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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by FallowEarth

  1. Is it WIN XP? I'm thinking this will help you: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;330184 Sol'n #2: from the command prompt: CHKDSK/R Sol'n #3: From XP CD, go to Recovery Console Mode, run "fixboot" Sol'n #4: From XP CD, go to Recovery Console Mode, run "fixmbr"
  2. Get a good PSU! at least 400-watt
  3. I agree - PSU and fan are the most important components in your PC. You can have the fastest CPU, RAM and HD in the world, but if they're overheating, say goodnight. rsp34434, you can get aerosol cans of air that are perfect for blowing dust out of tight spots. I keep one on hand at all times to prevent any sort of build-up. You shouldn't let your fan get as bad as it seems yours did, and I would look into replacing it in case there has been some permanent damage.
  4. Your speeds look bang-on for your package. That's probably all you're gonna get.
  5. Very cool. There is much coolness in many pagan beliefs and traditions. I enjoy the lore and mysticism of Wicca especially, I know a few ppl that are really into it. Blessed be!
  6. Sorry, just to clarify my post. You don't need SP2 (Service Pack 2) for XP. Whether you have it or not will not affect your connection speeds, at least not significantly. And yes, both resopalrabotnick and myself were suggesting to click on the links that dn0 provided. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=2097.0 http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=3924.0
  7. WOW THAT'S SOME FAST DIAL-UP!! Sorry to say, but I doubt its true, dialup is not capable of speeds up to 8Mbps.
  8. Here's SP2 if you want it: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/sp2/default.mspx Shouldn't affect your speeds tho. And yes, you should be able to increase your speeds, just follow reso's steps!
  9. I think it would be cool to see a section/forum about Internet security.
  10. You're cute, but 7 of 9 is my fav.
  11. You got it. It takes individuals!
  12. :haha: :haha: No, I haven't heard much of anything on the subject. There are some extensions I've seen, but I can't be bothered with them. Most of them don't do what they say they do, and many completely suck. That's the trouble with open source, you don't know when you got dummies writing for you. I like tweaking and configuring and personalizing my shit as much as the next geek, but there comes a point where I just throw my hands up and say fuck it. Some pages load great with FF, some load with problems, some don't load at all. I find myself just using IE instead of sorting through pages to find the right extension for the job.
  13. As far as I've gathered, FF has some trouble with embedded objects and scripts. ...walla?
  14. -p2p = bad idea....too much dependency on other ppl, too many assholes out there....too many viruses that AV's cannot find these days. -friend w/ sweet ftp site = good idea (NO!! I won't share)
  15. Once, I did click such a link in my sleep. Then I fell into a pit full of tigers. The tigers assured me that the link was valid, so I whipped them. I whipped them so hard. I told them they were BAD! BAD TIGERS!
  16. sure, water. Let's start with wrestling.
  17. Have you scanned for spyware? Did you try the speedtest without a firewall, toolbar/popup blocker, IM, P2P running? Clear cache & cookies? Can you provide a traceroute?
  18. A tribute to the WWE superstar. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20051114/ap_en_tv/obit_guerrero http://www.wwe.com/superstars/smackdown/eddieguerrero/ http://www.eddicts.com/
  19. You can feel free to play around with a couple of different files that are close to your connection speeds. After you apply one, save to registry, and reboot, try another download test. Start a notepad file with your results and try another cablenut file until you find the one that works best for you.
  20. amc11890, your traceroute is really quick, your RR connection is fine. This means that it is either something on your PC or with your router.
  21. It's a very simple concept: why buy music when you can download it for free? I see a very direct relationship to sales.
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