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Post ur Mug & Come see all the friendly people at tmn...and post your mug...

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Very nice xs1, go figure it'd be outside a Pub, eh?

Also, my company is doing this party in January, and it's supposed to be themed of 1920's and prohibition. As such, I am working on my best Kevin Costner from The Untouchables hair style.




[...]Also, my company is doing this party in January, and it's supposed to be themed of 1920's and prohibition. As such, I am working on my best Kevin Costner from The Untouchables hair style.



Looks like you've outgrown your incredible hulk underoos!

Big boy now I see :mrgreen:

  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...
On 07/11/2006 at 2:11 PM, tdawnaz said:

this is the new post ur mug thread...

post yourself first...then if u want...post ur family, pets, etc...

we wanna see all ur friendly faces


the other one (topic) was huge...so many cool pics of so many cool people...for now tho...sadly those were lost in the downtime last month...but ca3le may be able to recover them...if he does we'll merge...but for now...please repost 'em...here it is if anyone wants to look at the old one TestMy-The New-What do you look like-post your mug


i'll go first...my most recent



edit:oops forgot to attach the pic...hahaha


edit to add url


Visit the original thread with all the old images intact at http://old.testmy.net/t-16947  ?

Roco UK doesn't loose friends easy, still got most of the the early days pic's

been saving them  since my 56k dial up days & Win M.e

WHY , ? with the thought these folk might make it big  and become  indiscreet, and in my old age I could supplement my pension by blackmail , Doh, indeed  like the plans of mice & men  I failed again ,  LOL

best regards




  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
20 hours ago, ShakTib said:


Yeah still around , just waiting for the resurrection , or any sort of re-erection ,seems like the old pic's are  long gone , so manyyears later my latest pic




  • 4 months later...
  • 2 years later...
  • 6 months later...
On 4/11/2018 at 1:07 AM, tommie gorman said:



Danged eagles. Won't ever leave me alone.   :)


Almost had me fooled. I thought the Eagle was real for a moment lol




On 6/7/2020 at 10:01 PM, chinachin said:

It is an interesting thing, I am looking for impressive photos. kkkkk

Still looking? :P

  • 1 year later...


TADA and an FYI this isnt my car. My niece has stuffed animals in her window for instance the passenger side has a Big Black Rooster (insert inappropriate 4 letter word instead of rooster) in the window. lol

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