1970-01-01 00:01:28 3-Critical 0x0501BD64 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to acquire QAM/QPSK symbol timing
1970-01-01 00:00:49 3-Critical 0x0501BE90 SYNC Timing Synchronization failure - Failed to receive MAC SYNC frame within time-out period
1970-01-01 00:00:19 3-Critical 0x04E33948 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out
Those are my last 3 logs in my modem....
Welcome to the forum Prasys....
When you said 'Back in a proxy' do you mean you go through a proxy to connect to the internet? If so, try disabling proxy server and try again. If that doesn't help, bypass the router and plug a Cat5 cable into your computer's RJ-45 Port(I am assuming you have one). Try those things and let us know
I've heard some rumors about the phone not being compatible but.....
Anyway, is there anyway you can shut off your ONT(power down)? If so, try that, leaving it off for 12 hours and letting it reset itself. See if that helps, if you can even do that.
The one DLINK modem is very good, since it seperates upload from download and in theory, allows you to upload and download at the max rate at the same time....or so i have heard
Too much risk of getting Banned from Xbox Live, which is the only reason I never modded my xbox, I might though, to try and get some cool stuff for Halo 2
Do you know any Visual Basic, it would be an easy program to build. If you would like, I could make one for you, it will be simple and crude but should work.
Try connecting the modem directly to the computer(no vonage router) and see if it works. If that doesn't unplug everything and turn your computer off for 12 hours. This should let your modem and the router reset itself(normally done for 30 seconds). Only advice I can give.... Hope it helps.
Welcome to the forum RICKC
Just be patient, FiOS is still a fairly new deal for Verizon(although fiber internet has been around for a while). So sometimes not everything goes according to plan. Give them time, im sure eventually that everything will be okie-dokie. And if I may ask, what package are you on?
Using Download Accelerators such as DAP, I have been able to achieve roughly a sustained download rate around 600kb/s compared to my normal 530kb/s. Just a little thought about these thingys.