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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. Check it out This should give you something to think about http://www.tenthdimension.com/flash2.php *CLICK* the: Imagining the 10 dimensions link on the left and let your mind go
  2. http://www.primaamerica.com/environment.asp ...all it took is a google search lol
  3. there are test mirrors available in europe as well - either way, that would be burst speed - wait till download gets through half of a big file then you'll see what speed you would be getting
  4. why didnt partition magic work ?
  5. ...I was unable to find a full version for pre-sale yet, but if you own any of these: Windows XP Professional / XP Home Edition, Microsoft XP Media Center Edition You can upgrade to Vista Ultimate Edition for $259 http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Windows-Ultimate-Upgrade-DVD-Rom/dp/B000HCTYTO/sr=8-1/qid=1165708246/ref=pd_bbs_1/105-5312817-1806816?ie=UTF8&s=software
  6. ......edit code before its compilation stage, not when its already loaded into memory 2nd of all....what makes you think we can know where the error is from that little snippet of code ?
  7. omg ... ur a hacker.. oh noz
  8. .......chances are that WinMe wont allow you to go as high as you can - winME, as everyone here knows, is one of the biggest downfalls in the operating system history LOL - and the fact that it is on an older computer might compromise the speed as well - unless it is in tip-top shape
  9. .....my take on it ?....not much faster - id invest in another gb of ram rather than that processor
  10. - I am in such a mood to build another system LOL - then again, Im always in that mood
  11. dude...did you even look at my post above - i gave you an entire list of parts necessary
  12. Here is my take on it: DVD-RW Dual layer burner: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16827106019 Gigabyte full-tower case: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16811233002 Seagate 320GB sata hard drive (16mb cache/perpendicular recording) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16822148140 evga 8800gts video card (640mb memory) - dx10 - vista ready http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16814130071 ocz 700w power supply http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16817341002 ocz 2GB ram http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16820227047 gigabyte ds3 motherboard http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16813128012 intel e6400 processor (same one u chose from dell) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16819115004 windows xp sp2 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16832116059 zalman cnps9500 cpu cooler http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?item=N82E16835118223 Total: $1,651.91 ...........I would choose this over dell any day of the year - you get high end components that you know will kick a$$
  13. directx 10 video cards are already out and available...nvidia 8000 series is dx10 and plus, in my opinion, that is too much money for those specs not even including a monitor...way too much....
  14. mmmmmmm.........i love baklava
  15. ....its tight....but expensive ! - very expensive for a can of paint
  16. hahahahahahahh LOL ! this made my day LOL !!!
  17. well maybe you wont have an option then.....who knows if its even published in english......if it is, go thru registry START-RUN- and type REGEDIT - find the entry for that program, and if available, there is usually an entry called Language which you can change to English
  18. i wanna spend xmas with someone i love thats my wish
  19. if you are after quad core, why even shop for a dual core right now...quad core will be out by the end of the year - amd as well
  20. I just recently, well few months back, built a sweet a$$ gaming computer for a customer of mine.... dfi sli-dr expert raid 0 hd setup evga 7950gx2 (...back when it was expensive as hell) opteron 165 - o/c to 2.9ghz 2gigs of ram let me tell you something.....we took a gamble to buy a little 1.8ghz opteron, and it overclocked like a dream - i was lucky to come across a great stepping as well....
  21. ...I have been using Firefox for a very long time - including the 2.0 version. I have not paid much attention to this feature, but I have to point out how cool it is.... For example...lets say that you are typing a reply on a forum - you type a lot of text and while usually you don't care about spelling errors, you really want to avoid having them.... Firefox has a nice answer to it ! It has an integrated spell checker - how freakin' awesome ! You right click on a word that gets underlined (as misspelled) and select the correct word. I love it ! PS. You can also add other language dictionaries (besides English)
  22. Those extreme conditions and mhz per watt ratio are one of the most rigorous standards in CPU production now days - AMD does a great job with opteron processors.
  23. Not to get into all the detail, but opteron processors indeed are different than the rest....not only opteron processors, but server processors overall... - if there was no overall difference/benefit, the price difference would not be so great
  24. ++++++++++ opterons...id take opteron 165 over any amd dual core
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