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How many people feel strongly about the USA, and what it stands for?  

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  1. 1. How many people feel strongly about the USA, and what it stands for?

    • Yes, a tear
    • Not a tear
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I personally feel that we are no where near that presumed statement peepnklown.


1)A government in which political power is exercised by a single individual whose rule is considered illegitimate.

2)A state ruled by a dictator holding absolute power and authority.

3)A system of government in which a country is ruled by a single person with absolute power.


I think one of the reasons we can not have a dictatorship, is the personel who guard the president and such (just an example), do not back up the present person but the presidents position. He is the present person in that position, but he will be gone in 4 years.

No president is above impeachment. And they would not gain from becoming Dictator.

I know I would not want it!

Just my thoughts.  :D

I know I would not want it!

I do not want a dictatorship either, but everything is in place for one; Patriot Act 1 & 2, FEMA, and seemly unchecked illegal moves by Bush and his administration.

We have to remember that our past presidential governments have built the system that Bush and his administration are using.

I do not want a dictatorship either, but everything is in place for one; Patriot Act 1 & 2, FEMA, and seemly unchecked illegal moves by Bush and his administration.

We have to remember that our past presidential governments have built the system that Bush and his administration are using.

:haha: People have been in this conspiracy mode since Reagan. It makes me giggle.

Here we go with Bush again, it started with wimpy Clinton who actually started the war. By denial. And not wanting to leave with that on his record, just pass the buck.

You like the Media can twist the words any way you wish, fine. But in the end, it just is not going to happen. You fanatics kill me.  :haha:

Get a life.

Actually the conspiracy began with the beginning of the cave man, greed,  and clubs, it thrives, but never really wins. Bullies thrive, but eventually they have to answer to someone.


  • 5 weeks later...

Wow that is the first  time I actually read the most beautiful thread in TMN, and watched most of it's links. In my opinion of course.

And it truly touched me. If it had not been so late I probably would have watched and read every little bit. Our soldiers would be proud, I would like to think anyway.

Anyway here is a song that I found in my posting in the song and lyrics thread. Many of you know it as "The Ballad Of The Green Berets", I loved it as a kid and still enjoy it.

Ballad Of the Green Berets

by Sgt. Barry Sadler 1965

Fighting soldiers from the sky

Fearless men who jump and die

Men who mean just what they say

The brave men of the Green Beret


Silver wings upon their chest

These are men, America's best

One hundred men will test today

But only three win the Green Beret

Trained to live off natures land

Trained in combat, hand-to-hand

Men who fight by night and day

Courage peak from the Green Berets

(Chorus) Silver wings upon their chest

These are men, America's best

One hundred men will test today

But only three win the Green Beret

Back at home a young wife waits

Her Green Beret has met his fate

He has died for those oppressed

Leaving her his last request

"Put silver wings on my son's chest

Make him one of America's best

He'll be a man they'll test one day

Have him win the Green Beret"

(Chorus) Silver wings upon their chest

These are men, America's best

One hundred men will test today

But only three win the Green Beret


The pics may not appear well, as I could not copy and paste.

peepnklown you must just sit at your computer and look for ways to lash out at threads. Very boring and lonely life.

I am going to assume you have never been on a real rescue mission. The folks in trouble are like sheep, and the DAMNED Jessy Jackson wanna be mayor of theirs. He being the first one out did not help matters at all.

You have to force scared people into doing things like boarding a bus. They are scared and cannot really think for themselves. They will just wander and go nutty. You have to corral them so to speak.

Why don't you get the hell out of my thread and go start your own. You are not adding to it at all. "SO GOODBYE" peepnklown. Boo begone.

I used to debate with peepnklown & like it or not he defends a lot of his points fairly well.The Patriot Act does worry me& I find it just as unConstitutional as peepnklown  does.I see it as cowardly always being so afraid that we need to step on everyones rights.Like the national anthem says we are supposed to be the home of the brave.If some citizens get killed because we have too much freedom then that's the cost of freedom.Therefore I hate the Patriot Act & whats been done with it.

I see the need for FEMA & the need for it to make people do things necessary for their safety.So far incompetence  has been FEMA's worst flaw.& I don't think it has been used to take rights away .At least so far.

Wait till you see the government start stepping on the Second Amendment some more.I see this in days to come so be ready.The reason is a lot of the so called civilized world has already disarmed its citizens.When the push comes for the USA to become part of the "One government World" They want us disarmed .I think this is part of the reason for the war on terrorism to try to civilize the middleeastern countries & disarm them to.

Don't take me wrong I will defend the Constitution or die trying .I hope American soldiers will do the same & refuse to fire on fellow Americans.But they have before & can again .Even if it was National Guard don't forget Kent State.

I hope American soldiers will do the same & refuse to fire on fellow Americans.But they have before & can again .Even if it was National Guard don't forget Kent State.

"Tin soldiers and Nixon's coming, we're finally on our own

This summer I hear the drumming, four dead in Ohio"

Valid point, cholla. But I believe that was a different time and a different public mindset. At least, I'd hope that is the case.  :cry:

The reason is a lot of the so called civilized world has already disarmed its citizens.When the push comes for the USA to become part of the "One government World" They want us disarmed .I think this is part of the reason for the war on terrorism to try to civilize the middleeastern countries & disarm them to.

