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Everything posted by Voltageman

  1. MMMMMM Spam
  2. I normally torture my catch a bit before I release it...You have to assert yourself as the dominant species from time to time. (sarcasm)
  3. I believe you need to go into bios, and make sure you have "highspeed" selected for usb devices, and not "fullspeed". (this could be the opposite way around, seeing that it is late and all, but it should tell you the speed of each setting..one is way higher than the other) I can't remember where exactly in bios it is, if I reboot later, and check where it is in mine.(I have an asus board as well, just not the same one) Also, have you installed the chipset drivers for your motherboard? I think the usb drivers are all incorporated into the O/S...
  4. I think you need to make an account to view that one..
  5. http://www.dailymotion.com/visited/search/Aqua%20Teen%20Hunger%20Force/video/xmpnp_aqua-teen-hunger-force-boost-mobile This pretty much sums up cell phone companies
  6. I believe they can help people with nervous system damage to regenerate nerves, and improve reaction time... It definitely stimulates the brain... I know my reaction times have improved...And I believe it has also helped improve my nerve function in my left hand.. Plus, I take enjoyment from playing...Some folks are just too serious about it, and can't just play it and have fun..
  7. http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2007/01/09/butterflychip_tec.html?category=technology&guid=20070109100000&dcitc=w19-502-ak-0000
  8. I use a program called "ID Bank", which stores all your sensitive account numbers/passwords/etc. It stores the data in a file specific to that program, and you can password protect the file, so even if someone got into your pc, they would still need the password for the password file to gain access to your sensitive data. It also eliminates the need to type out your data..You just copy/paste with the program, and the passwords are starred out, so even a screenshot will not give up your info. This way, you never type your data...I am sure there are loggers that read the clipboard as well, but I'm pretty sure the majority just read keystrokes, and possibly take some screenshots. http://www.rainbow-innov.co.uk/rnbw/content/id_bank.asp I believe they have a 21 day trial...I've been using it for years now. I have a floppy, cd, and a flash drive with my password file on it, so I will never lose the account info and passwords.
  9. If you can find it, this tool helps to delete files that are in use by the system... Perhaps the file will show up if you browse through the program. I included an OCX file, since I needed it to run the program...
  10. Pics should help...If you have the "open with" option... Just right click on the file, and follow the pics..(should open with regedit.exe) As far as browser...More of a preference thing...I use em all...I switch from day to day..
  11. Those drivers never worked right for me...Everytime I went into a game, everything got all wacky. -------------- This tool is good for removing the video drivers completely.
  12. Voltageman


    http://ask.americas.creative.com/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE?New,Kb=ww_english_add,U={B8F60310-DA4F-11D3-94F4-00500463020E},Company={CEAE216D-8719-4C00-AC9F-03BC258F7B70},d=1130251443648,VARSET=ws:http://us.creative.com,case=1712 Try that removal method...then run the auto update again. Do you happen to have another slot? Or perhaps try it back in the other slot... When did the soundcard cut out? Which drivers did you install last before you rebooted(and had this problem)? Also, if you have any other cards in the pci slots, if you can, take them out, and try with just the soundcard, and see if it will install... Then put the other cards in one by one, and see if you are having an irq sharing problem. Edit: Also, remove any USB devices...Something is sharing the irq address, and probably doesn't share very well
  13. Ski Season is looking a little bleak here in the east... Hunter MTN, NY
  14. Voltageman


    Clean out all your temp files, and run the registry cleaner to get rid of the old references to the creative stuff, reboot, and try it again.. Does the Auto Update detect the card? What kind of Soundblaster card is it?
  15. Voltageman


    I can't remember what the problem was, but since I moved it to the different slot, I have not had any problems with it.. While you are going around getting all your drivers, you should save them all to a folder, and burn a CD so you have them for future use.
  16. Voltageman


    Hmmm.... I had a problem with my x-fi card before, and I had to move it to a different pci slot.... If you have an empty pci slot, you can try uninstalling the card(remove drivers in add/remove programs list, then uninstall in device manager). Turn off PC(pull the plug as well), and move the card to another pci slot. Then try reinstalling the drivers.
  17. Voltageman


    Make sure the Onboard Audio is disabled in BIOS, uninstall any soundblaster/creative drivers in the add/remove programs list, then uninstall the "Multimedia Audio Controller" using the device manager. Reboot, when windows detects the device, just hit cancel... Now, goto http://us.creative.com/support/downloads/softwareupdate.asp?nSUFlag=1&sDestUrl=http://us.creative.com/support/downloads/&hdAllProduct=1&LangID=1033&hdDspLangID=1033 and run the auto-update. It should detect the card...If not, try downloading the drivers from there, and install them. Try that, and see what happens.
  18. Ewo, those are some great shots! I can only imagine what was going through your head as you were taking those pictures.
  19. Voltageman


    I just noticed this... Thanks for the You will get it eventually... If you haven't, you may also want to run a registry cleaner now that you have made changes.... Do a system restore point before cleaning.. If you don't have one, you can try http://www.ccleaner.com/download/ its a good free cleaner...(I am assuming you are using XP, and not a 64bit version) If you keep getting BSOD's, you may have a setting in bios that needs to be changed as well...Try the different drivers and see what happens..
  20. Agreed as well... I'm still on AGP myself (7800GS), and I can run all my games at the highest video settings with no lag. I would definitely not go below the 7x series.. How much ram do you have? Those games eat up ram too...If you are under 1 gig of ram, additional ram would probably help you out as well.
  21. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 28982 Kbps about 29 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 3538 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 1) Test Time:: 2006/12/21 - 9:15pm Bottom Line:: 505X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.29 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 3.437 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 363.34 % faster than the average for host (verizon.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-3WK8XV65I User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.2; WOW64; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) [!] Works fine for me..
  22. http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2006/12/20/dragon_ani.html?category=animals&guid=20061220141500
  23. Voltageman


    Ok, since you haven't tried the microsoft drivers yet, try this... Goto Microsoft Update and do a Custom Update. There should be drivers under hardware for your onboard nic. Try those... Or try these http://www.marvell.com/drivers/driverDisplay.do?dId=116&pId=3 Sometimes the Asus site is a little behind as far as drivers go... I'm using the same onboard nic as you, and I have had those errors before. But I am also running x64 and running it in a network bridge with my D-Link card, so who knows.....I believe it is just the driver you are using...That is why driver agent is telling you there is a better driver most likely... Try the windows update driver first, then if problem persists, try the second link..
  24. The big yellow one is the Sun! Edit: I give the guy credit for remaining calm...My brain would have exploded trying to make these apes understand.
  25. Great pics! The only thing I have seen that even comes close was an avalanche in Colorado, but I didn't have my camera handy..
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