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Is anyone really shocked at this news?? Imho, If Microsoft would of offered the user a choice, Boot into metro, or Boot into Standard Desktop, and Do you want to use this as your default boot choice?? Windows 8 Would of stood a better chance at making it.

Think most will just stay with windows 7. Windows 8 offers nothing to make someone upgrade, but takes New Windows 8 and Makes it more confusing to use. Check out youtube of people trying to figure out how to use it.

My attitude, If I wanted a Ipad on my desktop, why keep the desktop. Touch screen, Really?? Have not even seen a touch screen pc monitor.

What was Microsoft Thinking??? They could give the Ipad a Run for the Money?? Not a chance.

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Steve Ballmer has gone insane. He's telling his stockholders that the demand for Win8 is "fantastic". I'm not a MS basher at all. I think their Office was one of the greatest pieces of SW ever created (until they screwed up the toolbars). An although I use Macs exclusively, I have great respect for what Windows has been. But MS seems to be floundering badly, kind of like Apple was when Steve Jobs was gone.

I can't vouch for how accurate this article is, but it's an interesting one:


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I am not real sure there is much hope for Microsoft. Even IF Gates were to make a return. People want portable, and that is just what Jobs gave them.

Now its up to Apple to keep a hold of the ball. There are many companies that are playing catch up.

IMHO, Think people are just sick of Microsoft. For to long they were the only game in town. Unless you went with a apple computer which was too expensive for most.

Once again, Microsoft was caught asleep at the wheel. They waited WAY to long to get into the tablet market. I also think people are just sick of Microsoft and ready for a change,

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I wonder what Bill Gates really thinks of all this.

My guess, nothing he can do. He is no longer running the show. Maybe he is a bit thankful he got out when he saw the writing on the wall with the Ipad and Iphone.

I think Gates is a very smart guy and saw this coming sometime ago, I can't imagine him going the same direction as they did with windows 8.

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You would think, if they are gonna make such a BIG change to windows, they would somehow get a feel for what the pc users thoughts on the new idea.

I guess no one every told them, if something is not broke (windows 7) Dont fix it (Metro).There line of thought just baffles me, Its like they are working for apple, or have hard feeling against the company and are doing there best to sink the ship.

Whats even more funny, When Microsoft puts out a new Operating system, people just HAVE to have it. The torrents and links and requests are just done by countless poor people.

Just dont see that with windows 8. Sure people are stealing it, just not NEAR the volume that was seen with previous Operating Systems.

So in short, its so bad, people are not even stealing it.

Edited by ninjageek
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So you can't put Windows 8 into a classic Windows desktop style? I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. But I've been reading that it hasn't had the traction that Micosoft would have wanted. I haven't played with 'The Surface' either... but I don't think that they stand a chance in the tablet market. Software support will be a big factor. Apple and Andriod have that on lock down.

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So you can't put Windows 8 into a classic Windows desktop style? I haven't had a chance to play with it yet. But I've been reading that it hasn't had the traction that Micosoft would have wanted. I haven't played with 'The Surface' either... but I don't think that they stand a chance in the tablet market. Software support will be a big factor. Apple and Andriod have that on lock down.

Up to this point. No you can not boot into the classic desktop screen. No start button. That is what baffled me the most. They wanna throw Metro into the mix, and not give users the option to either have metro or the Classic Desk Top look.

I myself don't want a smart phone on my desktop. I would think either Microsoft or some hacker will fix that issue. Give us the Classic look again.

I am staying with windows 7. Even when the updates stop. I got a feeling, Microsoft will continue the updates when the realize just how many Stayed with Windows 7 and Ignored Windows 8. They did the same thing with Xp when Vista failed so bad.

Ok. I am done whining like a little girl.

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I don't think you're whining at all. Simply voicing your opinion, That's a big fail on Microsoft's part. Sounds like too big of a change. If users had the option to use the classic look then they could make the transition easier for users.

I think it's pretty cool that the Windows 8 upgrade is only $39.99. Much more in line with what the price of an upgrade should be. They obviously learned that price point from Apple. Although OSX Mountain Lion upgrade 10.8.2 is only $19.99 ... IMO MS should price it at $19.99 ... Also cool that the upgrade price can be used from Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. OSX upgrade requires that you're running 10.6.8 or greater so you have to incrementally upgrade which in the end costs more.

I personally run all Apple and Linux. I have virtual machines of pretty much every operating system but only use them for development purposes. OSX makes me much more efficient, I'm glad I left the PC world and got real computers. :evil: --- TMN has always run on linux. You really can't beat linux for website hosting.

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The only thing Keeping me from getting away from windows is I am such a big pc gamer. Oh Did find out what the deal was with People not stealing Windows 8.

I guess it is impossible to install offline, While it is installed, it phones home to Microsoft. I myself have not played with dodgy copies of Windows since Windows XP. All my copies of Windows 7 is legit.

While the upgrade is cheep, No thanks. Now if they learn there lesson, and go back to the classic desktop, Windows 9 may be a option. If not, Windows 7 Stays.

As far as my Gaming, I simply am NOT a fan of Consoles, not sure why, just not my thing.

Did find out some really useful information. There already ways to make windows 8 into a windows 7 clone. Can be done for free. Its called "classic Shell" http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/

Windows 7 Support will not end til 2020. You will still get all the security updates. 2015 they stop offering driver updates for windows 7 through "windows update" Which is a easy work around by using "driver Pack solution" which is free, and I have used it, Works great. Simply scans your computer and lets you update drivers as needed.

Edited by ninjageek
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I don't think you're whining at all. Simply voicing your opinion, That's a big fail on Microsoft's part. Sounds like too big of a change. If users had the option to use the classic look then they could make the transition easier for users.

I think it's pretty cool that the Windows 8 upgrade is only $39.99. Much more in line with what the price of an upgrade should be. They obviously learned that price point from Apple. Although OSX Mountain Lion upgrade 10.8.2 is only $19.99 ... IMO MS should price it at $19.99 ... Also cool that the upgrade price can be used from Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7. OSX upgrade requires that you're running 10.6.8 or greater so you have to incrementally upgrade which in the end costs more.

I personally run all Apple and Linux. I have virtual machines of pretty much every operating system but only use them for development purposes. OSX makes me much more efficient, I'm glad I left the PC world and got real computers. :evil: --- TMN has always run on linux. You really can't beat linux for website hosting.

agreed, linux can not be beat for stability thats why most major sites out there are run on it

The only thing Keeping me from getting away from windows is I am such a big pc gamer. Oh Did find out what the deal was with People not stealing Windows 8.

I guess it is impossible to install offline, While it is installed, it phones home to Microsoft. I myself have not played with dodgy copies of Windows since Windows XP. All my copies of Windows 7 is legit.

While the upgrade is cheep, No thanks. Now if they learn there lesson, and go back to the classic desktop, Windows 9 may be a option. If not, Windows 7 Stays.

As far as my Gaming, I simply am NOT a fan of Consoles, not sure why, just not my thing.

Did find out some really useful information. There already ways to make windows 8 into a windows 7 clone. Can be done for free. Its called "classic Shell" http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/

Windows 7 Support will not end til 2020. You will still get all the security updates. 2015 they stop offering driver updates for windows 7 through "windows update" Which is a easy work around by using "driver Pack solution" which is free, and I have used it, Works great. Simply scans your computer and lets you update drivers as needed.

same here i run linux and windows because games on linux just don't work to well

i always manage my driver updates myself its not really rocket science, if it aint broke don't fix it

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Here is a link to Windows 8 start button. I've been using it and it made a real difference! Just don't install the other programs. If you can't, just uninstall them like I did!


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