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  1. Roco


    Hi wellcome Juliet , Tommie's advice is good , unfortunately there ain't no one click button to increase speed , more details as Tommie said would be helpfull , also is this a new problem or did it suddenly happen after being OK ? this speed issue is common in the UK , Up to 8Mb services is just that ..."up to " , Isp's are reluctant to do anything as they only rent the line from BT, that is if you have adsl using the phone line , cable is totally different , Regards Roco ...UK ,
  2. , well my XP pro box , does the same without the time for a crap , but I go along with the sandwich , :lol:I can do a ASR in 10 mins , the only thing that takes longer to add is the Reg edit , to get 29 running services up and going ,
  3. Maybe a good Idea , but I don't do porn , you either play the game or are a vouyer , IMHO if I aint up to the game I don't watch , Btw, I don't attend Rugby games for that reason , but I will admit to watching the Tour de france cycle race , just for my hero Lance Amstrong USA ., that guy has beaten the odds , and I am willing him on for a tour win ,
  4. I guess it depends where you surf , but avg free the old sygate firewall superantispyware c-cleaner Procces explorer ( just to check whats running ) the odd run with Hi -jack this and a monthly ASR back up, ( and keeping the original ASR (after a clean install ) on disk , well. I have been problem free for 4 years now , so I guess my regime works . but I keep a computer spare and online ready just in case
  5. not sure on your "This is what people want." ? do they have an option ,
  6. Dammit I thought this was going to be about proper tea parties , using the best wedgewood service , with cheese and cucumber sandwiches , (with the crust cut off ) ----------------------------- Imho America is doing fine , it's had a shock or two , maybe it was about time ? , things move on thats inevitable , maybe your new broom will sweep clean , it certainly looks like America isn't so isolated as it was , just my thoughts
  7. Thanks for the info Tommie , well my history at school got stopped short over here in the UK on American history ,( that still puzzels me after all these years ) so I can't defend the English view , but the new world was English , we invested heavy at the time as we did across the world ,. sure we was good at torture and TAX , it never failed us in the past , BTW, we don't do torture anymore , we find TAX painfull enough , , ........ ,
  8. Indeed have a happy 4th July , BTW , I would have joined in the celebrations ,but we are a bit short of TEA over here so I will have make do with some J.D. , All the best America for now and the future , Regards Roco....UK Hampton court palace and most of our castles are flying the stars and strips , this pic. from Scotland
  9. Ryan ,Bro I stand corrected , you are right , but were have those 2 honeys gone, ,... , is the testeroisn runny so high that only PIP can hold her ground , , no harm meant , just trying to flush out the birds, .wink.............
  10. , Yeah ,but , no but the gravitation pull will get higher, and we will all end up as 36 inch tall hunchbacks as Water RTB said "move one one pebble,"? dang I forgot the rest of that quote , I guess the same as Water forgot to log in ? , if Pip don't log in the wave of testorisin will overcome us all , and I can't wait for Tdawnaz to get back from her world cruise ? ???? , and share her pics, , So as the UK news anchor I will get back to studying the UK weather .dang me rain is forecaste again , thats 8 days out of 7 in the UK
  11. dang me Coknuck,I missed it first time look see , ( I have a 19 inch LCD monitor , it turned up near 3/4 of the page down , I run I.E 8 , I took it as a stand alone download, ( I have automatic download turned off on my XP pro ) ever since then I have had any aleration to a forum reply I make . not just on TMN forum jumping all over the place , or is my puter , anyone else seeing this ???? before I do a clean reinstall ,or remove IE 8 , ? otherwise IE is running fast and stable for me , and no I ain't looking at Firefox, I just been trying Firefox USB portable on a memory pen , it just reminded me why I gave it up years back, I place it in the same category as word perfect , Yeah , I go that far back ,
  12. :evil6:, , ............ not as far as they will have to strech the cables , , and think of the lenght of the ladder needed to service the turbines , "right Jenkins up you go , and don't forget your oxegen cylinder ," joking aside, wind turbines will F**up any star-wars defence , they leave a blind spot on the radar ,
  13. Hmmm all those big turbines at 40 ,000 ft will create so much drag it will slow the earths rotational speed,
  14. I cant answer for the USA , but the UK is only interested if it might go BOOM mid air ,
  15. lol, the point I am trying to make is licence key is not on the CD , all thats on the CD is a machine number generator , that links to the inputed key , and indeed keyfinders do the reverse Math on the computer and show the original key ,
