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:roll: I got clothes and cologne........Im the guy that pays for what everyone else gets.....LOL....... but it is fun watching everyone else get things they want and need, I'm lucky I don't wait for XMAS if I need or want something I go buy it for myself......just the way its suppose to be....OBTW I did get a cool novelty gift ....a key ring that when I cant find it if I whistle it makes a noise so I can find my f#$%ing keys....lol


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:-P rotoruda ,

You didn't get the check we sent from the collection we made for your new car???? Hmmmm I'll look into that.......good luck with the new ride, my Pops has the same car he bought new and I borrow it sometimes because he never drives it....its a nice car and I really like using his gas ...lol...  :)

8) Microwave

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