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Everything posted by Swimmer

  1. I have done this once before and have this setup at my home in IL with a Dlink to IP330.. Take a look at the image.. As far as DNS goes.. you can either enter the DNS server that your IP gives you on the router configuration page for Router #2 or enter With this setup you are going to run the connection from the Router 1 to the Router 2 WAN connection. This creates two distinct networks.. Otherwise you will be on the same network with just an AP.. However, with the setup you should be able to visit the site via IP address.. but the traffic inbound should not be able to come onto the second segment. If that doesnt make sense let me know and I will try to explain it better..
  2. Set the first router ip address to 192.168.1.x. Make sure that DHCP is off and the web forward is forwarding to the server. You are going to have to assign a static IP address to the server and to the router. On the second router USE dhcp and have the address be 192.168.2.x. This will place them on seperate network..
  3. Debian isn't hard to install.. If I remember correctly you have to have an internet connection if you want to install anything more than a basic command line OS.
  4. I went from Trend Micro 2006 to Kaspersky.. Kaspersky takes a little more time to set up but once it is it does a damn fine job.. I have not noticed any performance changes.. it is does seem to run on less memory though..
  5. I believe that it is by cpu.. not 100% sure though.. You would to read the EULA for the product to figure that out.. here is the kicker.. Hope that answers your question.
  6. damn Junerian you are getting a hang of this port forward stuff... One other note.. I am about 99.9% that verizon blocks port 80 on their services.. This is so that you dont run web servers and such.. There are two ways around this.. run the server on 8080 or get a dyn dns domain name and point it do a different port.. All you have to do is make sure that either A you are forwarding the traffic from the router to port 80 on the computer.. or just change what port the web server is running on..
  7. possible.. but more likely one of your filter on the phones is bad..
  8. I have seen this personally on the download test but not on an upload test.. what browser are you running when this happens?
  9. as Junerian pointed out you need to forward the port from the router to you local IP address.. You also may need to make sure that any firewall program is also allowing the traffic to be pass through.
  10. WPA for encryption.. You could implement that.. but it would be easier to apply an access filter on the router.. What type of router do you have?
  11. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=18591.0[/iurl]
  12. I would check to see if there are drivers for the chipset because that is what controls fans on laptops... However, I have not looked into the specific model in question here.. but it may not support XP..
  13. Yeah an account number helps.. but depending on how comcast has their network setup.. it could all be based upon MAC addresses.. so.. if the MAC address is already in the network.. then you could potentially leach..
  14. http://leapfish.com/domain_name_appraisal.php?url=cats-aquatics.com Domain for my swim team... Built the first version of the site.. but handed it off.. http://leapfish.com/domain_name_appraisal.php?url=intelfanboy.com Site that my buddy and I ran for a summer then sold for a hell of a lot more than that.. http://leapfish.com/domain_name_appraisal.php?url=itswag7.homeip.net My current dyn dns name..
  15. I would recommend DD-WRT as Tim said.. However, the installation on to a version 5 router is pretty advanced. I was able to find this guide.. http://www.scorpiontek.org/portal/content/view/27/36/ But I have never tired to flash a v5 router..
  16. yea.. when you upgrade your firmware you loose all of your settings..
  17. Yes.. we know about this problem.. unfortunately the only person who can fix it is CA3LE..
  18. The iso files are for ghosting computer when you get new ones or re-image ones that are broken.. The iso's dont really have all that much to do with the ability to gain different security access after all..
  19. Ahhh... That is the UPnP taking.. See if you shut that off it the problems go away.. You may want to chage to uTorrent.. it is a lot easier to setup and only requires the mapping of one TCP port to function correctly.
  20. http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/Actiontec/MI-424-WR/BitComet.htm that should help ya BTW welcome to the forum!
