Shug7272 Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 Hmm... let me just post the link. First off language warning. Ok I watched this the first time and laughed my ass off. As I watched it again I realize although outhere it makes alot of sense. How do you view it. Comedy, Truth, or Both. Kinda depressing too, I just don't know what to say. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 Me too Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 Comedy, Truth, or Both. Kinda depressing. Some of it is funny but mostly the truth and that makes it depressing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ryan314 Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 I agree it is somewhat depressing. Funny, but depressing. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparticus Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 It's like a brain teaser. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 24, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 I couldnt help but laugh my ass off at the "grandpa how did you do it" "Oh it was terrible, there was cheesecake and pork chops everywhere". Had some great points too. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FallowEarth Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 "Policy: Underwear go inside the pants." :haha: That was a great vid, well done. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 24, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 "Policy: Underwear go inside the pants." :haha: That was a great vid, well done. You know what else it made me realize about myself that I never knew? I have totally been guilty of saying "Im not giving him money, he will spend it on booz or drugs" then I go buy some pot. I have been guilty of the get a job thing to, but I realized how stupid that was to say just for the points made in the video. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
xs1 Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 Thats nuts... its all so true... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
intense Posted November 24, 2006 CID Share Posted November 24, 2006 I think its just that simple. The death of common sense. Technology has alowed us to be as lazy as we want. Never have to leave the house for anything. Personally I think the amish have the right idea. How many over weight amish does one see. Thats what I mean. The death of common sense. We can thank our goverment for part of it. Ourselfs for the rest. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 Hi intense, I think it is in the nature of the beast , man was born to be lazy, of all the species man has a special gift to reason , Lions still chase gazelle for dinner , they never have learned to build a simple coral , from the early caveman learning easier ways to kill his dinner, maybe he didn't need more dinner but his new flint tipped spear ,meant more time off work to reproduce, and hang out with the guys , maybe we are reaching the end of our evolutionary cycle, lots of animals in the past have used up all the natural resource's and become extinct , 1/3 of the human population is staving in the world, others don't have to leave their chair for a meal , Survival of the fitest is the name of the game, and in my view be the downfall of our culture, we don't even build our own technology anymore, we let leaner fitter people do it for us , History has show that only leads to destruction , as these leaner fitter people have only one desire , to get meals delivered to their chair , and the cycle goes on , the up side to all this I think we are OK for a couple of hundred years yet , *Pass me the phone honey, I wana eat * Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 25, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 Both of you are right. The Amish got it going on, wish I had the fortitude to live that way. At the same time humans have the ability to reason and create and a big part of that is making our lives easier through creation and problem solving. We will beat the obesity problem too, either with drugs or hopefully a paradigm shift in culture. I think I used the word paradigm right. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 lol Shugs , I guess you got the world "paradigm"right , I wish I new what it meant ,and so does the online dictionary's that I tried drugs is not the way forward ,the ancient Romman empire fell apart while they ordered another gallon of wine , and tossed a couple of more sheep on the Barbe the Amish may have got it right, but depend on others for protection , Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark06 Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 How Come the truth is so hardcore funny ?????? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 I don't care how many I bums I see, they will always need to get a JOB. They really only need a good kick in the butt. They can only change if they want to. Try and ask one if he wants to WORK! At least 9 out of 10 times he or she will say not really, I make more standing here. So why should I say any different. And then look for the nice car parked around the corner. And you don't think they search for those one legged dogs? And how do they hitch hike with that dog? Wake up folks. On the super size, I really never do that. At least not that I remember. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 25, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 I don't care how many I bums I see, they will always need to get a JOB. They really only need a good kick in the butt. They can only change if they want to. Try and ask one if he wants to WORK! At least 9 out of 10 times he or she will say not really, I make more standing here. So why should I say any different. And then look for the nice car parked around the corner. And you don't think they search for those one legged dogs? And how do they hitch hike with that dog? Wake up folks. On the super size, I really never do that. At least not that I remember. Most homeless people have mental diseases but don't qualify for help. On the other hand a mother with six kids all from different fathers can make literally thousands of dollars a month in handouts, not counting food stamps that they sell for half the value. I dare you to try to get a job with no address, no clothes, no facilities to care for yourself (shower). Its too bad you feel that way. I bet if you put yourself in their shoes you couldn't get a job. Not to mention the fact that you speak like they choose to be homeless. If you are ever down on your luck you better hope you don't ask someone with the same attitude for help. If you honestly believe that the majority of these people like living outside, in the elements with no healthcare, no food, no toilet, no clothing, no sympathy and constantly being the target of random attacks both physical and verbal... well I don't know what to say, doesn't sound very appealing to me.. not a choice I would make... I think you would have to have a mental disease to want that... Huh that takes us right back to the first sentence of my post. I wouldn't guess that would be a hard statement for you to make sitting in your house with your loved ones, heater, food, lighting and nice comfy bed. Don't judge it until you have lived it, oh yea one last thing. You have never talked to a bum that told you they make more on the street than having a job. (please don't try to say you have, I cant imagine why someone with that attitude would even talk to a homeless person to hear their story, I assure you I have) I'm guessing you viewed that on a news report about con artists... which has nothing to do with this subject at all. I have people very close to me that are homeless and trust me when I say they didn't chose it and they don't like it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 First of all I guess you forgot that I work in that type of folks every day. They will also steal from you if given the chance. And yes I have put time in, in missions. Guess how many get turned away just because they would rather get drunk than eat for free. And a free night off of the street is also available. I have provided some of the best homes in the neighborhood that I own houses in. I have literally gone broke trying to provide them with decent homes. I am not a slum lord. But I have learned that it is necessary to make any money in those neighborhoods. And yes they do choose it as a lifestyle. I did all I possibly could. I have left a few things in a house just to have it broken into and ripped off. They watch everything you do all day. They would rather steal from me than work for more money. I have seen them get kicked out just bedcause they do not want to work. And down on my luck I have been several times. How many years have you worked for yourself shug? I have been at it for going on 20+ years. If you do not do it right, you sink quickly. So stealing is at the top of my list. Have you ever talked to a Hobo shug. I have intentionally paid a hobo just to talk to me. Yes they prefer it to civilization. And don't ever call them hitchhikers. They will tell you they are not. And yes they can get health care. If they want it. What makes you think they cannot get it. Their are so many ways around the system you would not believe it. I also want to say I haveearned every dime that went into what I have. Not one dime was given to me. I sweated on many a roof till my back would not go any further. Then I switched to landlord to help poor folks. Little did I know they would show me that that is a big mistake. I have given them a ride to wherever they wanted to go. Given them a sandwich. Never money though. Try to give them what they need, not what they want. If they are hungry, FEED THEM. If they want a place to sleep, they can go to a shelter, but they had better be SOBER. Yes I have asked them to work, and that is what they told me. I have needed help many times. So DO NOT CALL ME A LIAR! I am notsaying that maybe they are different where you ran into them, who knows. Here is another one. A guy standing in a gas station asks for gasoline to put in his car which ran out of gas. So I go to my brothers house and borrow a gas can. I go back to the station and he is gone. So about 6 months later he showsup at the station again. There he is again. He says I must be lying, no I said but I will give you gasoline if you will find a container. So he digs through the trash can and comes back with a antifreeze bottle. I fill it up and go over to taco bell across the street to just watch him. He goes from car to car so he can sell to someone to put in their tank and pay him cash. I have been propositioned so many times it is not funny. At street lights no less. I had a woman living at one house so drugged up all the time that she did not realize she had water running in her wall so bad it was running out of the walls. I do know the world is not perfect. But when they will not get in my truck when I offer them work at $8 an hour and a sandwich for lunch to boot, what do you expect me to do. I will not support their laziness. Ever again. You try and stop one time and see if they will even rake up your leaves for you. Let me know how that works out. At the same time I have had the most responsible folks stay at my houses. They are a pleasure to deal with. I guess that is enough for now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 25, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 Calm down there man, its ok. You seem to know the homeless that like being the scum of society and live in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. I have a hard time believing this, I wont lie about that. I seem to know the people that have problems out side of their control that make it difficult for them to function like you and I. I'm guessing nobody that visits this site would like to live that life