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When he was put in office he wouldn't put his

hand on the bible. Just thought you would like

to know.

Date: Sat, 5 Jan 2008 11:10:15 -0800 (PST)


     Not trying to be political but this guy with

     Muslim background and African ties (according to the church website) is a

     little too far out of the American way for me. Click on that website....



     mentioned his church during his appearance with Oprah.  It's the



     of Christ.  I found this interesting. Obama's

     church: Please read and

     go to this church's website and read what is written there. It is very

     alarming. Barack

     Obama is a member of this church and is running for President of the U.S.

     If you look at the first page of their website, you will learn that this

     congregation has a non-negotiable commitment to


     No where is AMERICA

     even mentioned. Notice too, what color you will need to be if you should

     want to join Obama's church... B-L-A-C-K! Doesn't look like his choice of

     religion has improved much over his (former?) Muslim upbringing.

     Strip away his nice looks, the big smile and

     smooth talk and what do you get? Certainly a racist, as plainly defined by

     the stated pos ition of his church! And possibly a covert worshiper of the

     Muslim faith, even today. This guy desires to rule over


     while his loyalty is totally vested in a Black Africa!

     I cannot believe this has not been

     all over the TV and newspapers.   This is why it is so important to pass this

     message along to all of our family & friends. To think that Obama has

     even the slightest   chance in the run for the presidency, is really

     scary. Click on the link

     below: This is the web

     page for the church Barack Obama belongs to:


Please also notice they are  Liberatarian, NOT Democrat as he claims!


     or Fiction reports that the following is what Obama states as his


     In terms of

     actual beliefs, Obama told Falsini that he has a deep faith "...rooted in

     the Christian tradition."  He

     added, "I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and

     that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are

     connected as a people, that there are values that transcend race or

     culture, that move us forward, and that there���s an obligation for all of

     us individually as well as collectively to take responsibility to make

     those values lived." 


     what true Christians believe!!!

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I completely differ with you generalizing that church and Obama in this way. Did you go through the website or just the first page?? These are Americans exercising their freedom of religion and expression. Or do you view them as otherwise??

http://www.tucc.org/mission.htm (What is not Christian here?)

Dont be so shallow in regard to the statement "non-negotiable commitment to Africa" - Read between the lines and understand the statement

LASTLY - you are definitely being political unless you again have a different notion of what being political is.

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Alright,you caught that one, I am being political.

Yes, I read plenty, they say they are Christian, but Christians are not supposed to be racial.

How can one be "shallow" in reading the statement "non-negotiable commitment to Africa" ?

What about the USA? is he not running for leader of the USA? Where does it say America ?

BTW , reading between the lines is being political.

Can someone please tell me (other than because this area of Chicago is horribly stricken with black  poverty) and he is trying to get he black vote), what the ties of Obama may be here? Who here is to think what a man of this stature and travels would be doing in this area? Google it, and look at the street view.  Other than campaigning!

Read this wiki!


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BTW, I really enjoy the e-mails about how we shouldn't vote for him because he's a devout Muslim and will destroy America and the ones like that talking about the Church of Christ he belongs to be radical and racist.

Let's make up our minds. Is he Muslim or does he worship Christ? 

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I wouldn't vote for him if he was the ONLY choice, but let's not get too carried away here, people.

Sorry to offend, but there s no need to be offended in politics, thats considered weakness.

I'm just shedding a bit of light for those who may have been broadsided. : )

BTW, I really enjoy the e-mails about how we shouldn't vote for him because he's a devout Muslim and will destroy America and the ones like that talking about the Church of Christ he belongs to be radical and racist.

Let's make up our minds. Is he Muslim or does he worship Christ? 

Now thats a VERY good question!  As well as is he Democrat, or Libertarian?
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hmmmm...and this is all just my opinion...all i can see is that maybe i was fooled by what i had read before...maybe not...??

maybe he WAS muslim...and committed to that belief...

but was converted 20 years ago to christianity...because he's been a member of that church for 20 years...

i don't see a problem with a church that serves a particular community...or has a strong cultural commitment to the congregations lineage...i'm committed to be proud of my irish bloodline also...but that doesn't make me bad or a threat to my country. and when last i heard we still had freedom of religion as a constitutional right

as far as the fact that he was one party and now he's another...who cares...politicians do that all the time...look at  giulani (and there's another one i'd never vote for...he's a shyster, a coward, and a liar) who cares

i won't vote for obama either...but not for any of those reasons...but for the fact that he will not put his hand on his heart and pledge allegiance to the country that he wants to be commander and chief of...how can he possibly take an oath of office...so yeh fuck that shit...that says it all to me about the man, doesn't matter what else comes out of his mouth or what church he belongs to or what his lineage is...i'd vote for mccain first

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I see his church as a black version of the KKK!

