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Everything posted by Roco

  1. Nobility , Sorry pal , back of the queue for you , I been waiting for 40 + years , The Average BB speed ? its only the average, for those on 8+Mb there are more on -I Mbps ,UK Adsl broadband is indeed a strange beast , Signal to noise ratio and attenuation is only part of the deal , there is so many other factors , ( hours of darkness , contension , stuck Dslam profiles ,etc before you get to your ISP with it's ofshore help , and the fact the Line is not owned by them , leading to the famous passing the buck loop , it can truly become the dark side of the moon , UK broadband is sold as (up to ) 8Mbps Max , the "up to" in the small print is the killer , and the usual locked into a 12-18 month contract don't help ,
  2. Bro, you are always wellcome to be a UK member ,just pay the back tax owing since the boston tea party
  3. the ADSL average in the UK is 4.2 Mbps download speed for most of us , sure there are folk running 20Mbps + , I guess living next door to the exchange helps , and those on cable ,
  4. Sorry Bro, you only got 3/4, minus karma points I guess computers never were , they are just a tool , " it's me Rugby sweat top ", and at the moment women are fast slipping of the list , The picture was inspired while clearing out a wardrobe , I had to blow the dust of motor cycle helmet , this year soon as the snow clears ..........maybe
  5. not wot I heard , and I got it straight from the horse ass mouth Ok , good to see some pics comming up , (at last ) How about this one for all the fanboys of shock and horror It's title "the 4 loves of my life" is the clue " , up to you to work out the 4 so who is it ..........NO, it ain't one of the Nolan sisters , youll get a - Karma ? thingy for that
  6. Was up ? , is the resesion biting ass that much that noboby is willing to say "Merry Christmas" , or am I being the usual dumb ass , and missed the topic , May you all recieve more than you deserve, Best regards Roco .....UK
  7. Roco

    Hey hey

    (I was right then "teachers pet " ................. , ) only kidding , I demand a recount , I know my rights ,
  8. Roco

    Hey hey

    You are young Nanobot , I just live in hope edit to add my Karma just went up a notch
  9. Roco