style so I am guessing they will see the common sense answer that no human being with all of their mental faculties intact would chose, enjoy or sustain by choice that lifestyle. I have people in my family that are homeless. You wouldn't have to pay them to talk to you either. Trust me they (the people I know) don't do it because it is fun or holds anykind of advantages. I can also assure you that I give a good portion of my money to the homeless and others less fortunate, I have never been attacked or stolen from in regards to these people. I also talk to each and every one of them and never heard a story like what you are telling. I pick up hitch hikers too... the way I see it, if it was my (insert whomever you love most) I would want someone to help them without judging. I would never ask them to rake my leaves as they live in such conditions I consider it "work" for them just to survive, which most of them dont... survive that is. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 The best you and I will ever do on this subject is agree to disagree. Saying "I guess that is enough for now.' means I have worked around all types. I have been so hungry and broke, I actually went in town Hitchhiking just to go file for food stamps, they offered me $10 a month for 3 months to get me on my feet. I turned and asked if I could get any right now ( I really was hungry) they offered me some emergency funds which was a voucher at a local store. I am a proud man and prefer to work, but I was out of options. Luckily my sweet landlady would let me slide a few months at a time knowing I would put on a roof any time she wanted. I grew up on foodstamps, welfare, clothes closets, the whole nine yards. My step dad (god rest his soul) worked 3 full time jobs to try and make the mortgage. 5 kids in the family. He was a police garage mechanic at the time. He would do any job. I do know how to work. And I do know people who do not want to do their part in society also. I have scratched my way to where I am. If folks want to cleanse their souls giving to folks who wish not to work and juststand on street corners. I am all good dwith that. I just prefer they do what I had to do. WORK TO EAT. My church at one time had a fella come in after hours. A couple ofguys from the church were ther including the pastor. He said his car was broke down on the road a ways. So they offered to pick p his family and feed them and put them in a hotel. He was upset, he said just give me the money. They said if you reallly want help and really have a family we will happily help. He angrily left never to return. And this was not inner city either... Oops. Too far again. Done. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 25, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 I help without judgment. (period) Judgment can only be cast in a fair manner by he who deserves no judgment. That sure does not define me. The problem with choosing who is worthy of help and who is not is that he who truly needs the help will appear to be the least deserving. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 I don't judge, I offer help more often than you can imagine. But I choose not to just give money. There is only one organization I will give money to. I whole heartedly give freely when possible. The Salvation Army. Those are some of the most unselfish folks you would ever meet. Or try putting in time in a mission. It is free, and they will feed you when you are done if there is any left over they say, and I never saw a plate that could not get filled. They make big portions and lots of pots of food. It will truly change your life. So if you truly want to help homeless foks do this. I have only done it 2 times, and will probably take my daughters when I feel they are old enough to take into the inner city after dark. I have pages of stories. But I will leave them for some other time. Thanks for your time folks, and hope I have not bored you. Just my thoughts. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
just- Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 this is old a couple of months now but still a freaking powerful message it sends makes me go all emotional hoooooooo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 25, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 I don't judge, I offer help more often than you can imagine. But I choose not to just give money. There is only one organization I will give money to. I whole heartedly give freely when possible. The Salvation Army. Those are some of the most unselfish folks you would ever meet. Or try putting in time in a mission. It is free, and they will feed you when you are done if there is any left over they say, and I never saw a plate that could not get filled. They make big portions and lots of pots of food. It will truly change your life. So if you truly want to help homeless foks do this. I have only done it 2 times, and will probably take my daughters when I feel they are old enough to take into the inner city after dark. I have pages of stories. But I will leave them for some other time. Thanks for your time folks, and hope I have not bored you. Just my thoughts. Not bored in the least. Bottom line is, just as with anything a person feels strongly about (politics, religion, etc.) you will probably not change my view and I will probably not change yours. this is old a couple of months now but still a freaking powerful message it sends makes me go all emotional hoooooooo Didnt know it was old though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
water Posted November 25, 2006 CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 Well Shug, I finally watched it, and it touched me. Thanks! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted November 25, 2006 Author CID Share Posted November 25, 2006 Glad you liked it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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