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@ thegrail. you're welcome.

first of all, we are very happy to have you with us on testmy. however, forum rules provide that we have to post in english only since this is an international forum. kindly provide a translation whenever you opted to post in our local language.

anyways, i am glad that the 20 steps thread was able to help again. i congratulate you on your improved speed.

my speed is caused by tweaking, details of which i have posted already on smartbro threads and posting them again would be redundant.

read more discover more. :smiley:

sir coolbuster,thanks sa tweaks lumakas medyo ung connection ko kanina ko lang ginawa ung 20 steps datinag-clock lang sa 130 to 160 kbps ngaun e 419 kbps na hehehehe(nga lang panu nyo napalipad ng ganun kalakas ung sa inyo?)

Please post in English only, so the ones that don't speak your language can learn as well , thanks :)

Welcome to Testmy.net thrgrail enjoy

hello there fellow tmn forumers  :cheesy: :cheesy: uhmmm is there anyone here using windows vista? and a smart broadband subscriber who has a problem also with their connection?!? can you help me please because right now im having a very slow connections

heres my connection as of 8:30pm Apr 6 2008 (sunday)



sir i've already disabled the hi-priority channel in my canopy page... but i want to ask why should it be disabled or what does it do? or how does it affect my connection speed? thanks...

High‐priority Bandwidth

To support low-latency traffic such as VoIP (Voice over IP) or video, the Canopy system implements a high-priority channel. This channel does not affect the inherent latencies in the Canopy system but allows high-priority traffic to be immediately served. The high-priority pipe separates low-latency traffic from traffic that is latency tolerant, such as standard web traffic and file downloads.

in tweaking, d i need to change the "subscriber Module" data as well or do i stick to what is shown in the canopy? if yes how do i change it? i tried tweaking but it became slower in downloading

in tweaking smartbro you don't need to change anything on the canopy. refer to the 20 steps guide by coolbuster..  everything is well explained..

Hayz kla q mttaz na pglluksa q sa connection na 2 un pla lalong lumala grabe..Nagllaro ako ng online games knina to specify ragnarok private server then as usuall super lag ndi mkglw char kya un i try to search how can i make my smartbro faster then i come with this site..I am a newbie here so please understand me If I have a lot of questions.

Mga boss ginawa ko pow ung 3 kinds of tweaks na binagay ni coolbuster but then prang lumala lng connection bumagal lalo ung pg load ng page taz ung online games ako ms lalong ndi gumalaw waaaaaaa..Knina ng test aq ng download speed and upload speed ko kso ndi ko na copy ung pic or save ung info but ang dl and ul speed nya ay nsa 10-14kbps after having 3 test but then nung ng tweak na aq nging 1-3kbps per second dl and ul speed ko.waaa..Ang una ko pow gnwa ay ung 20 steps na guide ni coolbuster then not successful taz ung TCP/IP optimzer downlaod ko taz inoptimze wla prin gnun prin but then last ung guide nmn d2 ni elijahpaul which is dis topic but then and result ms lalong bumaba dl and ul speed ko..Patulong nmn pow nu ggwain ko n2..HELP ME POW PLEASE..!!!!

e2 pow ung speed ko as of now kkatest ko lng pow 2 ngaun testing two times pow..



Hayz kla q mttaz na pglluksa q sa connection na 2 un pla lalong lumala grabe..Nagllaro ako ng online games knina to specify ragnarok private server then as usuall super lag ndi mkglw char kya un i try to search how can i make my smartbro faster then i come with this site..I am a newbie here so please understand me If I have a lot of questions.

Mga boss ginawa ko pow ung 3 kinds of tweaks na binagay ni coolbuster but then prang lumala lng connection bumagal lalo ung pg load ng page taz ung online games ako ms lalong ndi gumalaw waaaaaaa..Knina ng test aq ng download speed and upload speed ko kso ndi ko na copy ung pic or save ung info but ang dl and ul speed nya ay nsa 10-14Kbps after having 3 test but then nung ng tweak na aq nging 1-3Kbps per second dl and ul speed ko.waaa..Ang una ko pow gnwa ay ung 20 steps na guide ni coolbuster then not successful taz ung TCP/IP optimzer downlaod ko taz inoptimze wla prin gnun prin but then last ung guide nmn d2 ni elijahpaul which is dis topic but then and result ms lalong bumaba dl and ul speed ko..Patulong nmn pow nu ggwain ko n2..HELP ME POW PLEASE..!!!!

e2 pow ung speed ko as of now kkatest ko lng pow 2 ngaun testing two times pow..



eventhough your a new here please type it in english.. this is a international thread...

