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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Welcome to the forum, speedygirl. Sorry to hear about your poor experience with your ISP. Maybe we can help with your speeds. Is it DSL? Have you checked out our "Make It Faster" Guide? It's pretty sweet. Take a look through it, and just reply here with your answers to each step. If you need help, just ask! Here's the link: http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-2097
  2. [url=http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processors/ProductInformation/0,,30_118_12651,00.html]Turion
  3. I'm sorry to hear that, wyantm06.
  4. I just had to load it once using HardDrake hardware utility. HardDrake came with other Broadcom WLAN drivers pre-installed, but none for mine. I had to find the correct file from my OEM Recovery CD and use HardDrake to configure the device and point it to the NDISwrapper. HardDrake remembered the settings, and I just set the boot preference to configure this device on startup. Hasn't given me trouble since.
  5. You have to keep in mind the the Testmy.net server you're testing from is hosted in Dallas, TX, where the files from test.tampabay.rr.com are hosted, like, down the road from you. This means that you will have a better/shorter route, which necessitates that you will have higher download speeds. This is why we have test mirrors. Hey, wanna host one?
  6. Hey PeePs. My first thought is virus/spyware too. Have you tried some online scans in addition to what you have installed? http://www.ewido.net/en/onlinescan Have you disabled File and Printer sharing? Do the errors persist? Try booting to Safe Mode with Networking and see if the errors occur there. (This will tell you if a process is killing Explorer) Nice collection of apps and games, BTW!!!
  7. So we'll say 875 KB/sec. 875 * 8.192 =7168 Kbps You're right on.
  8. Looks like you are on the 7/512 connection. If so, you're very close to cap. Try downloading the 50MB file from http://test.tampabay.rr.com
  9. My family used to breed beagles when I was younger. The unfortunate truth is that not all puppies will live. What I seem to remember being important, on top of what everyone else has said, is that you need to give the mom and her pups some room. Don't maul them. The puppies need to establish a strong bond with the mother in order to survive. Make sure that the mom has lots of food and water, and a warm nest of blankets in a shelter, and be sure to give them all their space. But be hopeful! Things will work out, I'm sure. It's quite a natural process.
  10. HA! That is damn funny. And well produced too! Not bad, not bad at all.
  11. Just installed Mandriva Linux 10.1 (2006 Installer) on a separate partition on my XP laptop. Talk about straight-forward! I think installing Mandriva was easier than installing XP. It even installs its own multiboot manager. The only trouble I had is that it didn't pick up my wireless card (had to install the driver with a Windows ndiswrapper from the recovery CD, but HardDrake is a great hardware utility). This thing is so full of bundled software and utilities, I've got hours of playing around to keep me out of trouble for a while. Here area a couple of shots:
  12. hehehe never.
  13. Right on, karthic. We're happy to have you aboard.
  14. Looks like SSL (443) to me...
  15. Just make sure you are free of spyware.
  16. That's pretty crazy stuff man. You're a regular MacGyver with your electronics. Crazy stuff...but um, dude, do we need to get you a girlfriend or something? Maybe you need to join a swim team.... :evil6: i'm such a jerk.
  17. That sounds right. The only thing I might add is to statically assign the IP of the 2nd router to something on the LAN subnet. With DHCP disabled on it, this should prevent IP conflicts. Otherwise, this setup should work fine. You can also make the 2nd router a wireless access point (given that it's wireless) to extend your wireless network range.
  18. What it looks like to me is a bad link between 2 routers ( & within the AT&T network. This usually indicates that there is some load balancing occuring, which usually means that some devices are down due to maintenance. This sort of thing usually clears up within 48 hours. I would suggest performing another trace after 48 hours, and if this is not cleared up by then, call your ISP. On occassion, my ISP has not helped me with similar issues, because after a certain point, they will claim that it is outside of their network. In this instance, you would have to contact the NOC of the network directly. WaterRTBH has provided their contact from the WHOIS information. Just provide them with a trace. But be sure to give it enough time to rule out a maintenance window.
  19. FallowEarth


    Trace is alright. You want the times in the 1st hop to be <10ms. Try powercycling the modem and computer. Try another cat5 cable too, if you've got one. Try that same test in safe mode with networking, too.
  20. FallowEarth


    Well, what's your setup like? Got a router? What software you running? Have you tried a test in safe mode with networking? What does your traceroute look like? Also, try this test: http://www.testmy.net/tools/test/d_load.php?&st=st&tt=1&ta=1&top=000&out_src=20MB
  21. You should be able to right-click on it, and select properties. Here, there are 2 checkboxes at the bottom: Show an icon in notification area when connected and Notify me when this connection has limited or no connectivity. Take the checks out of both and click ok.
  22. FallowEarth


    Try this cablenut file:
  23. FallowEarth


    You may get a conflict when using both cablenut and tcpoptimizer. Can you take a screenshot of your cablenut settings and post the pic? Also, have you tried testing from other mirrors: http://www.testmy.net/tools/mirrors.php
  24. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed! <img src="http://www.felixthecat.com/cards/Belated-Birthday-Card-gif.gif">
  25. Blessings of happiness on the anniversary of your birth! <img src="http://www.kovaleski.com/Images/Web/BirthdayCake.gif">
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