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I was slash from Guns n Roses

Quick update (I don't want to make another topic):: Just to let you guys know also.. tonight and tomorrow I'll be working on getting the mobile speedtest integrated with the main part of the site.  This will give a validation code for the mobile results and there will now be an easily accessible link to the mobile speedtest in the menu.  I can't guarantee this will be online in the next couple of days because I could run into a bump, but it will be done very soon.  Just thought I'd update you guys on what's going on.  I'm just about fully healed from my motorcycle accident and I only have a couple more doctor appointments (follow ups), so that whole nightmare is just about over... it was HELL!  And I had no medical insurance at the time so I have a shit load of bills, although I paid cash already for much of it and already paid for the most expensive part (the surgery on my hand) I'm still getting bill after bill after bill for little things, why can't they just make one bill!  The doctors bill you then the hospital bills you then the radiology bills you... I swear, if I get a bill from the person that signed me in at the emergency room I'm going to flip :-P  ---- anyways, I'm done nagging.  The point is that I've been doing physical therapy on my hand and I'm at the point now where I'm typing at my normal blazing speed so keep an eye out for some changes... including an update to the site template.  I want a totally out of the box site design for 08 so I'm going to start rolling on that as soon as I fine tune a couple of things.  Working on the design will get my creative juices flowing and will get me nice and excited about getting us all some nice new tools on here.

Anyways, back to the topic!

Post pics of what you were for halloween!  As I said, I was Slash  :-)  -- and yes, that guitar is a real Les Paul ;-)  (it's my brother in Law's -- I couldn't play in instrument to save my life)

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nice to hear the update CA3LE and good thing your well again.  :grin:

i dont have a pic cause i wasnt' anything...just stayed home and handed out candy.  :wink:

Same... Your grow out of it, then back into it when you have kids, ive got a couple years of nothing to go  :haha:

Same... Your grow out of it, then back into it when you have kids, ive got a couple years of nothing to go  :haha:

whaddya jokin me ova yeeh...right now when she's little is when u should totally be getting into it...

k...now the first one is me...and a couple more r for fun

Adorable? Id'e call that a bit creapy dude  :2funny: :2funny:  no, really.

Tdawn, who did you crop out?  god yer sexy , gimmie some o' that  :-P

Were all glad your good to go Ca3ble , and just  as exited to see what's  up and comming for 08' on TMN.

I didn't go out this year. It would've been in violation of my probation. (jk)..but Hannah Montana was at my house and actually got arrested at gun point. Nothing else exciting happened really. Is it me or is Halloween not what it was when we were younger? I get fewer and fewer little kids and more teenagers who show up in street clothes and a bag....wtf? Get off my porch!!

granpa was once a Tin Man

cool granpa...the big guy was a munchkin??...cool u guys did a theme...who was the baby?? little dorothy is adorable...looks like she's been in her bag of goodies already :)

for our halloween party it was a rock star theme...but i couldn't think who i wanted to be so i stuck with what i had already planned on for months...

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