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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Hi George, Complain. They should deliver at least 80% to be considered good. 60% is the absolute minimum... I would be very angry if my ISP delivered less than 60% of the package speed. First, I don't see that you've registered, register. That way your stats will be saved by username, if your IP changes the results will follow you. Test from multiple mirrors to show that it's not isolated in the route and try the multithread speed test to see if your connection performs better with extra threads. Multithread test mimics the way that website content, torrents and usenet download. It also has the ability to test across the entire TMN global network using a single test... providing what I think is the most comprehensive speed test result available. Also try running an automatic speed test, which will provide a curve over time and show you if you've got issues only during certain hours. Use the options I provide to get the best picture of your connection overall. If you do all of that and aren't able to get anywhere close to your speed, you deserve an explanation. Hit your ISP up with the results and make them deliver on your agreement! Good luck, I hope TMN helps... if it does, let me know. - Damon - TestMy.net
  2. Thanks! Welcome to TestMy.net. I hope my site plays a part in helping you get more from your connection. You may want to try the Auto Speed Test in your situation.
  3. CA3LE


    thanks for your patronage... I really haven't even started yet. Keep visiting and over time you'll watch it get closer and closer to my vision. I'm one guy putting it all together so it takes time... but I'm always developing to make TMN better for you. I have much more in store, stick around and see.
  4. Sorry, my dog has been very sick so I didn't have a chance to reply yet. Currently TiP (Test in Progress) measurements are only on download speed tests over 1.5 MB. I'm developing the same concept for the upload speed test but at this time it doesn't have that capability. Keep visiting, that and much more will be released before you know it. ... it would be great to see that much detail in the upload test too. But it's not easy to pull off. I have some ideas of how to do it, we'll just have to see if I can get it to come together. Also note TiP is disabled on the multithread speed test. In the future I may make those work together. One thing you can do is use a network monitor of some kind during the test. Personally on Mac OSX I just use Activity Monitor most of the time (which comes with OSX). It's not very detailed but it can still provide a good idea of the curve. Here's the Activity Monitor / Network during that test ... green spike is the initial loading of form data, the red is the data being uploaded back. I actually spike at ~1.3 MB/s but it takes time to build that speed so my overall score is reduced. ...information that will be nice to see right in your browser. But right now, only on the download test. I see that you're using Windows you could try Bit Meter 2 (simple, free...). Want more, search Google for something like "network speed monitor" -- to get deeper detail on what's actually happening across your network adapter, find a program you like and use it in conjunction with TestMy.net. hope this helps, -D
  5. To find that information look into the stats for Cabanatuan City Philippines. To search for other cities, countries or ISPs go to https://testmy.net/database. Once you've found what you're looking for click the ranking tabs to see member and ISP ranking. After looking, Philippine Long Distance seems to be the best choice in Cabanatuan City right now. SmartBro seems to have a lot of user complaints. People are always trying to make it faster.
  6. CA3LE

    [Hello World]

    Welcome to TMN Mr. Yukon! I hope to see you post about you passions. I can always use good content and writing about what your passionate about equals good content... always. See ya around, thanks for your continued patronage. - D btw... awesome speeds. FiOS is the sh!t.
  7. Hey BarryG, welcome to TMN. You haven't logged any results under your username yet but I see your results at https://testmy.net/compID/34592821216. That's a really big difference from your first test. Also fast for satellite. How does surfing the Internet feel? Are you downloading files that fast? How does youtube HD load and play?
  8. There may be congestion along your route to that server. I can tell you that it's not an error. I have a new tool that will be released soon that will help highlight problem areas along your route. Join the beta program if you'd like to try it out now.
  9. Welcome to TestMy.net! You're welcome... keep visiting, I'm just getting started. I hope that in the end TMN gives you enough evidence to get your provider to take notice to your situation. That's why I built this.
  10. yeah... that's fast for sure. That will definitely bump you up in the ranking. Lol, you're #5 right now. https://testmy.net/memberstats nice.
  11. You just have to want to try new stuff... it's as harmless as using the site normally. ... I have something beta out right now. I see you voted above. I've added you to the beta users. Read the topic at https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/30918-tracemynet/ (hint: if you're not a beta user, the password is beta) During the beta period enjoy the additional features that others don't have yet. Also enjoy an ad free TMN experience.
