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Should we continue to have a members only section.  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we continue to have a members only section.

    • Yes, it's a good thing.
    • No, I think it may take away many of the good threads from the other sections of the site.

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Here is another 3 day poll that will decide the future of the site.

As some of you know, this section has been added as a trial... to see if it has a place in the site.  I have seen many topics in this section that I beleive would be better in the Off Topic or General Discussion sections of the site.  My question to you guys now is... should we continue with this members only section or should we merge the current topics with the old boards and scrap this section.

I personally think we should scrap the section, I feel that the original point of this section has been lost and I'm afraid that the other sections of the site are going to be at a loss because of this section.

Please leave your input and at the end of three days the winning vote will take the cake.

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I truly enjoy it, it is a breath of fresh air. It might have gotten a little carried away, but it would be like taking away my milk with my dinner now.

I might cry  :crybaby2: and have to perform a funeral service.

Oh Mighty CA3LE, please don't.

:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

i say keep it. it's a place to discuss things that shouldn't be seen on the main site, not even in the off topic and a place for people to post to a much smaller and better known audience.

i think it will not detract from the main site once people learn how to distinguish between topics that should be launched in general discussion to be moved by the mods and topics that should never see the light of day and stay buried in the lounge.

personally i haven't seen much if anything in here as far as topics that couldn't/shouldn't be in the main forum...this is what off topic was created for...if this was just for adult humor...but what could possible be discussed in here that shouldn't be discussed/seen by everyone.

the search engines spotting us is what keeps this site going...and if we start tucking conversations away in a section that even the spiders can't see...it could be detrimental to the future of tmn.

i don't know...there's been alott of fun so far in here...and i've enjoyed it too...but as far as having a section to entice people to join...i don't think that's necessary...as a matter of fact i venture to say that most of the revenue here comes from non members "click click clicking" thru looking for something...some will come back and some won't...but probably the biggest reason people join is for the ability to log their test scores...huh?...sway me

I like this section. We don't have to be as worried that we'll do/say something wrong, and that the new people won't get turned off by having this out in the open. I figured that it was partly the purpose to post stuff in here that was questionable, and the mods could move it when appropriate...

Was I wrong?

I voted "No, I think it may take away many of the good threads from the other sections of the site." (among other things)

Any long time member (new members as well) has to ask himself/herself a couple of questions:

Why do I love TMN so much?

What makes it so popular?

Why have I been here for so long?

I'm sure it's because of the great atmosphere, openness of everything, and remarkable people whom you enjoy talking with daily.

  • There wasn't anything hidden or exclusive when I first joined?
  • A required post count wasn't mandatory to gain access to certain parts of the site.
  • Freedom was granted to all members and everyone felt equal.

This new "Members Only Lounge" section divides the unity of the community. Most of the topics here belong in "General" or "Off Topic" anyway.

If the section remains, I'll support it. However, the need for it is nonexistent.

I think these Ads showing up in OUR siggys SUX ~ unless your going to share the royalties with whom's sig it appears in.

I thought one of the "rules" were not to advertise commercial sites in your signatures!! ~ what's up with that now!

rom-dos...the ads aren't in ur sig...it's below ur sig...and it's very obviously a google ad...very plain and not distracting at all

aaaaand your not advertising in YOUR sig...ca3le is google advertising below your sig


I agree with OrGaN_ShIfTeR.  I voted No as well.

This is not what TMN is about.  If anything, this will only take away from the character of TMN.  It will act as a venue for members to post away, totally disregarding boards such as Make It Faster, Help, Guides, etc....the boards where TMN has claimed its identity as a technical authority on the Internet. 

The forum on this site is primarily a means of helping others with their technical needs.  We have already been blessed with an off-topic board...IMO this should be all that the community needs for social balance.  If you do not agree, there are hundreds of "Adults-only" forums out there....way (exponentially) more than there are technical forums, or even more specifically, Internet speed forums. 

I think it's time for a reality check.  This site has an identity.  Let's not lose sight of that. 

I have belonged to multiple forums in the past, some technical, some not....and I have all but abandoned my memberships there for the one I have here.  Social forums are bound to repetitious cycles, and become mundane and tiresome.  Sure it's a novel idea to this forum, but like I said, there are other sites designed specifically for this. 

The beauty of this site is that we are not bound to the same cycles.  We follow the course of technology, which progresses very quickly, and doesn't leave much room for doddling.  If we were to lose our vision on the technology frontier, I know that I would lose interest.  So I say, let's clean it up before it's too late and we get trapped in.

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