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  1. If you are maxing the available connections then no...
  2. what kind of router are you using? It could be possible that all of your TCP connections are being used on your router so you are unable to create a new one to retrieve web content..
  3. In which case you lied to them so you have committed fraud.. The EULA reads.. Which means that quad core processors currently violate the EULA of XP..
  4. Are you trying to use it as a modem? If so take a look at this.. http://europe.nokia.com/A4144356
  5. yeah... That is the only thing that sucks about tigerdirect.. great prices before shipping.. You should have checked out zipzoomfly.com.. They offer free shipping on just about everything.
  6. I am sure they are.. the logitech stuff it built like a rock.. my 2200s are still working..
  7. It is off a server.. It is a Global Crossing connection..
  8. Might want to try clone-dvd mobile.. http://www.slysoft.com/en/clonedvd-mobile.html
  9. http://www.mysql.org/ That is the only place that I can think of right now that has solid info.. There is a windows version also..
  10. no.. but more reliable and will grow with your company.. plus it is free..
  11. You can ad hoc multiple computer.. http://compnetworking.about.com/od/homenetworking/ig/Home-Network-Diagrams/Ad-Hoc-Network-Diagram.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IBSS It is a one to one basis.. but the network is setup in a way so that if one computer know of another then it will act as the gateway basically..
  12. nope.. you can setup an entire network ad hoc.. the performance is not going to be as good.. but it is possible..
  13. If each has it own wireless card then you can ad hoc them together and create a wireless network.. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/expert/bowman_02april08.mspx That should get you started in the right direction..
  14. 2 GB seems to be Vista's sweet spot.. there will be a little advantage in games and video editing.. but with a dual core pc and 2 GB of ram you should be pretty good.
  15. yeah.. they adjust speed depending on temp... I cant really tell you why it goes from a steady speed to a high speed, other than the laptop thinks it needs it to keep everything safe thermally
  16. That is normal.. Dont worry about it both of my laptops do it..
  17. Alright so here is the deal.. May 11thish the Dual boot will be done. If you can think of any specific programs or anything let me know and I will do a basic setup once the dual boot is complete. By the end of May I should have a basic Apache/MySQL setup that can be deployed.. As far as advanced stuff goes.. here is what I was thinking.. A load balanced web cluster with Samba backend. So basically a total of 4 machine, a load balances aka director, 2 web servers, and a Samba/MySQL client.. With this type of setup you can easily serve well over 100,000 live connections..(Depending on hardware)
  18. Interesting comments... I personally will not run Vista any time soon. There is too much extra crap involved in trying to do things.. The other reason why XP was so successful was that it was an actual improvement! 98 and the BSoD, Blue Screen of Death, was one hell of a nightmare! XP took care of that, for the most part, and provided decent performance on existing hardware that was sold at the user level. Vista on the other hand has required manufactures to increase the performance of their already budget based computer to be able maintain the requirements that Microsoft has in place regarding what OSes can be installed. Personally I will be able to get a legal copy of Ultimate in May for about $40.. I will most likely buy it, just to have, but not install it.. XP is running fine.. One other thing to look at is XP 64 bit edition.. Remember all of the driver issues with the first A64s to come out? It was actually faster to run 32 bit on the A64!! It may take some to get Vista all worked out.. It is not as scary as you might think... I will have a dual boot guide by May 11th. You will be shocked at how much Linux can act like vista and at the same time out perform it.
  19. This topic has been moved to HELP! With Other Stuff. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19246.0[/iurl]
  20. Alright I have never used Fedora Core... but am willing to take a stab... Allow the computer to boot normally. Log in and launch a terminal windows and run the passwd command. Make sure you are not logging in as root! It sounds like you are because you should be prompted for a confirmation if you are changing a user password and asked to provide the previous. Swimmer@linux-mobile:~> passwd Changing password for Swimmer. Old Password: New Password: Reenter New Password: Password changed.
  21. Perl issue.. read this.. http://www.cubepanel.com/pdf/CubePanelInstallerDocumentEnglish.pdf
  22. The main difference between gnome and kde are not that big.. it is like the difference between dlink and linksys.. both, for the most part, do the exact same thing... It is just personal preference...
  23. I am a huge fan of KDE... The default installation includes XGL and Compiz. I am currently running KDE with XGL. It run awesome! However, get XGL up first and then run the updates. Otherwise I have had problems when I try and shutdown the machine from KDE X-Windows exits but then just puts me to a command line login. How to get XGL up and running on 10.2 http://en.opensuse.org/Using_Xgl_on_SUSE_Linux#Enabling_Xgl.2FCompiz_with_default_plugins_only If you have no idea what we are talking about..
  24. correct.. http://en.opensuse.org/Released_Version#x86-64
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