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it says: "Your account is temporarily deactivated."

usually when you're redirected but have logged in anyways it will just take about 5-10 minutes before you are registered again and you're account to be activated with the new settings.

so your saying that its okay that my account is deactivated and i just need to wait 5 - 10 mins before my account will be re-activated then i have to relogin my account again ?.

so you say ( automatically it will be reactivated without calling CSR ) ? please confirm.


If you change the color code to 5, your internet connection will be temporarily deactivated, then you have to call the CSR at *1888 and just simply tell them that your internet connection is temporarily deactivated and ask for reactivation. If they gonna ask you further what did you do to the internet settings, simply reply "i did not do anything, it redirects me to the portal.", then they will just reactivate your connection with no further question.

Before, you can change the color code at anytime you like, but they now impose  their authority to disable/enable your antenna's ability to roam/connect from access point to access points.

do i really have to call the CSR ?  I don't like telling lies and its not really good talking to those bulls#it CSR . im not used to it. Is there any other way ?


its not a nice development.

anyways, for update, i am anticipating something good from SmartBro which will happen next week. im excited!  :cheesy:

what is it Mr. Coolbuster ?

Hello evryone... my canopy page is blocked and i've found out how to access it by the ip of (here: http://www.testmy.net/t-20597) I've found some few different ip's and i've found out that they belong to a different subscriber within my area... shortly after i've managed to change some configuration, i've found out that the canopy page was not mine... would it be a problem since I've changed configuration not for my canopy but for another user?


I See.. But why is it that when i use my own settings(cablenut) my d/l slows down and my u/l suddenly jumps to 300+ kbps... they kinda have  'switched'...

Personally that is why I always only used the TCP Optimizer, you can actually mess it up with the cablenut.  :wink:

So yeah be careful, and always remember it takes no time to redo it.  :smiley:


I See.. But why is it that when i use my own settings(cablenut) my d/l slows down and my u/l suddenly jumps to 300+ Kbps... they kinda have  'switched'...

you might have used the wrong values. now, if you're contented with your connection even without cablenut tweaks then keep it up.  :smiley:

Hello nolram16... you can try sir coolbuster2007's 20 steps here:


we're on the same boat, but the 20 steps really helps... I used sir coolbuster2007's setting that can be found in his blog... and now my d/l and u/l speeds are almost stable to 340+ kbps


im a newbie when it comes about networking..my problem is this

..i really need help...go into this link


its a conversation of me with the senior member of that forum. i think he cant help me that's why i go here...thnks in advance

welcome to tmn nolram16

ive read your posts in that site. i understand you are using a router. since your pc is the only one connected on it, why not connect directly from the canopy's rj45? detach the canopy's rj45 from the router and connect it directly to your lan card.

since you are now at tmn, kindly have your speed tests at tmn too.  :smiley:

nolram16 welcome to the forum :welcome: ...u'll get the help u  need here...just go ahead and post ur question...with all ur info from that other site...u can copy and paste it here...

please don't redirect our users to another site to read ur question...u will notice that the link no longer works...sorry...

if u go ahead and post ur question there r many users in here that will be more than willing to help u


im a newbie when it comes about networking..my problem is this

..i really need help...go into this link


its a conversation of me with the senior member of that forum. i think he cant help me that's why i go here...thnks in advance

using a router with with smartbro is peferctly fine!

did you follow the easy steps on how to install your LinksysWRT54G? if yes then good.

now, go to Linksys.com and get the latest firmware of your router. if you have difficulties on how to upgrade your firmware you can always ask their Tech. Support to assist you (yes they have online tech support).

configuring your router:

i supposed you already knew how to get into Linksys setup via web browser.

(based on my own router settings)

Set Up> Basic Set Up

   choose> Static IP

              > Static DNS 1:

              > Static DNS 2:


              > MTU


              > Time Zone

                 (GMT +8:00)

              > Save Settings & click continue

next on its wireless capability:

if you are not using it then disable it!!! (for safety) google it if you want i'm too lazy to elaborate more.

Wireless> Basic Wireless Settings

             > Wireless Network Mode


             > Save Settings & click continue


Applications & Gaming> QoS

                                 > QoS


                                 > Upstream Bandwidth (Manual) (100000 kbps)

                                 > Ethernet Port Priority

                                    Port 1 = your PC

                                 > Priority (High) Flow Control (Disabled)


Application Priority > just read the instructions on how to set specific ports.

                            > Save Settings & click continue


Aministration> Management

                    Here change the default password and also read instructions on web access and remote router access (Important). After changing anything do not forget to SAVE your settings.

I hope this will be useful.


i recommended to nolram16 to just connect directly his canopy's RJ45 to the lan card instead of passing it through his router because i have noticed that he is a basic user. teaching him advanced router configuration may complicate things a little more.

but eventually if he finds it appropriate, and it is his right, to augment his knowledge on setting up a router, then go ahead; a lot of forum members here will be more than glad to help.  :wink:

I think it is not in the isp... but it is also in the downloads server that you are downloading... my tests here at testmy.net shows normal (Advertized) SmartBro speeds(45kiBps both d/l and u/l, thanks to sir coolmaster2007, i'm indebted  :icon_salut:) but when i download to some sites (ex: rapidshare, megauploads, coz i'm a very bad warez user : ) my d/l speeds jumps up to 200kiBps... whic is quite amazing... :shocked:


thank you sir... i relly like it here...  :smitten:

After long months of spending wasted time and money, my smartbro's nightmare is over. I got a call from PLDT, and got the offer I cant refuse, they informed me to terminate my smartbro contract (6 months to be legit) , I will just add P300 to my monthly internet billI got, so from 999 to 1300, and they will install  PLDT DSL.The dude from PLDT came after 3 days, and look at the difference, from turtle slow to super fast! just P300 difference it's 4X faster than smartbro.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 2080 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 254 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/11/08 - 11:19am

Bottom Line:: 36X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 4.03 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 11.781 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 204.54 % faster than the average for host (pldt.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-10NI6B984

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/ [!]


After long months of spending wasted time and money, my smartbro's nightmare is over. I got a call from PLDT, and got the offer I cant refuse, they informed me to terminate my smartbro contract (6 months to be legit) , I will just add P300 to my monthly internet billI got, so from 999 to 1300, and they will install  PLDT DSL.The dude from PLDT came after 3 days, and look at the difference, from turtle slow to super fast! just P300 difference it's 4X faster than smartbro.

::::::::::.. Download Stats ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 2080 Kbps about 2.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 254 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/11/08 - 11:19am

Bottom Line:: 36X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 4.03 sec

Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 11.781 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 204.54 % faster than the average for host (pldt.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-10NI6B984

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20071025 Firefox/

congratulations man.

i wish i have a pldt line in my area so i can avail of that offer also.

great speed you got there!  :smiley:

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