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You should add something to show the names of the people who donate to the site every month, maybe there names and how much or just there name. you know make them feel specail :lol:

Mabey even a rank change. "Donating Member" or something :)


Donating Member

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yeh...I agree maybe a link to donating members...not the amount unless the member wanted that disclosed...so maybe there should be a note attached to the donation (paypal lets you send a note when you send money) if they want the amount disclosed...along with their user name, no real names should be used (for privacy reasons)...like stankho I'm sure is not his real name,  ho probably is but stank I'm sure is a nickname. eagle I'm glad you brought this up cause I've been gonna do it for a long time, just kept putting it off. I think the regular users should be donating some small amount every month to help keep this site free for all. This list would need to be an "opt out" sort of thing where if they didn't want to be listed as a contributor they would need to say at the time of donation. Maybe a special colored star or an icon that would be posted for a month next to their name

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Ya i thought it might be a good idea, You know plus i think it might make alot others donate too cause they want to see there name up there sayign they are helping out too :)  we should get some more ideas on this try to make it happen unless they think its a bad idea :S i dont see why not tho :)

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I'll be sure to donate in the future. most likely when ca3le finds a good multi-server  host (for the tests, as he had planned) . Speaking with him earlier he showed me that we are currently using 1.85 TB of our 2 TB bandwidth limit on this site as is, so when he desides to expand ill be right onboard with donations :D

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I'll be sure to donate in the future. most likely when ca3le finds a good multi-server host (for the tests, as he had planned) . Speaking with him earlier he showed me that we are currently using 1.85 TB of our 2 TB bandwidth limit on this site as is, so when he desides to expand ill be right onboard with donations :D

That's what the donations are for...duh...hahahaha...promises promises...so put ur money where ur mouth is...just teasing...you do it when you fell you should...but some of us are here to support this site NOW with more that lip service...  :haha: j/k

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i have donated once not much, but i am planning on doing it every month i mean i come here alot to test so i might as well give a little for the test a take everyday, plus the people here are a big help, i mean you cant ask a wustion they cant answer. i rather ask you guys then pay 50 bucks+ to ask someone else or do it for me. i just think it would be nice to see how many donators we got out there. i think if we had something like s1 suggested it would encorage more good people to donate.  :D

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Well this topic just droped LOL

Wow wonder why??? Hahahaha. Nobody seems to mind talkin about the free stuff...but start talkin about $$$ and watch em scurry. Besides we were only talkin about money in a round about way...so don't worry guys if you can't afford to donate a buck...I'm sure ca3le will cut you a special deal when he has to start charging because there aren't enough donations...  :haha: just kidding. I'm sure  that this site will be free for as long as humanly possible. I just thought it would be nice if everyone put al little in the kitty for support of this site we all enjoy and depend on and to somehow recognize those that have donated. I bet he's workin on it right this minute.

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  Well I don't want to be negative but didn't cable say somewere before that he make 10x what the server cost him from the ads he puts up so that should mean he can put up 10 more servers before he is broke lol!!! But anyway I would love to donate but no job!!! I also would like to see a graph or something saying how much was donated I mean cable hasn't even told us how much money he got yet and I would like to know!!!! And I think the donators might take that wrong maybe thinking he didn't get the money or he is just hording it!!! But I trust cable so don't get me wrong but I would like to see that htnanks!

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Be real...that's just silly,nobody that runs a free public service is going to open their checkbook and let you see their cash flow...and that's not the point here...we're talking about recognizing the people that have contributed to keeping this site free of fees.  I really don't think a graph is necessary...or a prospectus of any kind. I'm certainly not gonna send him my financial portfolio so I wouldn't ask for his...just a simple "kudos" to those that have donated...like was suggested in the beginning.



  Donating Member <<< this being where the recognition would go

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What the big deal of having the people who donate be reconized ? i mean you dont have to stick out more then anyone else just even make a little page of the peoples names who donate each month. liek add there name right under the PayPal Donate. i dont see how this could be a negative thing..  :)

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What the big deal of having the people who donate be reconized ? i mean you dont have to stick out more then anyone else just even make a little page of the peoples names who donate each month. liek add there name right under the PayPal Donate. i dont see how this could be a negative thing..  :)

Not a big deal I just dont personally think that we need to add a new line of text below someones name for everything they do. Look at .s1 that punk has so many titles it makes my pages load slow. :haha: PHP has a good point here to. If you want the recognition put it in your own sig. :D

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What the big deal of having the people who donate be reconized ? i mean you dont have to stick out more then anyone else just even make a little page of the peoples names who donate each month. liek add there name right under the PayPal Donate. i dont see how this could be a negative thing..  :)

Yeah, not a bad idea.  I will think about adding it  :)

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I like the idea of a "donating rank member" too. It should of cource be optional, so if someone wants to keep there donation private they can.

Yeah, If I did something like this I would contact each member individually to ask if they would like to be listed... if I just added them it would be against my privacy policy.

I haven't had a donation in a long time though, I may just take that off, lol.

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Yeah, If I did something like this I would contact each member individually to ask if they would like to be listed... if I just added them it would be against my privacy policy.

I haven't had a donation in a long time though, I may just take that off, lol.

I know It's off topic,but I like your sig.  :haha:

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Yeah, If I did something like this I would contact each member individually to ask if they would like to be listed... if I just added them it would be against my privacy policy.

I haven't had a donation in a long time though, I may just take that off, lol.

You could change the donation pic to one of the pics with the credit cards on it. Some people probably have no idea how Paypal works.

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Not a big deal I just dont personally think that we need to add a new line of text below someones name for everything they do. Look at .s1 that punk has so many titles it makes my pages load slow. :haha: PHP has a good point here to. If you want the recognition put it in your own sig. :D

Damnit shug your always raggin on me...  :cry:

You make me wanna change!!!

.....But im sooo lazy :(

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