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a stupid post really isn't spam... it is what i fondly call post whoring.

a "post whore" is one who makes a lot of posts that contain little value, just for the sake of seeing their count go up

I do no such thing young lady... Hmph.  :tickedoff: :tickedoff:
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a stupid post really isn't spam... it is what i fondly call post whoring.

a "post whore" is one who makes a lot of posts that contain little value, just for the sake of seeing their count go up

:2funny: ........... I am done for , a new member has uncovered me ,

A post whore  :shocked:, *time to go back into hibernation me thinks *

now where is my book" Idiots guide to being a Troll "  :lol:

BTW , I live on Hampton Hill UK , and known as the fool on the Hill , :lol:

:lol: another post count for me  :evil6:

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a stupid post really isn't spam... it is what i fondly call post whoring.

a "post whore" is one who makes a lot of posts that contain little value, just for the sake of seeing their count go up

Just because it is full of humor, (humor has lots of value in this dried up planet) doesn't mean it is only to make the post count go up. I Usually am not paying attention to my count. I know where it is.  :evil6: Way the hell ^ ^ ^ there. And I ain't anybodies whore that I know of. Well maybe for a girl or 2. :kiss:
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glad i could be of some help to someone :) roco my tushie pop

:2funny: ........... :whaa: ..........I just tried a google on tushie pop ,  :shocked:

Madam, I think HONEY would have been nicer  :lol:,  maybe I am a bit touchy over the term POP,  :lol:  , when I was 16 years old my dad still kept refering to me as" the Boy ",

so I took to calling him" POP" , we had a grand fight over that , he never called me Boy again ,  :evil6:

funny thing memory , I can't remember who I did last week , but that  fight I will never forget ,

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tushie pop is like a lollipop only the lollie is a tushie instead...

i apologize huny... :(

: :2funny:

Tdawnaz , :smitten: , ..........I was only kiding Honey , I can live with "tushie pop "

*I must try it on at work tomorrow* if I get a black eye the blame is all yours  :lol:

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i live in sweltering phoenix arizona...and my ac has been out all weekend :( 10 o'clock at night and 90 degrees out 89 degrees in my house...yeh it's hot...but it's a dry heat (24% humidity right now, thank u very much)...fuck that shit...give me ac damnit!!! now!!

:)  :smitten: nobody better be naughty in here cuz i'm lookin for someone to take it out on...

hahahaha jk

luvin ya's  :smitten:

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