Geeze,  you do live in Kentucky , don't cha!   hahahahahaaa..........

i won't vote for obama either...but not for any of those reasons...but for the fact that he will not put his hand on his heart and pledge allegiance to the country that he wants to be commander and chief of...how can he possibly take an oath of office...so yeh fuck that shit...that says it all to me about the man, doesn't matter what else comes out of his mouth or what church he belongs to or what his lineage is...

  You make a point that millions refuse to address . Who cares what color someone is? But if they will not follow the 200 year old tradition of oath, WTF! : / Talk about giving America away........

i'd vote for mccain first

   Now you lost me.......... :2funny:
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why....i mean...i agree with tdawnaz...

yep i agree with me too :) ...and...i predict...those will be our choices...

obama - democrat

mccain - republican

probably with the others as running mates



yep...that would be my guess


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yep i agree with me too :) ...and...i predict...those will be our choices...

obama - democrat

mccain - republican

probably with the others as running mates



yep...that would be my guess


STOP IT!  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:    McCain? He has a chance on Super Tuesday. If McCain wins the primary, Obama wins in Nov. for sure.
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Sorry to offend, but there s no need to be offended in politics, thats considered weakness.

I wasn't offended at all.  :kiss:

I just didn't want people to jump to conclusions without knowing that those e-mails have been circulating for awhile now and there is only partial truth in them. That's all I meant, bro.

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The UK view ,

From The Sunday TimesJanuary 6, 2008

Obama emerges as a liberal Reagan who can reunite America


or fancy a bet ?

Obama now favourite on Intrade ( Ireland )

January 5th, 2008


My personal thoughts , Obama won't become president , the old racial slippage, will finally stall his chances, 

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Very true, Roco. This country has not yet evolved enough to accept a black president. Even if he was good for the country.

When Jesse Jackson and his partner Al Shapiro disappear and let the dust settle, maybe then. But until then they will keep it stirred in the blacks favor so they say. I still think they are keeping them bottled up with racism.

It is his Muslim side that has me.

Think for a minute. How would you get a president in if you were Al Queda? Other than in this way as Obama ? He has to be born here in the first place, and then from there he has to take on the american attitude. NO? So what clue did I or you miss??  :cool:

Saddam Hussein

Barack Hussein Obama

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tomme...i hope you are wrong...for our country...not just us....but for teh world....that would suck...

anyways....yeh...im against obama just because he wont be patriotic twards the country he wants to lead.....sounds like our country will end up with  fascism you can vote for....

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My personal thoughts , Obama won't become president , the old racial slippage, will finally stall his chances, 

I agree with you that despite his popularity he will eventually loose.

Very true, Roco. This country has not yet evolved enough to accept a black president. Even if he was good for the country.

Very True. Somehow, Somewhere, Sometime someone else is gonna cruise past him and leave the millions of Americans that would have wanted a BLACK president disappointed.

The whole BLACK diaspora is watching keenly how the polls and end result will shape up. And if the USA is such a democracy as it claims to be (the oldest) then maybe its a stepping stone for the masses that many seem to think he represents. I don't think him a to possibly be a BLACK president....just a possible American president !!

Black is just a color.....recently someone who thought otherwise had to quit his job..(Hmmm..I wonder who that biologist was :-| :-| )

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i will say one thing ...one simple statement...and this is my thought...which may or may not be true...just an observation...my view...

BLACK could be just a color if those that ARE black would quit turning it into something else...the mission of this church proves my point and i still say there's nothing wrong with that...

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When I said this country hasn't evolved enough to accept a black president, I didn't JUST mean that whites won't accept it. Right now, blacks will vote for Obama simply because he IS black.

Case in point-----Oprah Winfrey.

On her show, she is the champion of women's equality. She always wants what's best for women. Always supports women in whatever they choose to do. But when a white woman runs against a black man for president, who does she throw her support behind? Hillary Clinton, the first female candidate for president in the history of this fine country? Not just no, but HELL NO!! Sorry sister, but there's a brother running for the same job.  :mad2:

That's why I said what I said. Whites and blacks alike make it all about race and very little about what the candidates stand for. I refuse to be a part of that bullshit. I'd vote Republican in the hopes that Clinton and Obama both lose and maybe their supporters will open their eyes to why. Don't vote for a race or religious belief. Don't vote for a gender. Vote for the best candidate for the job regardless of the other crap.

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Hillary Clinton, the first female candidate for president in the history of this fine country?

nope not entirely true...there were others...one of which was Victoria Woodhull in 1872...the running mate she chose was a former slave...



she was a woman way ahead of her time

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