@ MjGodlike20, welcome to testmy.net

we will be able to help you with your speed problem altho we have to do it carefully, gradually and patiently.

first, cykad was correct in reminding you to post in english because it is a forum rule. second, may we request you to post full screenshots of your task manager window and the installed programs in the "add or remove programs" section of the control panel.

your cooperation will play an important role in restoring, if not improving, your internet speed. Should we expect you to do your part?  :smiley:

Sorry for speaking my native language here I thought it is ok to speak tagalog here. Hmmm I am surprised with the result as of now I can't believe why it change so fast..Here's the result of my current test and here is the screenshots of my task manager and add or remove programs.Thanks for the guide sir coolbuster it really helps a lot.


Elow Guys.... Im new here.... anyway... since may father replace XP to Vista it became slow.... so thats why i need your help... here's my download speed and upload speed right now... i hope you can help... :cry:  THX  :smiley:

:::.. testmy.net test results ..:::

Download Connection is:: 25 Kbps about 0.03 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 3 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 49 Kbps about 0 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 6 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2008/04/08 - 9:06pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YK2N16V3Fhttp://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/iclk?sa=l&ai=B32PxqDL8R6ORJJGo7AOg2pEdjr_zOda61esDwI23AcCLERADGAMgxLH2ASgFOABQyZGUhP______AWDh_LqFrBqgAbr35P0DsgEOd3d3LnRlc3RteS5uZXS6AQoxNjB4NjAwX2FzyAEB2gEsaHR0cDovL3d3dy50ZXN0bXkubmV0L3Rvb2xzL3Rlc3QvcmVzdWx0cy5waHCAAgHIAvqFnASoAwHIAwfoA9sC6APaAugDaA&num=3&adurl=http://www.packeteer.com/company/moreinfo/%3Fleadsrc%3DGoogle%2520BndwtMonitor%2520WAN%2520Eval%2520Jul07&client=ca-pub-3667994051644304&nm=5

Bandwidth Monitoring Tool

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-6K978F1BR

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/ [!]


it's ok now. do you still need to configure or not?

anyways, i suggest you download <a href="http://www.winpatrol.com/download.html">WinPatrol</a> and disable the following items in the 'startup programs':

Internet Download Manager (IDMan.exe; IEMonitor will also be disabled)

Yahoo Messenger



also your nod32 is 'red' w/c means you disabled a function or you have to update the virus definitions.

do not test if you are dowloading something or an online game, yahoo or any internet related program is running in the background.

you can also get some tips and tweaks <a href="http://www.coolbusteratyourservice.blogspot.com">here</a> but come back at tmn later.

btw, are you using a dns server other than the smartbro default, or a proxy?

No im not using any kind of dns server or any proxy except the default one which smart gave me...Ok sir I will follow all your advices and instructions because I have a lot of trust from your's.By the way my anti virus is red because i just reinstall the firewall of nod32 cause i try if it is the problem of my slow connection i am going to reinstall it now..Thank you sir and more power.^_^

No im not using any kind of dns server or any proxy except the default one which smart gave me...Ok sir I will follow all your advices and instructions because I have a lot of trust from your's.By the way my anti virus is red because i just reinstall the firewall of nod32 cause i try if it is the problem of my slow connection i am going to reinstall it now..Thank you sir and more power.^_^

good luck. and don't hesitate to ask for help. TMN members are more than pleased to answer them within our capacity.

Sir coolbuster I have one more concern how can I speed up my gaming connection? I try to check my speed now it goes down again. Is there any way I can maintain the speed?I think the speed of my connection goes down because there are a lot of smart users who are online now cause its afternoon compare to morning and night.What shall I do now?I'm having lag at this times..Too bad for me..:((

Here's my latest test..




i think, the best way u can do is to perform a system mentainance on ur comp,check if there's a virus, spyware, etc.. this can cause connection slowdown...also try cleaning ur registry,..or if not, try installing a fresh copy of windows, then do the tweaks again..smartbro said's that the connection to them is burstable, try finding a strong cgnal to them...about tweaking; like mr.CB said to his tips, not all smartbro user's will gain the assumed speed,after tweaking ..haha...like me...we are one of the unlucky one..thats why hindi ko n cnubukan ulit ung mga tweaks.,now my download speed is 100+ to 300+KB/sec at day time, and 500+ to 700+ KB/sec at night time...walang tweaks to...n-shock nga ako dahil ng-boost ng ganito...ginawa ko lang is, mentaine my system, akyat sa roof, hanap ng cgnal, tas check my AP's...haha..kakapagod...pero ganda naman ng result...

Wow nice good for you I'll try it sometimes aakyatin ko bubong nmin minsan pg wla prin tlga hahaha..My system is clean and its free from any trojan and viruses i use tune up utilities and nod 32 with theor combination my system is completely clean and udpated.But still my net is so poor..Hayz.....

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