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  1. I am running.. that is after downloading the latest kernel after the machine has been up.. Have you tried the 64bit version? the x86 version DOES NOT support the athlon 64 CPU.. Yeah I made this.. It is important enough...
  2. what are the specs of your pc? I had an issue like this with an old ATI graphic card.. Can you get SuSE installed then it freezes on boot?
  3. damn that is a pretty decent deal..
  4. That is the only way.. IIS isnt that hard..
  5. alright the nvraid is going to be your problem.. it looks like SuSE doesnt like nvraid for some reason.. http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=608215
  6. I have not had any problems like that.. Found this http://forums.suselinuxsupport.de/index.php?showtopic=47702&st=0&p=205831&#entry205831
  7. Alright so in about 3 weeks I am going to be done with school... I have discovered some pretty sweet little tricks throughout this year that some of you may be interested in. I will eventually write up all 3 but just wanted to see if there was a want/need for one before the other.. 1. SmoothWall router with PPTP VPN server. Basically how to get a smoothwall firewall setup and implementing a VPN server that will allow any Microsoft OS to connect to the server with very little configuration work. 2. Advanced Web Server Installing a distro of linux and then implementing the software necessary to server modern web pages. I can also add in Team Speak and Vent speak software. 3. Dual booting Windows XP and SuSE 10. Pretty self explanatory. 4. Astrisk VoIP PBX Basically setting up an advanced VoIP call center. This will take MUCH longer to do since I have not played with this in quite a while..
  8. That is true.. the newer AMDs would out perform a Pentium M.. However, at the same time their battery management is still not as advanced as Intel's. However, just about no manufactures are offering Pentium Ms any more.. They have all moved to the newer core platform. If you take a look at the performance of an Turion64 X2, AMDs top offering, vs the Core Duo.. The Core Duo smokes it every single time.. The main reason.. AMD has never been a mobile chip maker.. AMD does make nice processors for the mobile environment.. But you will get better battery life from and Intel and better performance when you are plugged in. So... I would recommend a Dell or HP Pavilion dv2000t series... A bunch of my buddies are moving off their Dell, which are 3 years old now, and moving to the Pavilions.. I dont know why.. but that is what they are doing and the are actually pretty nice computers..
  9. Vista has an adaptive stack.. meaning that it is always looking at the flow rate from your computer onto the network.. It is more like the linux network stack.. So basically you dont need to mess with the TCPwindow.. because it will just change anyways.. http://www.microsoft.com/technet/community/columns/cableguy/cg0905.mspx enjoy.. or just read the first stick on this board.. http://www.testmy.net/t-18907
  10. 3 second search.. http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseandkeyboard/Download.mspx
  11. I would say it is not going to make a difference... what that process does, based on very little research, is dynamically, i think, adjust your receive windows for best performance. However, if you are not on a QoS network or don't have a bunch of PCs on the same network I wouldn't bother..
  12. Swimmer


    ^^ very cool... decent read a little advanced.. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/314056
  13. Alright.. Here is how I look at it.. there are two possibilities for this system.. Either some one will use it.. or it is going to be parted.. So that being said I would say it is worth maybe $300 - $450ish.. More info is needed to get a more accurate est. Here is how I break that down.. Processor = $50-$60. Since you have a 3200+ and didn't not specify whether it was an 939 or a 754.. I am going to guess that at the time you decided to go with the cheaper version, as just about everyone that I know did, when you did the original build. The 939 is worth more because some of the nforce3 250s support X2 processors that are based on the 939 platform. So if you have a 939 I you might be able to get closer to $70 for the processor.. as A64s are hard to come by now.. Motherboard = $40 for the 754, $50 - $60 for the 939 See the above.. it basically comes down to can you run the X2 on your motherboard. Graphics $100 - $130 Decent card being an AIW helps a lot! Hard drive = $30 60Gb is nothing these days.. You can pick up an $80 at a retailer for $40 or less when rebates are available.. Memory.. Since you didn't say how much I am going to guess 512mb.. Again depending on if you have a 754 motherboard with DDR or if you have the 939 which supports dual channel.. Also the speed of the memory is important along with the quantity. Sound: Sound blaster Audigy is too generic.. what version it it? An Audigy 2..? The newer the better.. if you are just running an old card it isn't going to add much, if any, value. Wi-fi: $20 Not much of a $$ influence.. Again there are too many place you can get them for cheap.. Keyboard/mouse: $10 Monitor: $60-70 Depends on the brand name.. That is what I think..
  14. hahaha... that is great!
  15. That is a good question.. It could be possible that Hughes is preventing VPN traffic on their network..
  16. Microsoft's network... I am assuming that you are talking about Print/File sharing? It is unsecure unless you secure it.. For the most part if you implement it on an XP Pro machine all client will be asked to authenticate before being able to see any files or use any printers. It is true that it is unsecure if it is not set up correctly... Back when broadband first rolled out it was possible to go into My Network places, click view networks, and pretty much see anyone who had File/Print sharing enabled and was directly connected. Since the popularity of routers, this problem has pretty much disappeared and the ISPs have taken steps to prevent this type of hole. As far as mcafee.. I think you can put a password on the network.. but the only computer that will respect it will be computer running mcafee.. Trend Micro had a feature for wifi.. in which it would monitor the traffic on the network to alert the "admin" of possible breakins. However, there were so many false positives that it was hard to administrate a wlan with computer running anything else other than Trend Micro. Ever time a computer would use the network an alert would be sent out about a possible breakin attempt.
  17. Alright.. so packet scheduling.. 90% of this time these will have no effect on your overall Internet speed. The biggest speed increase will be on the Local Area Network aka LAN. The only time you would see a Internet speed increase would be when you are using all of your bandwidth and some service was asking for more. Depending on how you have the service setup it would/could be possible to either set a ranking for the traffic on which services should have priority. As far as the difference on speeds, it could be as simple as testing with a test that is to small. The smaller the test the more "burst" speed you are going to have leading to an unrealistic results... The Comcast people are starting to see this big time with the new PowerBoost feature that Comcast is offering.
  18. Hahaha... this is going to take some time.. If I am disqualified, due to being a 'employee' that is cool, but I will still teach you something..
  19. Possible that you didn't set the virtual machine to have two cores aka two processors.. I am not sure why it defaulted to that maybe because of the speed??? I guess if you didn't set it up correctly.. it doesn't install a kernel patch that is needed for Dual core support..
  20. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19002.0[/iurl]
  21. Bit torrent is based on the number of hosts that are currently sharing the file.. If everyone decides to upload at really slow speed then your speeds are going to be really slow! So look for torrents that are seeded well.. Normally noted with an S followed by a #.. Most of the time legal torrents will be much faster than those off movie/music trackers.. BTW welcome to the forum!
  22. can you post a full tracert to testmy.net?? From what you posted, not sure on the OS, but it looks like there is a router issue just as you get transfered off of Insight's network and onto sprint's in chicago.. Which is a real surprise considering that Chicago is a pretty big hub.. You may not be out of trouble yet.. I was looking at the scheduled maintenance for the next week or so and there is a lot of hardware being replaced in Chicago right now.. I was unable to find anything for your specific router right now... but I am willing to bet that there is additional traffic on it because of the maintenance..
  23. Try adjusting the TCP windows on the Wifi controller..
  24. Well.. there are a lot of things that can effect speed.. Signal, modem, etc... When she said that you had large amounts of traffic.. she isnt talking about 60+ tests.. she is talking in the 10s of GB.. which would be consistent with a P2P program..
  25. I have never administrated an windows 2003 box without first vpning into the box.. That way all of the traffic is encrypted..
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