Armed radicals is not a good thing. Maybe they need to be disarmed until they are taught what they are fighting for. Kids over there are raised to hate. Racism, biggotry and hatred are not qualities children are born with. It's handed down from generation to generation. You can't just teach an entire religion based on killing everyone who doesn't agree with your religion and then give them the means to carry out their "jihad".

Holy war. That's the stupidest oxymoron I've ever heard.  :roll:

on this...the 5th anniversary of the bombing that started this whole mess and our involvement...is there anyone that doesn't think that this has gone far enough and that it's time to bring our boys home??


done...why can't we just get the hell outta there...and stop the fighting??

on this...the 5th anniversary of the bombing that started this whole mess and our involvement...is there anyone that doesn't think that this has gone far enough and that it's time to bring our boys home??


done...why can't we just get the hell outta there...and stop the fighting??

because it isn't over :(

I'm with you on the opinion, but not with the reality.... *hugs and wipes her eyes*

My cousin is an artist, who as a child used to like dream things before they happened it was kinda weird.. about 2 weeks before 9/11 she started drawing a picture of the new york skyline.. then she stopped.. unfinished there stood a picture with no twin towers.. after 9/11 my whole family had a copy of the pic and had it framed.. its so weird because it was like dated in pen and her mom was there when she made it so it wasnt drawn after.

Spooky =/

The reason is a lot of the so called civilized world has already disarmed its citizens.When the push comes for the USA to become part of the "One government World" They want us disarmed .

I am not sure what you mean by disarmed cholla. I am not disarmed at all, I just dont feel the need to go about town armed with loaded weapons on my person. I can go home and arm my self any time I please. I still own weapons, but carrying loaded weapons is not what I believe we should be doing. Is there not eniugh uncontroled anger unloaded everyday as it is, without the idiots have a loaded gun in there hand immediatly, without time to think it through.

on this...the 5th anniversary of the bombing that started this whole mess and our involvement...is there anyone that doesn't think that this has gone far enough and that it's time to bring our boys home??


done...why can't we just get the hell outta there...and stop the fighting??

It is never over til it is over. That is what happened in the gulf war. We could have done this same thing and been done much sooner. But that is not what we were there for the first time.

Just remember this is the least deadly war we have ever been involved in. No matter what picture the media paints.

I do predict with the coming of a new president, it will come down in fierceness, like it has in Afganistan.

If we leave now, will we not be doing harm by leaving, and then have to say " Maybe if we had just hung on just a little longer?". They do need us over there, and as the US we always help other folks in need, how is this different. I hate to think we lose even one young lad, but it is necessary sometimes. War and freedom and democracy is never free. Even the US's was not FREE !  :brave:

Many a soldier has died in past battles. Luckily not as many in this one.

Almost forgot.

Welcome to the forum  joeblow  :wave:

tommie/water...i know...that's just the treehugger me talkin fantasy world stuff...it all just shouldn't be in the first place...all over what??...like all wars...why can't we all just live and let live...

thx for the tune joeblow and welcome to the forum...hope u enjoy us here...we have some very patriotic folks in here...heros even and i salute them all ...u see i really am very patriotic myself...i was raised that way...and all wars i've opposed weren't opposing our fight to maintain all that we have here...it was to oppose the inhumanity to man...now see what u guys have gone and done...i started this day all mushy and now i'm boo hooie again...

support our boys...help them finish the job they're there to do and pray for their safe return

If you want some answers like I did the other night tdawnaz, WHY.

I went back and ran through the entire thread and watched most all of the videos. It made me think even deeper than I did as I was helping to put it togather piece by piece. It made a lot more sense as a thread, instead of post by post. I was definately full of emotion before a few pages. But I managed through it.

Actually this is one of the days for the reason, WHY?  "9-11" is the beginning why. We were attacked like never before, and we fought back. It is just not over yet.

Mossad behind the beheadings

First pic.*Eugene Armstrong

An American that was beheaded on Sept 20, 2004

Second pic.*"The American Johnson was killed on June 17 and the Korean was killed June 22. The purpose was to inflame world opinion and bring massive retaliation. When the Mossad ambushed the four contractors in March 2004 the US army killed 850 in Fallujah and maimed 3500."

American soldiers do more than get even.


By the way, I don't suggest opening the vid's in the link tdawnaz, it may not be your cup of tea. It says they are uncut.

I left out the gross ones.

And the last one is what we are up against. They start out that way.

"None of us who have always been free

can understand the terrible fascinating power

of the hope of freedom to those who are not free." - Pearl S. Buck

Here is the grossest story I have ever heard. I really hate to put it's link in here. It reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock. I thought I was going to swallow my stomach on this one. Not what you think, but what would you think.

"Remember our soldiers."



[move]    :brave: N O  M A T T E R  W H A T  :brave: [/move]

That story gave me the chills tommie, I can only feel sorry for him and his family =/

Imagine how his parents felt when they thought about all they had to do was say sure and accept that someone who was different was moving in with them could have saved their sons life  :-|

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