 Kbps and disable High Priority Channel. save the changes, reboot the canopy sm and see the difference.
  8. welcome to testmy.net neo0912 for now be contented with your speed. at least you got more than what smartbro has advertised. observe for a couple of weeks if its stable.
  9. have you tried accessing it with another browser? what steps did you use?
  10. from my experience, a subscriber doesn't have to buy a canopy antenna. for replacement, he just have to request it from the smartbro installer/franchisee/agency. for new subscription, it is included in the plan package. regardless of if your gonna pursue with the purchase or not, let me give you this guide: i only know two canopy antenna models which they are installing, these are 1. Canopy SM The Subscriber Module (SM) is a customer premises equipment (CPE) device that extends network or Internet services by communication with an AP. The SM is configurable through a web interface. A Canopy SM can communicate with either a Canopy AP or an Advantage SP. 2. Canopy Lite Canopy Lite SMs cost less and provide less throughput than regular Canopy SMs. They support the same radio frequencies, interference tolerance, and product reliability. They give operators the additional option to serve cost-sensitive customers who want standard services (web browsing, email, VoIP, and downloads), but do not require the higher throughput that is available with a regular Canopy SM. Canopy Lite SMs support an aggregate (uplink plus downlink) throughput of 512 Kbps. Through purchased floating licenses that Prizm manages, they are upgradeable to 1, 2, 4, or 7 Mbps aggregate throughput. A Canopy Lite SM can communicate with only a Canopy Advantage AP. The older antenna is Sendfar, faster than the Canopy in terms of speed but is rarely available.
  11. hi there syd vasquez & welcome to tmn does being padlocked mean smartbro has no more signal in your area? becoz it will be useless if you buy a new canopy if you will not be able to receive signal from them. or are you currently using the usb modem (smartbro plugit)?
  12. @tricoven hello & welcome to testmy.net so far this is the first time i read a post of this kind of predicament. i have a few questions: can you open your canopy page? if yes, did you check your sustained uplink data rate? maybe from your reply we can suggest a solution
  13. from 1-10, 10 being excellent, I give Smartbro CS a 3
  14. all the answers have been provided here. but if you run out of options, try to make the canopy override plug. read the instructions here http://www.testmy.net/t-18617. in case you want it ready made, i can be of help
  15. just make sure you have your computer and canopy power adaptor plugged in to a UPS in case of fluctuation or black out during the process...or else you'll be forced to get that 3rd antenna you were talking about
  16. ok so you got a formula on the burst allocation. can't wait for your post-update post. please do keep us posted.
  17. you got a point! any idea how we can make a noise about this? it seems Smartbro management has deaf ears...
  18. 1. No. it will not change the aggregate. 2. you can increase you burst allocations to the maximum, if not possible, make it half. 3. haven't tried 8.2.4 yet. do you have the link? could be helpful.
  19. or try this... http://www.testmy.net/t-22968.msg269480#msg269480
  20. this is the 1st time where the 20 steps is involved for that matter. clearly an isolated one. what OS are you using? programs/softwares? i suggest you do the following after tweaking: 1. open command prompt 2. in the command prompt type ipconfig /release 3. thereafter, type ipconfig /renew 4. wait for the lan connection to stabilize 5. restart pc.
  21. for me there's 2 1. Vista Transformation Pack - i've experienced almost everything of Vista without buying it 2. Xara Extreme Pro - great program: photo/graphics editing/enhancement, plus 3d graphics, transparency etc.
  22. that's it. so whats the file name of the .bat file?
  23. 200+ KB/s...using a download manager. correct?
  24. yeah. control panel>folder options>general>mark "open each folder in the same window"
  25. Key to All Optical Illusions Discovered Humans can see into the future, says a cognitive scientist. It's nothing like the alleged predictive powers of Nostradamus, but we do get a glimpse of events one-tenth of a second before they occur. And the mechanism behind that can also explain why we are tricked by optical illusions. Researcher Mark Changizi of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York says it starts with a neural lag that most everyone experiences while awake. When light hits your retina, about one-tenth of a second goes by before the brain translates the signal into a visual perception of the world. Scientists already knew about the lag, yet they have debated over exactly how we compensate, with one school of thought proposing our motor system somehow modifies our movements to offset the delay. Changizi now says it's our visual system that has evolved to compensate for neural delays, generating images of what will occur one-tenth of a second into the future. That foresight keeps our view of the world in the present. It gives you enough heads up to catch a fly ball (instead of getting socked in the face) and maneuver smoothly through a crowd. Source: <a href="http://news.yahoo.com/s/livescience/20080602/sc_livescience/keytoallopticalillusionsdiscovered;_ylt=AsY4Doy1NDSgmTeQnx_y3yEazJV4" target="_blank">Yahoo! News</a>
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