  21. I thought it was 21 for table games and 18 for slot.. maybe I am wrong..
  22. Wow that is pathetic.. 1) if your security policy is based around IP addresses and the students have the abilitiy to change IP.. where is the security? 2) My guess is that this is not a full AD environment.. I am still willing to guess that the computers have a local security policy that is pulled from the AD and then applied.. When you change your IP address, my guess, is that the computer is removing the old Secuirty policy and applying the new one.. Which would explain the 20 second "freeze" 3) It if is imaging in the entire machine from ISOs on reboot.. the change of an IP address wouldnt allow for dynamic reload of an ISO or image. Which is why I think that it is actually pulling an AD security policy. If it were re-imaging I dont think that the way your are discribing it would work.. Now that we have established that the secruity may be lacking.. I can provide you some details about your school's network.. So there is a datacenter for the entire school corp located some where in AZ that houses all of the servers and web access. The school corp has access to a Quest DS3 connection and is using metro ethernet and T1 as the distribution method from the datacenter. It looks like you may be running Novell's Zenworks as the Directory services portion not AD as I stated earlier.. See this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novell_ZENworks So now I am sure that you are wondering how I got all of this info.. Simple your IP address and the fact that your IT dept has published all of this info into their helpful what do we have segment on their website... BTW I am going to guess that you are connected to the datacenter via T1 not MetroE
  23. for the outlook you can set an option to leave a copy on the server that way both computer will get the email.. Otherwise you might be able to setup an exchange server and do it that way..
  24. alright so here is my tracert Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms router [] 2 18 ms 9 ms 10 ms 74-132-192-1.dhcp.insightbb.com [] 3 7 ms 9 ms 41 ms 74-132-0-137.dhcp.insightbb.com [] 4 15 ms 44 ms 22 ms 74-132-0-81.dhcp.insightbb.com [] 5 12 ms 18 ms 8 ms 6 * * * Request timed out. 7 42 ms 20 ms 16 ms ae-32-52.ebr2.Chicago1.Level3.net [] 8 * 33 ms 17 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Chicago1.Level3.net [] 9 49 ms 52 ms 54 ms ae-3.ebr2.Denver1.Level3.net [] 10 52 ms 38 ms 50 ms ae-1-100.ebr1.Denver1.Level3.net [] 11 66 ms 67 ms 56 ms ae-2.ebr1.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 12 248 ms 239 ms 220 ms ae-14-51.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 13 69 ms 55 ms 60 ms THE-PLANET.car4.Dallas1.Level3.net [] 14 59 ms 64 ms 76 ms te7-2.dsr01.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 15 78 ms 54 ms 90 ms vl42.dsr02.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 16 62 ms 66 ms 77 ms gi1-0-2.car17.dllstx4.theplanet.com [ 5] 17 59 ms 74 ms 55 ms 55.b3.1243.static.theplanet.com [] Trace complete. What you can do with this is see where your having issues with lag.. which can then be related sometimes to speed issues.. Also you can see how many hops it takes you to get from your computer to the backbone.. The backbone is the fastest part of the connection pretty much a freeway for the internet. If you look at mine.. the first 5 hops are all still on insight's network.. So if there were any * or numbers greater than 100ms.. I would call them because they can fix it or they should be able to. hop 6 is a router that is not responding to ICMP traffic.. Not a big deal is it is most likely the router that puts the traffic onto Level3's network. From there I am in Chicago there is one * on hop 8.. this could just be a fluke or a sign that the router is really busy.. however I am going to say it is a fluke because the times that it returns when it does reply back are under 100ms. After Chicago I head to Denver then to Dallas. There is one router, hop 12, in dallas that seems to be a little troubled. This router seems to be under a lot of stress right now and could lead to speed test issues. From there hops 13-17 are all internal to theplanet, the hosting company of tmn.
  25. are you just trying to sync two computers to the same accounts? As far as dyn dns there are two leaders.. no-ip.org and dyndns.com They offer the same service and both work. It comes down to what your router will supports basically. Windows XP vpn server setup.. http://www.onecomputerguy.com/networking/xp_vpn_server.htm As far as software clients.. I have always used the windows one because just about every VPN server supports it.
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