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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. it's missing the date when the pound will be replaced by the euro to make it more friendly to european tourists.
  2. the boss should whip up a query into his db of posts to answer that question.
  3. looks like a potentially very good contributor to the site. welcome. (see, even the trolls are nice here.)
  4. we hear nothing from the boss for freaking forever and then he comes out of hiding to ask who won american idol. go figure.
  5. oh come on. at least your TV license goes to finance such programs as BBC. you have to admit that is some high quality programming right there.
  6. touch it. if it feels so hot you wouldn't want to rest your nads on it it's probably too hot.
  7. at first glance i thought that was rowan atkinson
  8. this thread is so Vb3r1@m3
  9. i'd be careful with that mac mini upgrade. keep a close eye on the heat. one reason the mac mini is so good for home theater stuff is that it is vewy vewy quiet. and that is because it doesn't have much in the way of cooling.
  10. The sad fact is that nowadays mos LCD screens don't have the degauss function anymore. If you have one that shows interference patterns, a bad picture or has other problems like bad pixels you can use an ion gun as seen here to recharge the field emitters of the LCD grid in that area to fix the problem.
  11. dual monitors meaning identical output on both or splitting a high res from the card into two lower res halves to display on two screens?
  12. comic b ook and cartton yes. but the adult comic kind, not the childrens comic. or would you call the punisher a childrens story?
  13. you could always report your friend to the mpaa/riaa. that should cut down on his torrent activity for a few years...
  14. bar by bar, each tucked away in someone's ...
  15. they disguised the guy that sang like a canary to get them locked away dressed up as one and smuggled in to get revenge.
  16. http://www.thorlinks.com/mediaview/5322/I
  17. i think if i was told i was gonna die a slow death over a years time i would either go out in a blaze of glory because i am too much of a chickenshit to face that kind of suffering or look for treatment options during which process they would hopefully discover the mistake.
  18. i am going to see spidermonkey 3 when it comes out on the networks. if then even. i caught the beginning of spiderman 1 on hbo beck then and saw the way they had cast and written spidermonkey. so i switched over to something else. ended up watching the movie in pieces because they of course ran it on the a rotation. ended up seeing 2 by accident. snored. so 3 can't be much better.
  19. 7. jack man front and rear tire changer front and rear tire carrier gas can man catch can man (catches excess fuel) oh, and a stock car opposed to an f1 car has 5 lugnuts instead of the single lugnut.
  20. oh, and besides the drivers remember the pit crews. 7 guys changing 4 tires and gassing up in 13 to 14 seconds. in formula 1 they get it done in 6 to 7, but they have like 20 people working on the cars.
  21. i have had a dell inspiron lcd replaced (one and a half year old decided to place mouse on keyboard and close lid. um.) well, 3 year service so who cares. and swimmer, i believe you. that plastic frame is really a cast iron bitch to get back in right. after the tech didn't get it i wrote up a quick waiver and tried my hand at it myself. took me 20 minutes to figue the damned thing out and get it seated.
  22. fine. then you spend 3.5 hours in a 130 degree hotbox cranking a 3500 lbs car around a 1/2 mile oval at 120 mph for 500 laps. thats 1000 180 degree turns. each and every one has to be perfect or you end up in the wall. then come again and tell me that nascar and other motorsports don't require some degree of physical fitness.
  23. ack. real life has been busy. i need to work on those.
  24. 1: they made half their population walk around in beekeeper suits. 2: the government at the time of invasion was cooperating with and refusing to hand over known terrorists. 3: the taliban government at the time of invasion was a very despicable group. they were the ones that used all sorts of tanks to destroy masses of historically and culturally valuable buddhas carved into mountainsides, for example.
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