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Everything posted by richcornucopia

  1. Hmmm French were beat?? Thats good enough a reason for me to celebrate.
  2. If walmart can offer the same parts as I would get at newegg for cheaper prices then I'd definately buy from them.
  3. No fios here either, all I can hope is that sbc, or at&t lighspeed comes soon.
  4. In Ohio its about 7%. (where I live)
  5. Sometimes those are the best kind of friends to have when your down.
  6. Having to wait so long for Vista has led me to explore other options right now I'm using Suse and liking it.
  7. Heads up I gotta dumb question. Up until now was there no sales tax in pr? Or is it being raised?
  8. Llamma is my fav for console mods.
  9. Verizon offers dial up, dsl, and fios. They resell Directv but don't own it.
  10. Are you sure it was the correct firmware? Is it a beta version? Have you rebooted your router, modem, and computer?(is your computer clean?)
  11. Whatever works for you, from my experience with norton(internet security) it was mostly problems.
  12. No! Unfortunately as long as there is an internet people will find ways to swap files illegally wether it be music, movies, or software.
  13. I just want an easy way for folding to start automatically and run in the backround so I don't have to see it all the time.
  14. Im at 22 http://folding.extremeoverclocking.com/user_summary.php?s=&u=172831.
  15. So a Linux gui for folding isn't available right now, but possible?
  16. I've made the switch to Suse 10 to try as my fulltime os. Everything is working good, I've got all the programs I need working right except folding. I found a tutorial to install it, followed the tutorial and I have it running right now. How can I get it to start automatically when Suse starts up, can I minimize it to the taskbar like in windows, and is there any gui frontend for it so I don't have to run it in the terminal all the time?
  17. You got any pics of the new house Shug?
  18. I thought someone proved that ulcers are caused by a bacteria.
  19. 22 . 21 might take awhile.
  20. Forgot to add in my original post how much I hate lexmarks, they have been terrible for me.
  21. Whats that wake on lan thing for? I've always disabled it but never knew what it did.
  22. Has anything changed? Is your computer clean? Did it start getting slow after you installed norton internet security?
  23. Like swimmer said you want to make a rule for his ip that will grant access. Does your brother have a firewall running too?
  24. If you decide you don't need dedicated and are going with shared check out 1and1.com, they are great.
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