  16. Me too bro , but you got to remember , phoning Microsoft USA , could costy more than a new disk from outside the USA , in th UK Xp pro is about 200 USD , Me,. around 120 USD , OEM's? you end up in a loop ,like the osselemebird and end ,up your own ass, even win 95bhas some value, 3years back a major |UK chatity |I was working for was running 95 , last year that took the bull by the horns and upgraded to, XP, lo they called me in , yep I come cheap , but had 5 years of Xp experiance , sory for the typos , ,I only had 4 hours sleep in the last 48 , , done and out from Roco,
  17. Err, it's a peace offering ?, the American Eagle and the Pagan Brit Unicorn ,and still part of our Royal crest , for my point, Mudmanc an me disagree at times , I guess it's a heritage thing ,maybe I see insults where they ain' intended , and same for Mudmanc , ? either way he will always have my respect , I hope he sees it the same way , Roco, BTW , back on topic, I am sure the key isn't on the disk, a limited is , but for valdation the full Lic key is needed I have legit XP home and Pro , I always write the key on the disk ,it's normaly on the folder or box , and easy lost that way I do that out of habit on all programs that require a licence key , I have Xp home that I dont use ,I put it on a spare computer a year or so back , got it validated , then forgot about the computer ( I scraped it for the parts , last year I put the XP home on my laptop, and it validated online OK , aparently there is a 180 day limit on the validation, I reloaded the laptop with M.E and gave it away , that was a year back, now I have a spare computer that is good for XP home and I am about to upgrade it to my X-p home disk, I just read you can only do this online so many times ? anyone any thoughts on the 180 days and limited # of times for a online validation , b4 I start ,
  18. Nah , just a minor skirmish between the eagle and the unicorn ,
  19. I would have rather talked this out in P.M. but as you are asking I will reply , you asked in the help thread , "how to find the lost key , was it lost ? ,I see no explanation from you how you subsequently found it . several members of the forum took interest in this topic , me included , personaly I spent about 5 hours trying to find the answer , I did a back up and reloaded a spare computer , and found that indeed what looked like the key didn't work , so I searched on google , and found a word perfect post on another forum,from back in 06 ,but then I ain't no Geek of Geeks , then thndr143 posted a further clue , and he was right ,
  20. Hmmm , I think , pot calling the kettle black.? I saw your starter post back in 2006 as I said "done with this " and no reply truly from me , I guess I saw the forum as being more than this , my bad I guess , I won't reply or make the same mistake again , Regards Roco ........UK
  21. indeed you are true on that, the unatended file may be the clue , but notice the legit key is near the end of the install , after the the polling of the computer system , why is it not at the start of the install ?, belive me there is a reason , ? as I said MS ain't stupid , , Bill needs tha cash $$$, if you beat the system Bro ,PM me BTW it's now 2pm UK and dinner is calling
  22. wel, I was done and out on this , and as I said the key is not on the disk , maybe ? microsoft ain't tha stupid , good to see you took my advise Mudmance 4, and phoned Microsoft, good luck with the legalities , The question ,is the key on the CD, has been the subject on many a forum over the last 6 years ,as I am sure you well know that so far no mere mortals have found it, BTW , lets clear the air here ,my comment " Bro , I think we are entering Hacker zone here " was a opinion not a accusation, if I was making an accusation it would have been done in PM, You got to remember Bro , I live in your tomorrow (time zone thing ) and contra to popular belief I need to sleep occasionally and the world don't revolve around EST, but good old GMT, (Greenwich mean time ) But my main point of this post , for those that found what looks like the lic.Key in the "unattended TXT folder" is no to rely on it being activation key , It Ain't GOING TO WORK , otherwise you will be kissing MS 's ass ,.keep the key safe ,store it in the family vault if need be , sure check it with a keyfinder , check it with the label , write it on the disk ,( I do That ) but don't loose it Just my thoughts fixed your quote
  23. Bro , I think we are entering Hacker zone here , and I have nothing to add , good luck on your quest for the key , maybe you should try phoning Microsoft ,? the may not have heard the tale of the lost key , done and out from Roco
  24. majic jellybean should show the correct Key , indeed I have used that key to reinstall XP on other folks legit crippled computers , I just read the key on the CD is a development key used by Microsoft developers working on the original XP , and being in TXT is not used in the XP install Beyond that "I know Nothing " apart from keeping ligit keys on paper in a non computer enviroment , LOL along with the title to my house , I sure aint going to pay Bill G twice ,
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