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ca3le was in a motorcycle accident...he's okay tho

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i pay close attention to guys on bikes...they're so little and fragile...and guys on crotch rockets r everywhere...zoom zoom...rrreeeeeeeeee buh rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

whiz...scares the shit outta me...

i pay close attention to guys on bikes...they're so little and fragile...and guys on crotch rockets r everywhere...zoom zoom...rrreeeeeeeeee buh rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeee

whiz...scares the shit outta me...

The only reason we are fragile is because of the drives around us.

When I had a bike ive had people get so close to me that i can knock on there window. My dad punished some lady's hood because she was getting too close to him. If other drives would pay attention, there would be a lot less motorcycle accidents.

i must admit that i succumbed to road rage twice. both times some jackass on a scooter cut me off. so he ended up with an explorer a foot off his taillight. one time the guy spotted a break in traffic and got away the other time he pulled over and let me by.

i must admit that i succumbed to road rage twice. both times some jackass on a scooter cut me off. so he ended up with an explorer a foot off his taillight. one time the guy spotted a break in traffic and got away the other time he pulled over and let me by.

:icon_thumright: awesome...if they deserve it like that i have no problems...but with people just doing it to be mean....thats stupid.

to be honest i felt stupid afterwards for doing it. the roads here are pretty bad and the guy on a scooter can take a fall pretty quickly. and that means i have no way of keeping my truck from bouncing over him. the problem with most motorcycle and scooter riders here is that they seem to ignore every rule of the road. especially the younger ones will blatantly run red lights and weave through traffic where they can. and in dense traffic it is dangerous because you always have to keep a lookout for some yahoo on a crotch rocket zipping around like hell on wheels. i know that i have nothing to worry about sitting in my truck but just the thought of mangling one of those guys is worrisome. even worse are the riders of non-streetlegal rigs such as minimotos, dirtbikes and ATVs. they ride around with what seems like no regard for even their own safety.

Hope you're getting well, ca3le. I've had more concussions than years I've been alive, due in part to the non-motorized bikes.... and that one incident with a cannon. Long story. :2funny: Moving on...

Get well soon and just remember. You only need one thumb to hit the spacebar. Hope to see you around again soon.

k...just to give u all an update...as of last friday...ca3le is talking right...yeh 'bout 4 days into this and he was talking literally like he had a speach impairment...anyway...that's all better...his head is fine...

tomorrow he has surgery to pin the bones in his hand...he has torn ligaments in his shoulder...is road rash is just about healed...best news is...HE TALKS!!...and as of last night he sleeps!!!

that's the update...

resop...thank you...

thank you everyone...thank you for your warm sentiments

at the time of my first posting...his speech was fine...actually it was maybe just a little slurry...and he seemed to be in a normal amount of pain and looking at he helmet, lucky to be alive...but by labor day...his pain was not tolerable and his hand was "crackling" when he moved it...his speech was so garbled that it was hard to understand him...that as it turns out is from what they call "brain whiplash" not a trauma that u can see...but by friday that passed...but his shoulder pain was getting dso back to the er...torn ligament...will probably heal without intervention...they just said "don't move it"

so yeh...he's got healing to do...and surgery today...this has been an unpaid announcement from tmn's ace reporter tdawnaz...for now signing out

So while Cable is a little   :uglystupid2: , we should demand extravagant things for the website  :haha:

Just kidding....I know the feeling of having your brains a little scrambled.

Hope you recover quickly  :smiley:

post some pics of his gear, if it shows damage done to it, so people that like to ride without it can appreciate how important it is.

My dad would be 6ft under if not for a helmet.  He went into the trees doing about 55mph, and basically it disintegrated his helmet, but somehow left his head intact.

No reason to not wear equipment..Unless you want to turn in your life insurance..

any update on Ca3le , ?

:lol: I gave up bikes10 years back , after 250,000 great miles , I took a corner far to fast , everything was grinding on the black top ,I swear  the gravel was beckoning ,so I retired from bikes and went back to flying , I have been told loving bikes is like being kissed by the devil , for me it was more like a blow job  :lol:

but the good news is ex bike riders make the best car drivers going , all the top UK special police car drivers are ex bike riders ,

thank you everyone for the well wishes...

he'll be back soon...he's having some tiny memory issues...not bad...just little stuff...

he'll be very touched when he sees all this...

his biggest issue right now is his lack of access to a keyboard...he's still having shoulder issues so it's painful for him to type with that hand and moving a mouse ain't gonna happen on that side...and the other side is still bandaged (combo hard/soft cast from his surgery) to his fingers...i took a picture of him last nite while he was sleeping...and i'm gonna shoot some more today of his bike and helmet...but i'll post one for now for ya'll to see what i mean...i've been over there alot...

it's been really hard for him to sleep...hard to find a comfortable way to put both arms...when he woke from this position...he was really hurting...i was in the kitchen and i heard him crying out in pain...but it's getting better cuz he's finally able to get some sleep and isn't taking hardly any pain meds except for ibuprofen

well most of the time he's not that big on sweets...i'll get him a pizza :)

i just thought a photo would help everyone understand...a visual to help show that he didn't just fall down and go boom...he's really injured...and the photo can't show it all :( ...wanted people to understand that he's getting better but it's taking time...

but it could have been worse...alot worse...so i'm thankful

k...thought i'd post some pics for u...

here's the descriptions...

#1. shows his helmet face shield

#2. again his face shield...as you can see his face would have been ripped off if he hadn't been wearing a helmet

#3 shows the top of his helmet...where the air vents used to be...ur guess is as good as mine, how those got ripped off...huh?

#4 this was some sort of protective peg that stuck out to protect ur leg and ur bike if u have to lay it down...got ripped right off

#5 again where that peg used to be...what would have happened to his leg if that hadn't been there to take the blow??

#5 just shows a bit of body damage...actually the bike faired pretty well considering

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