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Blue Hippo Scam Alert! The $2000+ low end desktop computer

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RAW DEAL! Worst computer deal in the history of scams. They are selling a $300 desktop computer for $2200. They are scamming the public by making it look like an easy payment plan. If the overall price wasn't bad enough, they don't even take on any risk, as they won't ship the computer until you've spent more than $600! Help expose this scam!


RAW DEAL! Worst computer deal in the history of scams. They are selling a $300 desktop computer for $2200. They are scamming the public by making it look like an easy payment plan. If the overall price wasn't bad enough, they don't even take on any risk, as they won't ship the computer until you've spent more than $600! Help expose this scam!


Yeah ive seen the commercial for them.didnt relize how dirty they are.. they need to meet BIG bubba in prison :evil6:

Ya i have also seen the commercials. I dont believe they are the first ones to do this. I think i have seen a few other companys like this targetting a consumer with bad or no credit.

My family purchased a dell from a rent to own place about 4 years ago. The terms werent that bad as we payed about 1100$ in total but they were very lenient on payments and provided a free upgrade after a few months.

The only way scams like this and major retail companys overcharging for generic parts can stop is if the public is more educated. I would really like to see more online computer sites make commercials. Cause all the time i look at ads in the sunday paper and i see desktops but ur just paying for a lcd screen and peripherals .. the comp is usually garbage if its under 500$.

Hopefully nobody actually follows through after learning the 13 week prepay before shipping clause .. cause thats insane. There whole commercial states .. if you have bad credit or no credit and want a good computer fast .. buy from them. In 13 weeks saving 25$ every 2 weeks would give u 325$. Add another 75$ and you can buy something decent from bestbuy or another place.

What a crock of crap.

OK, so I am in Walmart the other day and see an OK Compaq notebook for $798.

Didn't look too bad for the price.

Let's compare:

Blue Hippo (shit-hole): $149.99 + 49.99 * 13 weeks = $779.86 (the cost just to have the POS delivered)

Then add on the 39 weeks * 49.99 = 1949.61 + 779.86 = 2729.47 (Holy F%$K, but don't forget the taxes. Where I live = 7%. This = $2920 total)

Walmart Compaq I saw = $798.00 (+ freakin' tax of course)

Here is the link to compare (although it looks like it is now out of stock)


Specs are not the best; but a hell of a lot better than Blue Hippo.

I know we can find even better deals, but the WallyMart one just came to mind.

So, people out there, just save that $50 a week for a few and screw Blue Hippo like everyone here says.

Guest helloimtim

I guess they just play on the people that HAVE to have it now no matter what. Kinda like a "rent a center".  If people would only realize if they were to take thoes low monthly paymets. Save it away. They could buy a much better item and still have plenty left over for dinner and a movie.

know what rentacenter is good for? say you have a place you want to rent out or sell, and you want to furnish it for the open house. spend a few hundred bucks and have them put furniture in for 2 weeks and do the open houses. then have em cart the stuff back. no hassle.

as for blue hippo, awesome. the people get their hardware paid for and more before they even ship it and then keep getting paid.

Not their fault. If people are stupid enough to buy it then what the heck. I mean a lil research goes a long way. All these people would have to do is go out and look at comparable pc's to realize how badley they are being ripped.

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