  12. what package do you subscribe to?
  13. Have you tried the multithread speed test -- it might help defeat whatever is cache accelerating your result? Hughes has some kind of proxy accelerator I think. I have a bunch of things in place to avoid this but nothing is impossible. If they have a system in place that specifically ignores some of my commands then they could defeat my cache prevention. I need to either get with someone that has their service and use it for development or talk with Hughes about it. ... is there acceleration software they gave you that you can turn off or can you bypass their proxy? ... note to others, this is a very uncommon situation. ... I've never been able to get my hands on a satellite connection for my development. But many satellite users over the years have sworn by TestMy.net ... I think I just need to get my hands on a satellite and see for myself...
  14. Hey, if you buy a quality PC.. it will probably last. I'm not doggin' the hardware... I'm talking about the OS. There are plenty of awesome PCs out there... like totally insane, make people jealous computers that can blow away any Apple computer... it's just too bad you can't put OSX on them.
  15. ... I'm such an MS hater these days. But seriously... am I wrong? It's like they're trying to get in the way of their own success anymore. My father-in-law just got a Levono Win8 craptop. Nice specs, touchscreen - i7... blah blah blah ...I couldn't even get it to do anything. Wouldn't connect to my wifi I assume because it wasn't registered but to register you needed the wifi. Seriously MS, do you have marbles for brains? It had a telephone registration but I looked at him and said, "Come on dude! Just trust me and get a Mac! You'd get it, open the box and be ready to rock in like 60 seconds." -- he gave in and took that craptop back. I'm not saying it was a bad laptop, it had potential. But the operating system was seriously holding it back. I have like 5 wifi networks in my house... I also created TestMy.net so I'm pretty sure that I know how to get a computer on the Internet. It just said "Limited Connectivity" on every network and kept asking to register over the Internet! lol hello! catch 22! He was thinking of putting Windows 7 on it... okay, so now we have to buy new laptops and spend more money to put 4 year-old operating system on them. Yeah, that seems really efficient... efficient for Microsoft's pocket! My brother-in-law didn't listen and got a PC which came with Windows 7 and Toshiba gave him a free upgrade to Win8. He upgraded and none of his stuff worked anymore. The backlight to his keyboard, the function keys... important hardware stuff just simply wasn't supported even though Toshiba told him it was totally supported. He also was getting errors and freezes all over the place. He went back down to Win7 and is happy now. What a headache though. Could have saved ALL of that time and effort and got an Apple to start with. All that time on the phone dealing with that BS, could have been spent smelling roses or finding a cure for cancer. I dunno, just not on a tech support call. Microsoft will figure themselves out. They need to stop trying to be different and cool and get back to the core of what made them popular. One windows device that I thought was awesome. The Nokia Lumia 1020, however I haven't played with one. I'm sure that it feels retarded being a Windows phone but the camera is insane. 41MP and a real xenon flash. Does it perform well as a phone, I don't know. But that sensor, 41MP... let's put that in perspective... the Hubble Telescope has 64X less resolution. It has so much resolution that you can digitally zoom 4X and still have lossless 1080P quality. Too bad they ruined it all up and put it on a windows phone. -- still, an amazing jump in technology for sure. After he got his Macbook Pro (which was maybe a couple hundred more than the other laptop). It booted up and he was on the Internet within I'd say... 90 seconds (so I was wrong... it wasn't 60 seconds, lol). I put in his info, installed MS Office and synced his iPhone for the first time... he's been glued to it ever since. He thought there was going to be a huge learning curve but in reality it just works how you'd expect it to so I think he's really happy with his choice. He'll have far less headaches and be more productive for sure. If you're in the market for a new computer. Choose the one with an OS that's leading the way into the future... not the one that wastes your life with technical issues. I'll leave it up to you which is which. ... and remember, saving money is only saving money if it doesn't waste time.
  16. I see your stats at https://testmy.net/compID/900739111929 Don't expect to get upload speeds as fast as your download speed. On a consumer level it can be rare. Consult your ISP about the upload speed you should be getting. In your case Comcast's packages are listed at DSL Reports http://www.dslreports.com/faq/15643 ... They seem to be updated.
