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NIce !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to see what it does  :)

me too, was going to go for the 2.9ghz i7 but good lord the price is out of this world for such a small change... Curious to see how the tripple channel ram does as well.. Think I'll just keep my current card (8600GT 512mb) due to the lack of a workout it gets now as well as my drive setup. Looking at the intel board but i kind of wanted to do 12gb ram (2x6).. Might have to go with the asus board, but dang.. $280 bucks for a board is.. a lot.

Intel business class boards are awesome, unless of course your trying to teak the shit outta the thing. Reliable, three year no questions asked warranty, among other things, I have a DG33BU w/ a 4600 in it, 2 gigs ddr2 , no bullshit on there like " you need this and that to keep your system running good" , and that thing flies like the wind, snap snap !  I know your probably into more then that , but I also have other systems, and the Intel boards blow the shit outta most of them. For day to day things anyway. How fast you like to see the local files load is one thing, milliseconds, gaming , thats another.

Intel business class boards are awesome, unless of course your trying to teak the S#!t outta the thing. Reliable, three year no questions asked warranty, among other things, I have a DG33BU w/ a 4600 in it, 2 gigs ddr2 , no bullS#!t on there like " you need this and that to keep your system running good" , and that thing flies like the wind, snap snap !  I know your probably into more then that , but I also have other systems, and the Intel boards blow the S#!t outta most of them. For day to day things anyway. How fast you like to see the local files load is one thing, milliseconds, gaming , thats another.

nope the current core 2 quad setup i've got is on an intel board, love them. Dont' play games- just a lot of programming. The drawback to me was only 3 DIMM Slots...

  • 3 weeks later...

I see ya have a Folding@home team do we have a Seti team too if so i would like to join i have been doing the Seti thing since 2001 of course have a new user name now forgot info on my original one I was offline for a couple years how i made it through ill never know

I see ya have a Folding@home team do we have a Seti team too if so i would like to join i have been doing the Seti thing since 2001 of course have a new user name now forgot info on my original one I was offline for a couple years how i made it through ill never know

  Well, since you've been gone so long, why not just start up w/ folding, I mean seti is ok I guess, but folding really has much more use, with every work unit you turn in, even one, they compile it with millionjs of others and do there mathematical equations to help solve medical issues.

Our team number is 44352 ,  tell me what version of windows your running, and I will forward you to the correct client for download.  Besides, our team really could use you, bigtime ! :)

I am running windows xp right now is folding able to use the Boinc manager ?? if not thats fine I will also be setting up my other 2 computers here in the next 2 weeks both xp both have approx 2.5 gig processors the one i have here is a 1gig laptop:)

I am running windows xp right now is folding able to use the Boinc manager ?? if not thats fine I will also be setting up my other 2 computers here in the next 2 weeks both xp both have approx 2.5 gig processors the one i have here is a 1gig laptop:)

I would doubt that folding would use the same client to connect multiple machines, they use what they call an"SMP_Client" for this. 

no I wouldn't think that what i meant is i will have 3 computers to have processing for me and my team so that will help I realize each would have its own packet or task to do but with them all crediting me and the team will be cool better than them just sitting collecting dust I used to use them for Karaoke and creating CDG's and recording and mixing my music. ok I got the # I guess ill just go to folding@home and get the software and get going on that :) thanks for the info

I think SMP is what SETI used before they went to the new system if i remember right hey ya never know maybe my computer will figure out a cure for cancer or some other condition and help save people or at least improve their lives :)

hey ya never know maybe my computer will figure out a cure for cancer or some other condition and help save people or at least improve their lives :)

EXACTLY !   yes ! Thats the attitude we should al have, because it is being done by genius's , interested not only in the genetical aspect, but the development of large scale peer to peer based computations in a controlled environment . For the advance in medicines, and cures of the human race .
  • 1 month later...

Folding @ Home has clients for single and dual core processors, as well as recent Ati and Nvidia video cards capable of running the CUDA programing language.  A F@H donator (like us) can configure multiple computer towers to work under his/her username and teamname.  Within each computer tower multiple CPU, GPU, and SMP (Simultaneous Multi Processing or "Dual Core") clients can be setup to work on different projects at the same time by the use of the machine-ID setting.  (See the FAH Stanford website for details.)  GPU clients get the most work done but also use the most electricity and output the most heat.  Folding farms have been built by a few businessmen and university's.  For example 10 quad cores in a basement, or 6 computers each with eight GPUs working on 48 projects simultaneously.  The average person might have a 1-2 computers running 1-8 clients,  But the amazing numbers come from the Stanford site saying 300,000 CPUs, 30,000 GPUs, and 40,000 PS3s are currenting donating 4+ teraflops of processing power for science.

Learn from my mistake: using task manager to close foldathome.exe will not harm the project as it resumes from checkpoint.  But closing fah_corexx.exe which runs the calculations will loose all those hours of work.

One man's story -> http://atlasfolding.com/

My Personal Folding

Glad to see your still involved in the project.  Myself I have to wait until they release another client, the last mac/intel proc client ran very hot, sure I was turning in plenty of data, as I use the console w/ flags such as "-local verbosity -9 , and I save WU's at the rate of 3 minutes. Using the verbosity flag will send completed WU's on a regular basis to in fact prevent data loss due to some of the things you posted. The 3 minute save helps tremendously w/ this as well.

But like I said, my proc temp was closing in on 220℉ , not good at all. After investigating into this in terms of the thermal grease, I found out that Apple had yet another flaw in such an essential area, too much thermal grease will allow temps to rise well past the die recommendations, and we all know what that leads to. So here in the next week, I'll be tearing my macbook pro to pieces to "re grease " the proc  :roll:

Off topic a bit I know, but I'll be documenting the process with pics instructions as I go. I'm sure this will help many that decide to undertake this. I'm actually looking forward to getting into the gutz of a $2700 macbook pro.

sound like a great guide muddy...hope u plan on submitting that for sure...that will be awesome

Yes I plan to, actually, if i care to keep the machine alive, unfortunately, I see no other option. But you know what ? I'm gonna have a load of fun digging into this puppy :)

It's a well know fact they had issues  (Apple ) w/ this, so this week will be the week Iv'e been waiting for. All i have to do is throw another machine together so I can still stay in my office, and connect to the outside world while this thing is in pieces.

  • 3 weeks later...

ok im going to start folding at home on my ps3. that should help the team and my scores. so...how do i go about setting up a username (which would be RyanS. ) ? and do i need a passkey for the ps3 version of folding?

The passkey is for username reasons only afaik, it's to insure that no one steals your points I guess.

  To set up a username, it all depends on what form of client your going to use, console or gui. So it will ask you during installation of the client. The testmy,net folding team number is 44352

<<<<< Is now part of the Folding @ Home team... Running a Windows 2008 Server 24/7 compiling the Data For Folding @ home.

I'm trying to figure out what <<<<<< means, but maybe I'm not that quick,  you mean yourself ?  and your not folding, but you have a server that collects WU's  ?

thanks mudman, i got it working and it did like 3 WU's total since i've had it running, but i had to cut the wifi off for a while because it was having problems....now i just need to figure out why my ps3 will get a 100% signal after setup for wifi, everything is correct, but it wont optain an IP address from my router.

thanks mudman, i got it working and it did like 3 WU's total since i've had it running, but i had to cut the wifi off for a while because it was having problems....now i just need to figure out why my ps3 will get a 100% signal after setup for wifi, everything is correct, but it wont optain an IP address from my router.

Just set it up static, can you do that w/ your PS3? It would be much more simple. I think anyway, takes the guess work out.

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