    Hey hey

    Teachers pet ? .
  10. Roco

    Hey hey

    Damit, I think I am caught in a Dr Who time warp, everything seems new , but Ghosts from the past keep popping up, LOL , there I was thinking there isn
  11. Indeed so . it's what killed my Mom ,
  12. WTF has clean drinking water got to do with global warming ? global warming for what ever reason , and is hotly debated , has no connection with clean drinking water as far as I can see the same rain never stops, lucky for us , but the way we filter and use it does , #
  13. I disagree Mudmanc in some ways, over population is puting a strain on the earths resources , breathing is not a problem at the moment ,although resportary problems are on the up world wide and should be a concern for us all .in my view we ain't helping the only planet we have , The automobile runs at a ratio of 1 part gas to 14.7 oxengen by weight,on average at cruising speed , think of a gallon of pertrol or diesel , then think of the amunt of air that would weigh the same , same goes for any power producing plant. there is no thing as a free lunch ,
  14. Thanks for the Info Coknunk , I just had a look at that system , it looks good , where does the citern water originate from ? , all of Londons water is piped , same as most of the UK , although some rural folk have wells ,
  15. No he never mentioned it, indeed his personal unit is new , I have never seen it before , the only other way to clean up water is to use reverse osmosis , it is a membrane filter system not allowed in Europe as the sole means of filtration , due to possible leakage and membrane burst , if that is what he is using it idealy would have a pre and post Carbon filters included , R.O. is used by the mlitary and in some food process , but those systems are monitored 27/7 I noticed he used River Thames water in the Demo , it's the same water that I drink , it undergoes a lot of treatment first though , some chlorine is added and it is U.V. iradiated , also uses the standard carbon/sand filter beds , the water is now good since the cut back on the Chlorine , sales of bottled spring water are falling fast , a good thing IMO, the empty plastic bottles was becoming a problem , and using valuable oil in their manfacture , Water ? it's the same water that dinosaurs peed , and we are still drinking it ,
  16. It isn't new technology , it's using activated carbon , most of the UK's drinking water gets that treatment after the standard sand filtering , or often included in the same process , the used carbon is reactivated , by heat at 800 c , it's a complex process , http://www.chemvironcarbon.com/en/activated-carbon-reactivation, I took a 1 year plant start up (commissioning ) engineering job there , what was new in the vid was the small scale personal filter system , I think for a small comunity a larger system would be more sutible , it could be flown in fast , and up and running within 24 hours , the only downside that wasn't mentioned was disposal of spent carbon , thats where all the nasty stuff gets held , BTW , activated carbon was an American idea , from Pittsburgh Coke and Chemical ,=Calgon Carbon Corporation., and known in Europe as Chemviron Carbon ,
  17. sorry I am late , (very slow Broadband ? )
  18. I am still clicking ,
  19. not for me bro, I value my neck higher, during the cold war I was working with the Rusians , just in case , I always like to keep my options open , I might start taking Arabic leasons this winter , ,................. --------------------------------------------------- A British helicopter used in Afghanistan was a "cut and shut" combination of two different aircraft, the Ministry of Defence has admitted. http://video.news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/British-Helicopter-Used-In-Afghanistan-Was-A-Cut-And-Shut-Combination-Of-Two-Aircraft-MoD-Admits/Article/200907315340696?lpos=World_News_Article_Related_Content_Region_8&lid=ARTICLE_15340696_British_Helicopter_Used_In_Afghanistan_Was_A_Cut_And_Shut_Combination_Of_Two_Aircraft%2C_MoD_Admits The front of the twin-engined helicopter is from an RAF Chinook, which crashed in Oman in 1999 when its rear blades touched the ground. The rear was taken from a former Argentinian Air Force Chinook helicopter seized in June 1982 during the Falklands conflict. The Ministry of Defence (MoD) said the helicopter was air-tested successfully and re-entered service in 2003. It disclosed the helicopter's past in a letter to Ian Sadler, whose 21-year-old son Jack, a trooper in the Honourable Artillery Company, was killed by a mine in Afghanistan. Mr Sadler, from Exmouth, Devon, has been fiercely critical of the inadequate equipment provided to British troops. ---------------------------------------- aparently The UK has 124 new unused Chinooks in store , no doubt they don't want them to get dusty , nothing changes , my issued Enfield rifle was 20 years old , 3 years older than I was at the time !!!!! well the Brit squadie took the Queens shilling , and I guess didn't read the small print , But IMHO if you pay the guy to get the job done, it is false economy not to give him the tools , ( Body Amour , one set between 3 , ) is an insult , LOL, on the apoligies to Kipling , The Brit military are trained to be polite , they always say sorry after they have shot you ,
  20. I last spoke to Reso in Jan. this year , he was ok, but busy , I was Resobotnics Apprentice , he taught me well , going back to those years , we formed the Wrecking Crew , aaarh, they were the good old days , a flame a week times when talking religion got folks expelled , and I thought getting banned for a month would make me look hard , I didn't try hard enoughI guess ! , Oh and not to forget the infamous members lounge , Regards Roco member 22375 reg. 2006-02-02 online 71 days 15 hours 25 mins My how time flies when your having fun ? ,
  21. Hi Destructionfevef , I was just thinking aloud , a dangerous pratice for me , it is inportant news, but I suspect it has been going on for years , I think the UK has 2 nuke subs one with a dent " Nuclear subs collide in Atlantic HMS Vanguard is now back at its home base at Faslane on the Clyde A Royal Navy nuclear submarine was involved in a collision with a French nuclear sub in the middle of the Atlantic, the MoD has confirmed. HMS Vanguard and Le Triomphant were badly damaged in the crash in heavy seas earlier this month." ( FEB 09) http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/7892294.stm , now that I do find scary , I guess the Russian Sub comander is now getting his ass kicked for getting found , "вы тупой идиот", *&^*%"$ !!!!!! .................
  22. :undecided:so where are the USA subs patrolling . I think it is the name of the game just my thoughts
  23. just a UK thought the Brit tommie has been fighting this way for a thousand years , for God ,Queen and Country . often it seems for the wrong reasons , edit to add link 'When you're lying alone in your Afghan bivvy...': British soldier re-writes Rudyard Kipling poem in damning attack on conditions By Ryan Kisiel Last updated at 11:47 PM on 04th August 2009 Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1204317/British-soldier-writes-Rudyard-Kipling-poem-damning-attack-conditions.html#ixzz0NGfapPPC
  24. Hold on guys I think Virgin media is a UK ISP only ?, if so sure you can get Virgin M. by either ADSL down the phone line ,or by Fibre optic cable , cable is much faster "normaly " , ADSL is affected by so many factors , line lengh, line quality. noise on the line (srn), deviloxo the 20 Mb looks like cable , and yes you are running very slow , but it might be your wireless set up , can you try and connect directly to the modem /router ? just to clear up that point ,and if so test again , BTW, my daughter is on Virgin Media , fibre optic cable . for the phone , TV ,and broad band , although her Broadband is limited to 2Mb , ( price ) she hits the 2Mb with no prob ,
  25. Roco


    ? at my request Mudmanc did me a big favor ,. I managed to dig myself deep into a hole on that post , how deep ? , well I nearly joined my distant cousins in Australia , it was that deep I think it's due to Tommie's and my charisma , ..............that they don't come back ?
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