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Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. If what Peepnklown suggests doesn't work, try creating another windows user with admin rights and open regedit there. If that doesn't work, try safe mode (and run spyware checks, and possibly registry cleaner like ccleaner). If that doesn't work, boot to the recovery console and run the CHKDSK command. If that don't work, format/reinstall.
  2. Just downloaded Beta 3 about a half hour ago....seems very quick, very streamlined. I like the change to Internet Options too.... I could see myself liking this very much.
  3. That's exactly the thing. I used to be all about the desktop, building my own deal and all that. But once you get used to the laptop, especially with the wireless, you can't go back.
  4. Since I broke my old laptop, I decided to get a new one. It ain't nothin special, but it'll do the trick: Acer Aspire 3000 [*]AMD Sempron 3100+ [*]15.4" TFT LCD [*]DVD-Dual Drive [*]512 MB DDR (up to 1024) [*]80 GB HDD [*]802.11b/g + NIC [/html] All this plus 3 years parts and labour for $750 CND.
  5. Welcome to the forum, karthic. A word to the wise, a forum is not a chat environment. You will get better results when asking for help if your question is posed in a presentable way. My suggestion is that you compose your posts in the same manner in which you would write a letter. It's much easier on the eye. What browser are you using? Have you tried restoring the default settings?
  6. If you have a firewall, it will usually keep a log of remote entry attempts.
  7. From time to time, your ISP will perform maintenance on the node (UBR) which you are connecting to (ie. load balancing, card replacement). During the maintenance window, you may notice that your modem gets intermittent or no signal. If this has been cleared up now, you can pretty much guarantee that this is what happened. However, if this is a recurring deal, be sure to call the ISP to have them check the modem's flap list. We may be able to help some if you can log into the diagnostic page of your modem (usu. in your browser) and post the modem specs (power levels, etc.).
  8. ....and shutter speed!
  9. Can you please provide the results from the Tracert and Ping program from the STICKY. Looks like your upload is ok, but your download is being leeched. Please provide the name of the cablenut file you used, plus run THIS TEST again so we can inspect your settings. Keep in mind that your download bandwidth might be shared with other applications which are running, ie. p2p clients, download managers, bandwidth monitors, IM's, security software..... and the list goes on. What you can do is remove your startup items from the System Configuration Utility (Start>Run>MSCONFIG, Startup tab). Otherwise, try to boot to Safe Mode with Networking (tap F8 on startup) and run a speedtest from there.
  10. For best results, read throught the Sticky [HERE] and post back in the suggested format.
  11. The IP address you obtain is usually on a 72 hour lease. This means that once you first obtain an IP from the DHCP server, it is not up for release until 72 hours later. However, if you are online at this time, there is no need to re-negotiate with the DHCP server for a new IP, seeing as you already have a valid one. The lease negotiation only occurs when necessary. So basically, unless you are offline (PC shut down, modem offline) during the expiration of the lease, you will not require a new IP address. And sometimes even if you are offline during this, you may get the same IP back if it has not been taken. There are ways of getting a new IP. One is leaving your modem off for a few days (so that you will negotiate a new DHCP lease). Another is connecting to your modem with another device, ie. another NIC, a router, USB, etc. The IP is bound to the MAC address of the connecting device. When another MAC is connected, a new lease is negotiated.
  12. Yeah, that was a major disappointment. I had my heart set on Edmonton. The Cup belongs in Canada, bitches! CANADA!!!!!!!!!
  13. http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_Systems/WinXP/Q_21887008.html http://reviews.cnet.com/5208-6132_7-0.html?forumID=32&messageID=1991421&threadID=182340 After reading through the above threads, it seems that this error is linked to security software that you may have installed. What security software are you currently running, or have installed on your PC? You may try uninstalling and reinstalling the software.
  14. This topic has been moved to HELP!. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14775.0[/iurl]
  15. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14748.0[/iurl]
  16. FallowEarth

    registry values

    when you are in regedit, you click the Registry menu, then select Export Registry File.
  17. I'd hate to run into a polar bear. They've been known to chase their prey for hours, until either the prey tires, or the bear gives up. Not to mention they are freakin huge.
  18. This topic has been moved to General Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=14749.0[/iurl]
  19. I'm still waiting on the ping and trace.
  20. If cmd wont stay open, try command (start>>run>>command). Run your ping from there. Try a continuous ping (ping -t testmy.net) to watch for packet loss. You can Ctrl-C to end it in order to view the stats. Also, next time the internet drops out, it would be good to troubleshoot the modem or PC individually. Rather than resetting both, reset just one at a time to see what actually resolved the connection. If you modem is actually the component dropping the connection, then you will want to call your ISP immediately.
  21. The program is a traceroute and ping batch file created by PHP, a vice-admin member of this site. If you would rather, you can run the commands yourself (tracert testmy.net, ping -n 15 testmy.net). The program is just convenient because it will run the commands for you and export the results into notepad. BTW, welcome to the forum.
  22. Please run THIS TEST and also THIS PROGRAM. Post results.
  23. I don't necessarily think it is a problem with that modem. Say you are on a 2 Mbps connection. If you have 1 program running which is taking all of that throughput, then there is no room for other connections....meaning if your BitTorrent client is downloading at 2 Mbps, then it is hogging 100% of the connection. The modem is working properly, it simply does not distinguish to which program the data is assigned....that's your computer. Just because you're not downloading at your cap, doesn't mean you aren't utilising the entire connection. TCP sends a lot of redundant packets which do not directly affect your download, but they are sent for fault tolerance, and have timeout measures. Your registry settings would contain values which determine how many of these or certain packets can be sent at a time. If a packet/broadcast does not get an immediate response, it waits until it times out. Then it or another can be sent/resent. Have you tried cablenut?
  24. What you got?
  25. Your pings and traceroute look very good. I don't think that there's a problem with the connection. It may be that you have other software leeching the bandwidth, or possibly the system resources. Try cleaning up your startup items using MSCONFIG (disable everything you don't absolutely need on startup--keep in mind you can always start it manually). Keep in mind that your firewall will affect your speeds. You might try bypassing your router as well. After that, run a Disk Cleanup from System Tools, and try a defrag too. Then run a spyware and an antivirus scan. I like the online scan @ www.ewido.net. Once this is complete, and your speeds are still slow, try installing another browser (firefox, opera, etc). If still slow, try another cablenut file from VanBuren's selections.
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