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Just to let you guys know, testmy.net is in the middle of a very large server transfer.  Over to a more powerful server.  If you experience any problems over the next few days just note that these issues are most likely because of the transfer and you need not make any posts about these problems because I'll most likely be working on any of the bugs while you would be writing your post.  Though, if you notice any problems AFTER I make the "Welcome to the new server" post (you'll also see a notice on the home page to let you know that you're now on the new server) then please let us know of any problems.  I have limited times to make the transfer (unless I want to pay HUGE fees) so please note that I will have no time to respond to PM's and emails until after I've finished the transfer.  I've already been in this transfer since the 22nd but now my host has actually gotten the issues with the new server ironed out (they better give me a break on the price!  haha)...  I just had issue after issue, and this stuff happens every time I get a new server with them, stuff like IP addresses not able to be provisioned.  But I got a message from them a little bit ago letting me know that they got the kinks out... so give me a little time to get all the data over and get the new server configured correctly to be able to handle as much traffic as TMN gets and look forward to our new faster server.  It has enough power to take over the tasks of the two current servers...

See you on the other side ;-)

- Damon

- owner/admin

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Thanks for the heads up Damon , and break a leg (UK saying   for good luck , )

LOL man , I am closer to the other side than you by near on 40 years , if there is a way

you can be assured I will return ( post on ), :lol:

I just hope all the 46,787 members  :shocked: read the sticky and let the dust settle ,

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is still going on, actually my host put my new server in the wrong datacenter and I didn't notice untill I was seriously minutes from finishing the transfer.  But they got ANOTHER server online for me in the right datacenter and it's running MUCH better than the POS they originally set up for me.  I'm waiting on a few tasks to finish, then a few final touches and this headache of a transfer will be over with. 

My ETA for the DNS update is some time tonight, although it may take up to 72 hours for your ISP or your local DNS cache to get the new DNS info telling them where to find the new server ;-)  --- as I said before, you'll know you're on the new server when you see a nice welcome message on the site index... also, you'll only see one server option.  There will be no more 'server 1' 'server 2' deal.  Be down to one simple option... only one server but more power.  And once needed I'll be switching the server over to a 1Gbps uplink, I've already looked into the option.

I'll keep you all posted tonight.  Please note that there may be a loss of a few posts durring the couple of minutes it takes for me to make the transfer nearly transparent.


- Damon

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so if u make any really important posts...i'd save a copy in notepad or something so u can repost if necessary...bee a shame if someone never got to see that one post that was the answer to all their woes (wow that's the second time this week i've used that word...woes)

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New server is up and running, all configured and ironed out.  One final stage of the transfer is being completed, the scores database is currently being moved.  I should have that done pretty soon.  But I've got the main stuff over and I've tested it... even if your DNS hasn't updated to the new server yet you'll still be making posts to the new servers forum database.

If you want to see if your currently on the new server (completely) go to the home page and if you see a message in red that says "NEW SERVER" that means you're allready there  (click here to see what the page 'should' look like if you ARE on the new server).  If you don't see that message yet don't worry DNS propagation can take a while for some people and if you don't see that message and you'd like to run a test off the new server here is the link to run a dual test.

I'll make another post to this thread once I have finished getting the scores database over.

- Enjoy the nice clean new server!

- Damon  owner/admin

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so if u make any really important posts...i'd save a copy in notepad or something so u can repost if necessary...bee a shame if someone never got to see that one post that was the answer to all their woes (wow that's the second time this week i've used that word...woes)

Hun, all my posts are important.  :kiss:

OK< not as important as CA3LE's.   :wink:

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Well... I actually got all the database info over without a problem but I had forgot to write up my custom mySQL configuration that I use and... well... without custom config  to deal with the number of database hits this site gets (many of which are coming from the score signature images being posted on many many thousands of sites around the net) it ended up crashing the score database.  I had no idea how long it would take for the server to catch up to itself so I just did a hard reboot which in turn completely imploded the database, lol... it seriously just disappeared.  I can't even find the raw database file on the server. 

Ehh, anyways.  I'm just going to leave the score database on one of the old servers for tonight and take care of it when I wake up.  It's 3am now and I'm way too tired to finish this tonight, well ...this morning.  haha

I'll update the thread once it's finished.  While I'm at it tomorrow I'm just going to optimize that and all the other databases.  I have my work cut out for me tomorrow  :-P

ttyl guys! 

- Damon

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--17:14:07--  http://www.testmy.net/speedtest_files/20MB

          => `20MB.10'

Resolving www.testmy.net...

Connecting to www.testmy.net||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 21,475,255 (20M) [text/plain]

100%[====================================>] 21,475,255    10.24M/s

17:14:09 (10.24 MB/s) - `20MB.10' saved [21475255/21475255]

--17:15:11--  http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test

          => `100mb.test.1'

Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...

Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: 104,857,600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]

100%[====================================>] 104,857,600    8.98M/s    ETA 00:00

17:15:23 (8.46 MB/s) - `100mb.test.1' saved [104857600/104857600]

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Thanks CA3LE, hope the server works awesome  :smile2:

and Roco, you know there probably will be at least one thread saying "hey the site is acting weird whatsup?"

Duh, I was nearly the first to do so ,I lost TMN for several hours yesterday eve.  :idiot2:

Oh dear  I am on the NEW  server ,  :sad3:, I liked the old server , I felt comfortable there , mumble, mumble , I guess I am just unlucky with new things ,

after 3  years I buy a new keyboard ,and drop my coffee into it , I trade in my old car , and some loon rearends the new one , life is a bitch at times .................. :lol:

only kidding , great news, and Thanks Ca3le

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Duh, I was nearly the first to do so ,I lost TMN for several hours yesterday eve.  :idiot2:

Oh dear I am on the NEW  server ,  :sad3:, I liked the old server , I felt comfortable there , mumble, mumble , I guess I am just unlucky with new things ,

after 3  years I buy a new keyboard ,and drop my coffee into it , I trade in my old car , and some loon rearends the new one , life is a bitch at times .................. :lol:

only kidding , great news, and Thanks Ca3le

I wasnt able to get on it either. I like the new server to me it feels more responsive

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Okay, the score database is online, on the new server... and has been optimized quite a bit.

I'm going to spend most of my day tomorrow going over every single little detail on the server, triple check that everything is correct and running right.  At the moment the server seems to be running great and looking at the CPU/MEM load it's running quite optimal.  Although, I must say... it was quite a headache to get everything joined together back into one server.  But it seems to be done.  For some reason or another some of the tools I was using to make the transfer easier kept on failing, causing me to spend a ton of time... I polled out most of my hair -- haha

Enjoy guys!  I'll make a post tomorrow eve after I've taken time to give everything a couple of passes to make sure I didn't miss anything... then I'll get to all my emails and PMs that I've been neglecting for MANY days now :-P

- Damon

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????? Does the new server have an IPV6 address ????

I have got myself involved in some protocol 6  based testing

and would like to see an IPV6 protocol based address to use and run tests on

If no V6 address - could one be setup ?


That is not going to happen, None of the big dedicated webhosts use IPV6 yet.

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So will it now work better with EVDO speedtests? I still get weird speeds. Shuggs said he asked about it once. As always great site and work CA3LE.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 35614 Kbps about 35.6 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)

Download Speed is:: 4347 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2007/07/27 - 4:41pm

Bottom Line:: 621X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.24 sec

Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 2.797 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 1380.22 % faster than the average for host (spcsdns.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KLAQSCB9I

User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; Media Center PC 4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30) [!]

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Oh god, not another one of those in here. I thought we banned all geeks here.  :2funny:

Oh crap, that was in the other forum.  :twisted:

The new server is a Dual Opteron 2212 Dual Core Processors, 2 x 250GB SATA Hard Drives, 2048 MB RAM, 100 mbps uplink on a dedicated switch connected to theplanet's 100 gigabits/sec uplink to the world with dirrect connection to all the majoy tier1 providers (AT&T, AboveNet, Savvis, Verio, Global Crossing, Level 3, Time Warner Telecom, Cogent).  It's a very nice setup,  Before I was running everything on 2 dual XEON 2.8GHz with 1024MB RAM each connected to the same network.  So the new server is basically as strong if not stronger than the two previous servers combined.

Originally when I placed the order for the new server I ordered one with Dual Intel Woodcrest 5130 Dual Core Processors, but they had a deal for the Dual Opteron 2212 Dual Core Processors that was like $80/month cheaper so I took it.  I'd rather have intel but the Dual Opteron 2212 Dual Core Processors are pretty nice and they're comparable, both 64bit, both 2GHz, both dual-core... the L1 Cache is bigger on the Opteron but the L2 Cache is bigger on the Intel... and the Opteron is 90 nm while the Intel is 65 nm. 

I this it's just crazy the amount of power they can pull out of 2GHz now... like with my Intel Core 2 Duo E6700 Conroe 2.66GHz --- runs like WAY faster than my previous Pentium D that was overclocked to like 4GHz... and it runs at nearly room temp because of how optimized it is.  It runs so cool that with the CPU heatsink I have I can actually turn the fan off and it won't get over 114*F under load... granted the cooler I have is pretty crazy but it's still just crazy how much better the Core 2 Duo is over the old Pentium D (the first dual core that Intel came out with). 

As for the opteron vs woodcrest deal, actually my host put both online for me (they messed up on my first server order and put it in the wrong data center).. so I got to test out both.  And the Opteron actually felt like it ran better.  Well at any rate, even if it is a tad bit slower I could care less because it's saving me nearly $100/month  :-P -- haha.



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