  17. Wow, good deal for $30... Charter hooks it up!
  18. I'm testing well on LTE
  19. Welcome Robin! Glad to see you're able to post. ... I learned from our conversation that Robin's 'critters' are things like a lamb and a mountain lion. She's also a welder and comfortable working with heavy machinery. Very cool, she'll fit in around here.
  20. Windows Media Center shouldn't have anything to do with that software. They're totally separate. If there is a problem with that software I'd like to know... but I'm not the author. I just refer people to their software. I have a similar offer for Mac users. Both vendors have an easy and helpful process for issues. PC Speed Up Support Ticket and MacKeeper contact and support (for Mac users) -- if PC Speed Up finds that their software is at fault (maybe it made a mistake in optimizing the registry) please let me know so I can talk to them about it and make sure it's not an issue for my users going forward. By the way ... both software vendors I'm using right now have zero complaints from my users over the course of years of referrals. Let me know if you're unhappy with it, I need to know that stuff.
  21. No problem... I love building this and that so many people find it useful. It may have been a weird glitch in the browser that caused the client-side javascript to lag... resulting in the time being started late... resulting in an inflated score. I put a comments in the results program detailing a method I think I could use to make sure it never happens again. I'll work it in later, as you can see by your other results it's an infrequent occurrence. ...I'd bet money that it was a client-side browser hiccup. But I think that I can detect it, in a fairly simple way... ...if I can detect it, I can calculate it out or start a new test. Thanks for letting me know, you really help by reporting things like that.
  22. First, what's your connection speed supposed to be?
  23. Hey, sorry for the delayed response. I'm deep in development. I can't wait to show you guys the new utility I've been building. The amount of useful network information it will provide is INSANE. It will be released to my beta users first. If you haven't already sign up for that... I'll update the beta users group and email them when I make an announcement. It's automated, you tell the server to inspect the IP and it builds you a report while you do other stuff. It then emails you the report and flashes notification that it's complete on TestMy.net. ... the reports are very deep and detailed. It's going to blow your minds. ...seriously powerful tool. It's going to make the Internet better. Anyway, on to your topic. Yeah, it happens. I try my hardest to detect that and throw you a new test... if you tell me exactly what you did when you started the test it might help me program a fix for that situation. It could be that the browser glitched, but I might be able to detect it on my end if that's the case... I just need to know how it glitched. Did you go back in the browser? Did you request the page differently other than clicking the links on the page? I removed the result, you can also do this yourself by clicking the X next to the result. I noticed there was a bug, I had a conflict but I fixed that button. It now also removes the result from all the databases... not just the main user DB. I was doing a trial on the delete button and it seems that the results being removed are genuine so I'm going to allow that function to delete from all the databases. I'm also going to give you multi selection options and the ability to organize your results, in my next major database upgrade.
  24. You're seeing the peaks but are you taking the valleys into account? btw... I'm working on TiP for the upload test which will show greater detail of what's happening during the test.
  25. I get this one often... I think that people research the attacker and end up finding information I have listed, then they use my contact form for some reason. Maybe they think I'm the ISP. All I know is that lots of people send me emails like the following. Hi Adi, You've probably mistaken the tool that's helping you research your attacker for the attacker. I run TestMy.net and have no connection to that IP address, other than providing information about who they are. You probably were researching the IP and found information like... Research IP Good luck tracking them down. I have to deal with hackers like that on a daily basis, I know your pain. Your attacker is from China, your best to find a way to block the attack; if you have a hard time contact your ISP. Contacting the attackers ISP in China (or Russia) is usually hopeless. Which is dumb because it degrades their network as much as yours... attacks usually take bandwidth, the Chinese and Russians weaken their own networks by not working with us. Probably about 90% of attacks on my servers come out of China or Russia. It's not because the Chinese and Russians are out to get us... the hackers are often in different countries tunneling in. Those countries just don't seem to care if their computers attack Western computers and networks, they don't do much to stop it. If you're getting DDoS attacked your host may be able to filter your traffic through something like Cisco Guard. I've had my host do that a few times for me, it does a great job. It allows good traffic to continue flowing while stopping the attack. Last time I had it enabled it was blocking a little aggressively and denied some genuine traffic. But it still helped to mitigate the situation. Your host should provide this for you free of charge. Stopping attacks like this makes their networks faster and better... they need to help you stop it, the data is flowing through the network you essentially rent from them. --- if your host won't help, find a new host. - Kind Regards, - Damon
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