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Not sure what is going on. These two rigs together should easily be able to output 600 or more points a day. In other words, beat shug into a bloody pulp. :shocked:

I have two dual cores as well, I should have better output than I do.

there's a box to check (or uncheck) in the setup...i remember seeing it...it's just for that...so they don't send stuff over a certain size

Yeah, I have it unchecked.

It says to check it if I want large files, so It is NOT checked, yet I get these huge work units.

I better get some points for this one, been a zillion days.

At 49,500 of 50,000 frames right now :tickedoff:

edit: just did some math:

It is averaging 27 Seconds per frame, CPU usage is set at about 95% (of a P4 2.53Ghz, at 100% it lags a little on a few apps).

That comes out to 15.625 DAYS of cpu time; that's if I run it 24/7.


Interesting. I use the console version and the longest a unit has ever taken was on the single core and it took 8 days.

Is that 8 days of 24/7 processing?

This last 50,000 framed WU is my biggest ever, but I still get those week long ones every 3rd or 4th time.

The sad part is I get like 300-400 points for them.

the 1 day long ones usually throw out about 200 points or so.

Well. maybe someone above is trying to tell me that I need to upgrade.....



We are about to pass Gamespot, ebaums world and university of arkansas. Plus poor RTB just cant keep up with me. Poor lil feller.

Looks like i'll have to turn her back up:)

I started it up again as well...

Got a new dual core....Been running about 13s/Frame when I run one...

I have been running 3 consoles at the same time on this machine..Then I only get about 25s/Frame, but I'm doing 3 @ 25 as opposed to 1 @13...

I should have some measurable points soon...  :grin2:

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