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Do you think we should continue allowing adult content in the Lounge (this section)  

45 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you think we should continue allowing adult content in the Lounge (this section)

    • Yes
    • No

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resop is right it's like locking a door...it says..."stay out, there's something really interesting in here that you can't see."...then hanging the key on the door knob. but the warning is already up...anad imo needs to be...but that's exactly why it needs to be somewhat tame in here.

don't worry guys...like i said i'll only post those if ur naughty boys and need to be punished...no need to pay me hush money...

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I did not see the vote post in time so i did not get a chance to vote i agree with everyone it is a place for the Mature Adults to hang out and have a little fun but full nudity should not be allowed there are plenty of places to find that stuff. And the jokes aren't bad ether

How about by invitation only like you would have to be invited to join the members only room ...like Gmail?

just my thoughts

tstillery :D

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I am not posting a compromising picture of myself in any location where my child is likely to see it.


Could you imagine...

"Hey MOM! I didn't know you had a birthmark in that shape THERE!"

I would never live it down.


They torture me enough as it is!!


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I think the big issue here is does TMN need this, and to what advantage is it if we do, you cant put big XXX's on the lounge, and expect underagers not to enter,

as a kid I explored a army range that said XXX unexploded objects, keep out etc.

so my vote was a no,

so you set TMN to be logged in permanently, I am sure many do on here,

so my kids enter the members lounge under my log in ,?

also I recommend TMN to many various people as being the best forum on the web,

so my maiden aunt joins and finally becomes a full member, thanks guys , I may inherit ,

P.S. how many Female members do we have ?, Just a thought,

IMHO I really feel this is the wrong way to go ,

Guys take a cold shower, then join the Folding project, you know it makes sense,  LOL

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Hi T. G.

Why , puter users are I guess more than 50% female, No I don't mean they cant decide theire preference, Ohh, Duh

Does TMN not appeal to female web users ? , if not why not , ?

is TMN too male orientated, to much male ego ,

I kinda like being with the true girlie's,

( my happy hunting ground )

Just curious ,

Roco  Uk

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I would hate to be CA3LE right now, which way to go.

A wide spread would have been much easier.

Either way,it seems someone will be unhappy.

As for myself, I will enjoy this section anyway.

Thanks again for the  Members Only Lounge CA3LE.  :notworthy:

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Actually we have very few posting regularly females, Roco.

that's because (from my observation) the females don't generally disclose their gender...the internet world (much like the real world) is very gender biased...now the guys r gonna jump in and deny this...but when a female has disclosed her sex in here...the whole tone of how the other members related to her changed...i'm sure it wasn't anything on a conscious level...ask eagle...she'll tell u (if she's still in here...i'm sure she just made a new identity because she still donates every month to tmn) and it was nothing mean...just different...that's just one example...some i've seen started out listed as female and later changed to male (and r still very active)...right now the ratio is at about 11:1...so there r plenty of us in here

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Hi all;Here's where I'm at on this.My vote no was partly based on underage members viewing.I would like to see some stats before we have another vote if we do.

1.How many members qualify for the  Members Only Lounge total ?

2.How many of those are under 18 ?

3.How many under 18 are about to qualify?

I know there are members who have children under 18 that at least veiw  & maybe use their parents account.I guess those parents would have to take this under their control if the vote is done again & changed to allow nudity in  Members Only Lounge.

I'm for a new vote on this because only 45 cared enough to vote & I bet a lot of the "Nos" were like me boderline.

tdawnaz ;I added this for you & other female members.Yes I treat you different here just like I would in the real world.I try to make that equal treatment but different.For instance I would not expect to go to the same restroom with you & take a piss together where if you were male I would not think anything about it.

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Members Only Lounge Rules of Posting

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~ Content Notice ~~ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please note, in this section profanity and nudity (in good taste and usually only in good humor) are allowed because it's out of the general publics eye.  Viewing this section of testmy.net as with any section of testmy.net is at your own risk per our terms of use seen in our legal section.  By visiting this restricted section of testmy.net you are acknowledging that you are of age to view such content according to any local laws.  If you are too young or don't wish to see edgy laid-back content then please direct yourself to our many other sections of testmy.net where this content is not allowed  (all sections of testmy.net besides the members only board are clean family content only).  If you do not agree with our terms and conditions then you need to leave because you will be in violation of the terms of use.

. . .OK ~ everyone that voted "NO" must realize that you did not agree with the "Content Notice" terms and conditions and if you are still here, you must also realize that you are in violation of the terms of use!!

. . .OH you @#$% out-laws . . .if we do have a recount ~ you better think twice about these gross violations of the terms of the "Content Notice" ~ lol

j/k (maybe)

. . .I think CA3LE was just testing everyone ~ lol

[violators will be asked to leave] ~ lol

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shaddup :P rom-dos...quit stompin ur feet...everyone has already read that...quit trying to influence ca3le... hahahaha

this whole board was (is) a test...and is still in the test phase...the thing is...what's at issue is what's best for tmn...and why would we even need to have a vulgar section...when there r so many other vulgar sites to go to...and most of u that voted yes want to restrict the body parts to be allowed to only female parts (don't even try to deny it) and personally i don't care...i just don't think it's necessary or in the best interest of tmn...

this section could just become a distraction from the rest of the site which could bring tmn down...this site has grown by leaps and bounds without pornography of any kind...as a clean well oiled fun place to be...why do we need this??? is the question...we don't is the answer...just too much grunting going on...look at the declarations thread for the members only...so much fun going on...and guess what...no nudity...

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ur an honest man donovan...u've got my respect

thank you...

I see this crap almost every day, and its just wrong that they get treated differently just because they are female.

personally i don't care...i just don't think it's necessary or in the best interest of tmn...

I'm with you on that one, i personally couldn't care weather its here or not, it will probally just end up getting me in trouble with my fiance  :haha: :haha:

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