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Everything posted by ianonline

  1. uhhm yes? welcome to the community..
  2. yes.. changing values in your canopy page doesn't affect much..
  3. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=21175.0;highlight=coolbuster+20+steps click on that link to access the guide.. and by the way, just to forewarn you, there are no assurance or whatsoever.. this tweaks may or may not work... and this particular procedure is going to change some of your registry settings, so if you will mess up, i wont take any blame.. but base on experience there are no reported incidents with regards to using the tweak so go ahead and try it... so good luck.. it worked for me, now im running at 700 kbps average.. not bad for a tweak.. good luck dude..
  4. have you tried the coolbuster 20 steps? its a good start in making your internet connection a bit faster - as to online gaming you need good upload and download for that... so i suggest you stick with 500 D and 500 U or if you want you can have 600/400.... but first try the coolbusters 20 steps.. its here somewhere.. go make use of the search box..
  5. make sure that you logged in as administrator or root...
  6. its all about aggregate.. normal canopy has 1000 aggregate. aggregate means sum or total so in order for the settings to be changed you need to have a total of 1000 on both download and upload.. you can choose 800 for download and 200 for upload, a total of 1000 for both, then you save changes and you reboot your canopy... lucky are those people who have 7000 aggregate hope this clear things out. and you might want to check on other posts, this topic has been discussed already.. ciao
  7. you are always welcome.. now squeeze that brain and start asking question.. coz a wise person knows that he doesn't know...
  8. ei, welcome to the forum where everybody is an expert. you will learn lots of insights in here and will meet nice people too... they will even help you financially. ahaha anyways.. welcome to the group and you made the right decision!
  9. i don't have any plans of accessing other computers but my question is the opposite of this... i want to see other computers.. how do i do that? are there something that i need to enable on my canopy page? please tell me.. thank you....
  10. okay rabbyph thanks for the input, i'll be waiting for more of your post.. this will surely become a hit here.. people haven't seen this topic yet so brace your self. anyways, I'm going to try this at home... I will keep you updated or whatsoever. Thanks a bunch and welcome to the site by the way.
  11. how can you expect SMART to upgrade to sendfar when they don't even put too much investment in improving their service.. i heard sendfar is costly... But why not.. i would like to try it..
  12. i'll see if we have those in our kitchen. i'm going to try this at home.. thanks for the info.. Just for thoughts... if i'm going to put this on my smartbro antenna i should make sure that its constructed and attached very well since somewhere up there the winds are strong and weather is changing.. lol
  13. becman made my signature too he's a good guy!
  14. theres no better way to know other than trying it.. in that way we can satisfy our curiosity. good luck and keep us updated.
  15. i got a lock jaw while looking at "falls09" canopy page.. a 7mb aggregate. wow.. i wish i have an aggregate same as those. to falls09: you need to make sure you get high RSSI in order to take advantage of your aggregate. coz even if you will have 20 or 30 mb as an aggregate, if your Received Signal Strength is low then there is no use.. but 7MB is rare! better put it on auction..
  16. well i suggest you start downloading now, you got a long way to go.. seriously patience is a virtue.. try exploring... try other possible IP address..
  17. Yeah.. we got an EOP here.... English Only Policy which i believe is not that Hard to do.... I am a Smartbro Subscriber and I got several Canopies. I got one which i labeled as ROAMING PACKAGE. it got it's own SMART SIM CARD and a 3310 CP. I usually take it with me when i go camping somewhere... i just give the CC hotline a call everytime im using it to reset my connection. I understand that your frustrated with the service you're getting, but that doesn't give you the excuse though to go ahead and cheat... with regards to speed, i have a constant 70 KB/s downlaod and around 45 KB/s upload... im contented... though i can make use of some extra.. Thanks to coolbusters tweaking and some research and some upgrading and stuff... it pays off to read... do the same.
  18. you must be kidding me!!! :icon_pale: i don't know what a cayman is.. so what i did was look for it in google.. and geez. i did not even took more than 3 seconds to look at it.. i have to close the entire browser and right now i'm mildy feeling some discomfort.. i don't know, must be with its mouth or the color of their epidermis. I'd rather starve than dine with a lizard. lol.. and i would appreciate more if you won't show it. hehe..
  19. i think by default now smartbro technicians are asked to set the TCP/IP to and the subnet to after you are done with configuring the tcp/ip you go open command prompt and type in arp -a it should work. there is no such thing as being locked out from the canopy its just that probably the technician used a different address on the tcp/ip.
  20. i saw the iguana on the previous post and it sends some chill to my spine... that is a scary looking individual. i wish I'm as brave as you. but i'm afraid i'm not. In fact last month i saw a GECKO lizard inside my room and i was like freaking out.. when i saw it i was like getting some gun and shoot at it. lizards and frogs are really not in my "like" list... heres the recent me..
  21. hello momma t. just arrived from work. well basically the typhoon is over but the after effect is still present. Here in my place, (CEBU) everything is okay, family is safe, in fact last saturday when the typhoon striked, we were celebrating our fiesta, we had some games and did some crazy dancing, so it was all good. there are just specific places that are badly hit but not on the place where i am.. sad news though is that one of my neighboor the one who lives right beside our appartment was one of the passenger of the ferry who sunk. i'm not quite sure if he has survived or what... im praying.. so thanks for the concern and i really appreciate the prayers and cares... everything will be all right
  22. english please!!! You can start a new topic by going to the forums main page. there is a link that says NEW TOPIC...
  23. being scared wont take you places.. take the risk.. there is always this thing we call ReSET
  24. cnut is the one that you use to do the tweaks.. hehe.
  25. 3g is a bit expensive. .
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